

there are 3 worlds, these worlds some how got connected to one-another and an all-out war had occurred between the worlds; until one day an entity appeared and some how stopped the war between the worlds. Many centuries has passed and this story about the worlds in war has turned into a myth of legend that tells about a Guardian had appeared to end this war. A Boy named Yuei Shiragi, lived as an apprentice of a dwarf in the world of Gimos. He was born without any magic affinity, so he was considered as the most incompetent. To make up for it he studied alchemy and magecraft; a branch of magic that doesn't necessarily need any affinity, yet having none is a disadvantage in many aspects. He then left and went to another world to study in a magic academy.

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2 Chs

The Boy

[A fade and unclear dream]

There seems to be a person writing symbols and drawing circles on the ground.

When the person finished the unusual magic circle.

"I couldn't tell what was happening, and couldn't tell what was the circle for, but as soon as it was activated, everything just disappeared."

[Woke up]

The boy sat up on his bed confused about something, yet he couldn't remember.

He decided that it wasn't important, and went back to sleep.

A dwarf shouts, "Shiragi!!!"

(Shiragi answers) "Yeah Boss, I'm coming" as he went out of bed and got dressed.


"I'm Yuei Shiragi and this dwarf is Staldveg Smed a magic craftsman, we just call him Boss, he took me in as an apprentice,

AND!!.. if you're asking, why are we working in this cafe?

Well the boss' wife runs this café for a living, and because of circumstances we don't get much commissions, in short we're like repairmen with alot of time"

[Break at the staff room]

(Boss)"Can we still call this a café?",

(Shiragi) "It's more of a Dinner, if you ask me". Shiragi while sipping a cup of coffee, (Boss) "You said it! hahahaha....(but don't tell my wife)".....

They were both quiet for a short period, but the silence was broken by the worried voice of the dwarf.

(Boss) "Hey, what time are you going to leave".

(Shiragi) "Well the bus will arrive at 9:30",

(Boss) "And how have you been doing, you only recovered recently",

(Shiragi) "It doesn't hurt as much, but I think I'll be fine", as the Boss's face filled with worry with anguish.

(Boss) "Okay, is everything prepared?"

(Shiragi) "Yeah Boss, I already packed my things, and I already fixed the proper paper work for the transfer, so all you have to do is take care, stop worrying about me, and take care of the twins like you've done for me"

Boss was relieved for a bit and smiled, "Yeah you're right, I fine now, but you'll-"

As Shiragi looked at the clock and it showed 9:27 and spat his coffee in the boss's face and rushed up stairs to change, "Crap I'm going to be late for the bus"

The boss wipes the coffee off his face and walks away to close the shop for the day.

As shiragi got down and left the staffroom.

He was surprised to see everyone there in the café telling him farewell and have a safe trip.

(Boss) "Since you've grown and want to go out on your own adventure, we're here to wish you luck", the Boss's wife (Esmeralda)

"Know that you're free to come back home anytime, but you'll have to call any now and then, and you'll have to be back for new year".

(Boss, with face filled with shock) "Crap, wait we maybe stil-" but was cut off by his wife saying that the bus has already left to the Airport.

Esmeralda then notices the man in uniform "Oh! you're still here, Gallahad".

(Gallahad) "Shiragi, told me to stay and work here"

(Esmeralda) "Oh! ok"

(Boss) "Wait! I got an Idea, Gallahad can you chase after that bus"

(Gallahad) "Yes, sir"

(Boss) "Great, I want you to go to the airport, and give this to Shiragi", as he handed Gallahad a box.

Gallahad then gets on a motorcycle, and goes to the airport.

The bus left a bit earlier, so it got a bit further away.

By the time Gallahad went after the bus, he was caught up in traffic.

[At the Café, break room]

(Esmeralda) "Why didn't Gallahad just got on a broom?"

(Mary, the female employee) "Broom?"

(Boss) "It's because this world isn't just like, Cielleim, flying brooms as a means of travel is still being introduced to this country, and some laws about it probably?",

(Mary) "Oh, it's a Cielleim thing"

(Esmeralda) "Now I understand why their aren't any others flying on brooms, but aren't we able to fly a broom, whenever we're going somewhere"

(Boss) "Yeah!, but he's a lot faster on a bike than on a broom, so he prefers it that way"

(Esmeralda) "Oh! ok then",

as Gallahad was stuck at traffic, he decided to take a detour through the backstreets while avoiding trouble, he later on ended up at a path heading to a cliff, which he takes the jump.

Falling into a forest of magic beast, which he out speeds.

[a few minutes later, he end's up at the airport first]

Shiragi gets down from the bus and enters the airport, but here he encounters Gallahad, which gives Shiragi the boss' present

(Gallahad) "Boss, wanted to give you this"

(Shiragi) "Oh, thanks" as he stashed it away in his bag. "Bye, thanks"

(Gallahad) "No problem" as he rides his motocycle, "back to the Dinne- Cafè."

Shiragi finds a sit and waited for his flight;

as his flight was next, he walked to where he duct the plane and had a safe flight. He got down and took a bus to Gimos-worldgate Station, this station connecting all 3 worlds (which are Gimos, Cielleim, and Marebis) through the World Gate. He looks around, though he can travel around the world of Gimos.

He just realizes that he neither has any experience going to another world, nor has any idea how traveling works there;

he then tries to find the people running the place, but he just got lost doing so; therefore, he just wandered around the station, until someone grab him by the shoulder and when he turned around he saw a very intimidating man (named: Kenkokyu Hayami) with a very intimidating face that clearly shows how pissed he is, saying in a frustrated tone "This is a restricted area, so ass hats like you aren't supposed to be here", Shiragi being in this situation, paniced and ran.

(Hayami) "Shit!, there's already crap that I have to deal with, and this shit had to happen, and on my day-off no less", he then chased Shiragi to a dead-end on a turning point. Shiragi then takes the turn, but when Hayami reached the turn he saw Shiragi charging towards him,

(Hayami) "Giving up, I see" he then reach out his hand to grub Shiragi, but he then jumped to the wall to his right, and then passes Hayami by the ceiling; when Hayami turned and tried to follow Shiragi.

Shiragi was nowhere to be found. Hayami then says, "What? How did he?", "I have no time for this." he then reported to the guards in the area that "A brown haired brat was running around the restricted area, catch him and keep him away from the rift with all means necessary, and if you don't, your all dead".

All of the guards then responed out of fear, and started searching for the said kid (Shiragi) as soon as possible, while Hayami had something to do with this mysterious rift?

A few guards are just running around, not knowing where could they find Shiragi, which is just hiding inside the restroom stall, one guard then enters the restroom,

Shiragi stayed silent in the stall, a long with the moment of silence Shiragi's heart-rate increses by the second.

The guard was only taking a break and washed he's face, Shiragi then realizes this was the case, and tries to attack the guard (as fast as he can), The guard turns around and sees Shiragi, but is knocked-out instantly.

Shiragi leaves the restroom while the guard is tied up and knocked-out.

He then tries to look for an exit, but is encountered by the other guards, He was forced to go to the other direction, he kept running and running away from the guards until he coincidently reached the rift, Hayami tried to seal the rift using his magic, he draws his sword and shouts out "Sword magic: Dimesional slash", the rift disappeared,.

When he turned his back; it re-opened and was unstable, growing larger by the second, but Hayami remained calm, he shouts to the others "Run! we need to evacuate all the civilians away from here and we'll find another way to close this rift", he thought to himself [It didn't work].

A white feather is seen falling to the ground. Shiragi gets close to the rift claps his hands and touches the ground "Gate".

The rift was instantlly closed. Hayami is shocked and relieved with this experience, but still remembers that this is the same "kid" he was looking for, so he grabbed Shiragi by his shirt when he was going to run again.

[Shiragi is then questioned about the turn of events]

"What is your name?" asked by the councilor, Shiragi answered hesitantly, but wasn't heard.

Hayami then shouts at Shiragi "answer the damn question", The councilor said to Hayami "You don't need to shout", "fine" Hayami replied,

"I'm Merlin Wolferd, how about you?" said by the councilor, "I'm Yuei Shiragi", (Councilor) "Then, what was your reason for being inside the restricted area", Shiragi then just took a breath and answered all of the questions truthfully.

[After everything was explained]

Hayami can't stop laughning at Shiragi "Are you telling me that you just got lost.", Shiragi replied "Yeah", Hayami laughed hysterically

"oh, so your heading to Cielleim." said by the Councilor, "yes, I'm heading to Windem University" said by Shiragi, "Oh, Are you plaining to join the Magic Association by any chance?" asked by the councilor, "I'm still considering it, but for now I'll enroll in Windem, since I got this letter of recommendation, and I need a diploma (In magic)" said by Shiragi,

Hayami then asked "Why not, I can just recruit you to join my squadron", Shiragi is surprised.

(Hayami) "So how about it?",

Shiragi declines and was asked why,

he answered the question instantly "I don't understand, but I don't want to have any special treatment because-".

Hayami said with respect "fine, then I'll ask you when you finally proven it to yourself.",

He then asked Shiragi "Oh, yeah what did ya do to seal that rift?"

(Shiragi) "Rift? sorry but I don't understand"

Hayami then shouts "What!?, then how the hell-", but is cut-off by Merlin, "you may now be excused and since it's just your first offense, you'll just get a warning", Shiragi then told them that he still doesn't know anything.

They then explained everything their is to know about traveling in the other worlds and their stations to Shiragi, he then thanked them and left.

[Merlin and Hayami was still talking]

Hayami asked why he was cut-off.

(Merlin) "It's because, it seem like he really didn't know, to me he look like he was possessed at the time." Hayami then replied "fine, I'll trust your decision for now"

(Hayami) "Damn, I knew that Haru's theory won't work, but I still went with it, its a good thing that kid showed up, but how was he able to shut that rift?"

(Merlin) "I don't know how, but when he sealed it a strange magic circle then appeared, craved on the floor?"

(Hayami) "now that you mentioned it, I think I might have already saw that circle before but where?".....

Shiragi then finishes his requirements to go to Ceilleim, he approached the gate and enters it, he felt slightly heavier yet surprised that this world, though is different from gimos, but still had some simularities.

[Shiragi then remembers what he was told about transportation]


"The bus in Cielleim runs on magic so its quite different, and it could travel around the globe because of the use of highspeed magic, reinforcement and some use spatial magic, since your going to Windem then ride on the their bus."

Shiragi: "ok"

But he then realized "Where do I get my ticket?",

a guard calls out to him "Hey there sir, How may I help you"

(Shiragi) "I don't know where to get the bus ticket?"

The guard then said, with a friendly tone "Right over there sir, it's a machine that gives tickets, all you need to do is put 50ceillion and press the button to the location you are headed" Shiragi thanked him and went to the machine, he inserted the money, (he already traded the Gimos currency to Cielliem currency), and pressed the button that saids Windem University. the machine then asked him to show his ID.

When he showed it, he was asked by the machine "What is your reason for coming?",he then replied "to take the entrance exam",

the machine then gives his ticket and says "Thank you for your cooperation. Your bus will come shortly, please wait at platform 18".

Shiragi went to platform 18 and encountered 5 other people, a portal then appeared infront of them, and a bus went through it.

Even though Shiragi was told about the busses in this world, he was still left speechless to see this was actually happening infront of him.

They all entered the bus, Shiragi was then surprised to see the size of the bus inside.

He then asked how many can this bus carry, the Driver answered his question "Atlest 200 people", Shiragi is shocked to hear it, (this is because the space inside the bus was expaned to this size while the outside is still the same size.), then he was told to take a sit and to take the entrace exam inside the bus, Shiragi was shocked yet again while the others actually expected it, the people that he incountered were actually noblility of different houses, one of them then insulted Shiragi "Why are you asking, SO many questions that clearly are obvious. What are you, a stupid commoner? haha", Shiragi replied "Yeah, is there a problem?", though it was just a simple reply the noble then felt insulted "oh it's nothing, mongrel" they then took their sits , the Driver then explains that he is also the instructor that will be over seeing the entrance exam and that "The written exam is given in the bus every year for more efficiency, and there's no point trying to copy other people's answers because the questions are not only scrumbled randomly, but some questions are different form the others, "besides you ain't got time anyways, because all of you has a certain time limit in each question and also you must also answer a certain number of questions at a certain time, but no pressure you can skip some questions so it wont count and those that fail to finish are instantly transported back to the platfrom they came from-" An alarm suddenly rang, the driver continued and said "Well, I don't really get paid for over time so bye, oh wait none of the questions repeats and if you reached the 1000th question your done, passing score is 400" then driver left the bus, but it still kept moving, and alot of them had already been transported.

Almost all of them can't keep up with the time limit and are failing left and right, Though Shiragi is pressured, but had found a way to keep up with the time limit by using reinforcement on his eyes, brain and hands to read, think and answer the question in a single second. (reinforcement is the type of mage craft that doesn't only streghtens the item, but also improves the items status including sharpness, durability, ability, effiency ,and etc. if used on the body it can become stronger, faster, and more efficient but if its overflowed of mana or if the user lost concentration the item has the posibility to explode or break down; same goes to the body).

Later on Shiragi finishes, the driver then returned from the back of the bus, and the bus has already arrived at the front of the school, he then told the remaining 50 of them to get down of the bus; explains that he was at the back keeping an eye on them and that it was apart of the test, that he acted to leave them to see if anyone would misbehave, and luckily none did so he just sat at the back enjoying his lunch. The five nobles talked and about how many did they answered. The driver then stated "almost all of you passed the five hundred mark except for one, which barely failed with one point." the five nobles then looks at Shiragi. "And today is the last day of the entrance exams, and here are the results of the written exam" the same noble then said "wow, thats fast. Already showing the results, well we already know that we passed so there's really no point looking at it" but his fellow nobles then asked each other what rank were they, they then asked him his rank, "Hey Lucious what's your rank" he replied "obviously 1st", but he was then told "No, It's some guy named Yuei Shiragi", Lucious was shocked when he tried to find his name, it was at the very bottom in 50th place with only 400 points. He then questioned himself "how? shouldn't I be 1st, wait who is this Yuei Shiragi", from behind, he hears the words "Wow, I'm first" and when he turned around he saw Shiragi standing there, "What?!!... a damn commoner, he must had done something, otherwise I wouldn't be last".

He then charge at Shiragi ready to attack, shouting "Iron magic: Rust Curs-" but was then stopped by the Driver, he then says "You aren't permitted to use your magic...Yet!, so please don't cause me any trouble" then exaplains that the second part of the exam is the magical and physical capability test.