
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime et bandes dessinées
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61 Chs

Chapter 4 (Mid Rewrite)

'Shit' Lex cursed in his mind as the first occasion to get rid of Wisp was gone.

Why did he attack in the first place? Because this place had the same feel as a place where he appeared after dying. Underworld, the realm of souls, a path to the light, or a fake state of post-death consciousness.

Yet so much is different.

Lex can feel that this place resonates with him, as if part of it is him and he is it.

Especially black stars lighting the cosmos.

The Wisp didn't belong here; his being was like toxic waste thrown into a river. It was never meant to pollute this place. Essentially, it was like trespassing into an absolute personal space, and as a bonus, Lex hated this guy to the core.

If this inner realm was similar to the Underworld, then endless possibilities waited to be explored.

Cassiel looked with his non-existent, but still working eyes into the red&black world.

Not counting their shades, only two colours were there; for a moment it appeared strange even to him. Especially this red, as it permeated throughout most of the space.


'Not this shit again'

"… Do you have split personalities?"

Lex was taken back by the question; it could only spell more problems.

"Many voices ring in Lexes head. Some even order him to m-ma-mas-mast-mastu… Ugh! play with Lexes willy when people watch."

"Even though your other sides are worthless degenerates, at least they won't harm you."


'explain it more, you sudo-intellectual!'

"Lex doubts; Lex needs more wise words. Wisp have more wise words?"

Like a shaken nest of wasps, it stings Cassiel in the most sore spot.

"Lowly worm, prepare to hear my revelations.

These colours are representation of your soul. In a normal person, the spiritual realm should have one colour, but yours has two. The red one is larger than the other, meaning it has more power here.

Let's assume that you are the black one. When the red absorbs the black, your consciousness will be gone, and the new one will assume control over your body. In short, you'll die.


'Like I thought another bad news…'

"Lex wants to know, Lex curious, how long it will take?"

"If your soul was in a state of balance, it wouldn't ever happen. However, yours is mostly dominated by the red…. I give you time…. Of…. 10 years?"

A huge bombshell hit Lex.

'I have only 10 years, if not shorter? The only positive thing is that it didn't happen like tomorrow or next week'

"Wisp sees something up?"

Both of them looked up, and Cassiel didn't see anything. From Lexes perspective, he is directly staring into three black stars

"No, I didn't see, What's up there?"

"Lex sees one giant pussy and two —"

"Horny rabbit! All the time speaking about intercourse. Is there anyone who could help you? I would gladly pay for his services.

You have wasted enough of my time. Now I'll show you a technique that I earned through many conquests of the weaklings. Yet this one is special, as I almost lost my life to kill its previous owner.

With it, you would be able to move your body and reach its full potential."

'I couldn't wait any longer; finally, specifics'

"We're in the spiritual realm; it has many strange rules, some of which even I don't know. One of these rules says that; what happens here will affect you in the material realm. If for example I say: you imagine your own body and then stab it with a knife, your body in the material realm would take damage"

'Spiritual realm, a material realm they are too long'

"Lex understands. Lex in Mind Space and Lex in reality are the same."

At the time of speaking he looks at his current body in the Mind Space.

"Wisp said that Lex looks like not Lex. How Lex look on the outside?"

"There, you're a 2 meter tall muscular man, with long golden hair"

'What? It's totally different?! Why? If you don't know why everything goes to shit, the only culprit is the stoner of a god! I need to see it with my own eyes!'

As Lex didn't say anything, Cassiel continued 

"This technique is quite simple. First, you need to materialise a Skeleton, Brain, and threaded needle.

This part is the hardest one, as you need to maintain all of the spiritual constructs.

Of course, it's not so easy as their bad quality will severely impact the end result.

Not to mention, because of your split personality, you need to make all of them from…. Colour that you like. Let's use red as it is the dominant one


'That I like? If I feel that black resonates with me, then if I made it from the red, I would be mind-controlled by the red? You piece of shit! You want to kill me? '

"The Next step is to use a threaded needle to connect the brain with the skeleton and the rest of the limbs"

'Wait…. I'm not the sharpest tool in the sheet, but why does it sound like I'm recreating the nervous system? It really seems like it. I connect my brain, where my consciousness is, to the skeleton, a representation of my body.

Hold back, I have another question: What happens if I use a black brain and red skeleton with a black needle? My power would increase, or that other personality of mine would gain partial control?

It's too dangerous to try it on myself, I'll use black colour.

Ohh… I would forget.


"Lex remembers Wisp's wise words about a soul outside of where it should be"

"You don't need to care with your sand particle-sized brain about it. The soul will adapt to the technique and gradually merge with the brain. The brain…. Do you know how the brain and skeleton look?"

"One time Lex was hungry, hungry very much, and Lexes tummy felt pain. Then Lexes friend Mark looked really, really tasty. Lex couldn't stop himself from eating sleeping Mark, when Lex bit him, he was cold. That time Lexes tummy felt really really happy — "

"Stop! I don't need to hear more, you filthy cannibal! You're a menace to society! If your mother knew to what person you would grow up, she would strangle you soon after birth! A vile beast following its instincts."

Every time Lex spoke, he lied; being a cannibal was the perfect disguise for his persona.

If Lex said "I know it from a book" or "I study medicine" it would blow away his disguise of a moronic, easy-to-manipulate dunce from a village

It's only an explanation of how a medieval peasant would know how the human brain and skeleton look.

In old times, before The Enlightenment era, no one really knew how the human body looked inside; only with sections and progress in technology did it change.

There were a few exceptions, like psychopaths interested in the flesh, but such cases were sparse and between

On Earth, Lex used his brain implant to search for knowledge about a civilisation; it naturally contained such basic topics as human anatomy. More so, the technological progress of 2077 allowed for instant scans of body parts, allowing for a perfect 3D replica. If AI didn't make human labour obsolete, doctors in training could use these 3D models for training in VR, effectively replicating brains with tumour and performing surgery on them in a controlled, safe environment.

Lex began to manifest all parts of the brain:

Frontal Lobe, Cerebral Cortex, Central Sulcus, Parietal Lobe….

And finally, Brain Stem to connects them all.

A real human brain manifested from dark matter, and its quality was unprecedented.

Wisp has flown to the brain to take a better view. He flowed around it, examining every part.

There was nothing different from the real one.

"Amazing…. I believe you harvested your own brain to put it there. Next, do the skeleton."

Lex felt this brain weighting over his mind; literally it was mentally tiring.

When it came to the skeleton, he began with the skull.

Lex supposed that he would need to put the brain into a skeleton, so he made a skull directly on top of the brain.

It didn't take long to make a perfect white skull, then the spine was made from 33 Vertebrae forming a spinal column. Following were limbs, and last but not least, the thorax.

The 206 bones created a construct of a skeleton. While an adult human has from 206 to 213 bones. Lex goes for the easier option, as they are easier to manifest, but even less of them are still heavily taxing his mentality.

Keeping these two real constructs is many times more tiring than one.

Then Lex made a threaded needle; it was quite an easy job if he made it first —

— Yet he succeeded.

Wisp seeing it didn't waste time.

"Now! Use a needle to stab the brain, then connect it with your right hand!"

'Ghh. only hand?! I'll do them all! '

Lex flew beneath the jaw needle and stabbed the lover part of the brain, This so-called Medulla as it connects the bottom-most part of the brain with the spinal cord. The key conduit for nerve signals!

Then, with blitzing speed, the needle flew through the spine, to the shoulder, then the upper arm, the lower arm, and finally at one of the bones in the hand where it stabbed.

Lex cut the thread.

"Now shout harden!"

'Harden my dick!'

Lex threaded the needle while going for another limb

"What are you doing, imbecile! You're going to ruin all of your work! Say harden!"

Lex ignored annoying Wisp yelling at him. I stabbed the Medulla and connected the left arm.

At this point, Lex was on the brink of mental exhaustion, he couldn't connect both legs as it would take too much time.

"HAAAAAA!" Lex shouted to motivate himself, and then —

— needle and thread split in two, stabbing Medulla, rushing into both of the legs.

With the last bit of strength, he stabbed both needles into the feet.


The world appeared to turn red, as his soul began to flow into the two constructs.

For a moment, two Black Suns increased their rotation speed to restore balance.

Giving back the black into the red world.

When two constructs Overflowed with black, a shock wave flew from them, making Lex back off

In the end, the skeleton and the brain became one. Threads connecting both of them became nerves, fuelled by blood coming from the brain.

The brain attached itself to the spine, and the skeleton was born.

Like with the black, Lex felt a deep connection. It was a sign of success.

Skeleton then looked at the Lex and the Wisp flying in the air.

More blood spurted under the brain, and the skeleton made its first step.

Step soon made into a walk, then walk into a run.

In no time, the skeleton sprinted at the Lex.

Sprinted in the void of space as if he was on the firm ground.

'What's going on? Why he runs at me?'

Then Skeleton jumped into the air, reading its leg to make a flying side kick.

Its target was obvious. A wisp to the side of Lex

Cassiel barely made a dodge as the skeleton was faster than him.

However, the skeleton didn't stop after the first try, continuing the assault at the Wisp.

Wisp, overwhelmed with the fury of kicks and punches, was able to dodge every time.

Cassiel's experience with martial arts has given him insight to see every future blow coming at him.

"Primitive! Stop him!"

Drained Lex looked at the skeleton

'Wow, Nice, I already like him, but how do I call him? Jonny rotten? No, too generic, Albert Spinestein? Well, he has a brain, but something doesn't sound right, Indiana Bones? No, this IP should be left in the grave. Sans? Well, he isn't a short king, Dee Ceased… No! Basta, his name is Skelly from now on '

"Troglodyte, stop him!"

"Hee~ Lex doesn't know how, Lex stupid, Lexes head hurts. Leave Lex until it stops"

At that moment, he shifted his vision up, observing the black stars.

Stars worked in unison to return the world to its balance. When it happened, Lex felt as though his used mental energy returned.

Going from being exhausted to full vigour felt great, like a nice visit in the sauna.


Wisp evaded another blow from the skeleton

"Did your head still hurt?"

'It never was'

"Lexes head hurts a bit; give Lex another hour"

"Ugh! I told you to connect only the right arm! Amoe—"

Another kick almost hit the Wisp when he was deconcentrated.


'It feels nice when this guy gets interrupted, but it will never end. Cas really knows how to dodge, Skelly has already tried every possible attack. Skelly Stop!'

And the skeleton stopped attacking the Wisp.

"Wisp, are you alright? Lex only a moment ago could stop him"

"Amoeba! When I say stop, you should order him to stop! Why did you use black colour? It's clearly inferior to the red one, and that different word, you were playing with forces that you couldn't even comprehend!"

"Ooo… Lex doesn't know. Sometimes Lex does things that Lex doesn't want"

"Brainless beast… Are you tired?"

"Yes, Lexes head hurts very much, like when Lex, had fallen from the Sta-sta-stars on his head"

"That's why you should follow my commands, Split-head! Now this pain will last for many months. It's your punishment."

'Months? It didn't last even a few minutes.'

"Let's go outside; I've had enough of swimming in this swamp of derangement."

Lex entered a state of meditation, as his old body returned to the fetal position.


Back in the real world, Lex opened his eyes, and the morning sun had met him.

He intended to move his right hand, and it followed his will. While testing all of the fingers, he moved them from straight to bent. When it came to more complex movements, he didn't wait to test the most important one.

Lex bent all of the fingers, with the exception of the special one.

The middle finger.

"Now, I'm ready to conquer this world!"