
World Enemy

Lex is a ring fighter who loathed his present life and age, had spent years engaging in underground fights to earn enough money for a Brain implant. Upon his return, a cyborg ended his life.  Even in death his strong will and hate burned brightly. Cursing God and swearing vengeance, Lex found himself in the New World one year before the arrival of Nazarick.  The story is in the process of rewrite Gore will be plenty, followed by excessive brutality and low-hanging comedy. Death to a chicken and or horny MCs And the harem is only for Jirciniv.

MatMax · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 5 (Mid Rewrite)


Lex showed the middle finger far and wide. He didn't know what a great feeling it was to be able to move.

When he got off the bed and made the first step in the new world, it felt wonderful.

The room in which he is looked clean. For sure, the owner of the house takes great care of it.

While crudely made, it was clear that the person put much work into it.

Other than the bed, the rest of the furniture appeared to be smaller in size. Most interesting for Lex was a scribe on one of the walls, depicting a blocky house and a three stickman. The middle one was small, holding the hands of the bigger ones.

'Is this a family? I'm in the room made for a child?'

Lex came closer to the carving, touching it.

Inside the carving was dust, as if it had never been deeply cleaned to not ruin it.

From the accumulated dust it could be said that it was old, very old.



The sudden voice of the too-well-known, person surprised Lex.

Because of it, from his mouth came a sudden flow of wind that blew into a carving, scattering all of the dust on his face.

"How does it feel, to be able to move thanks to my boundless knowledge?"


"Don't speak to me! It was a rhetorical question, beast. Feel free to explore your surroundings; however remember, don't get into any fights; is that clear to you, Blockhead?"

Lex nodded while bending over; he did it so abruptly that it made him fall to the floor. Humiliating himself in the process.

He gives his 100% when it comes to role-playing.

"I wonder how you survived for so long, dumb people are always lucky. I'll be in you, if something happens, enter the soul —"

"Mind Space! Lord!"

"… Mind Space, mon-keigh"

As if not wanting to spend any more time with his dumb summoner, Wisp said while entering his body,

Lex stands up from the fall, not seeing the wisp, he checks something.

"Lordy lord, are you here? "

"Prick, are you here?"

"Yes!… this day finally came. A brief respite"

He came to the door, and when he was about to grab the handle and open the door something hit it.

There was a sound of a mace bashing on the wood.

Lex looked behind, left, and right to see what was going on, but nothing had come to his mind. Then he looked below.

"Ohh… umm… In the future, I'll die from the lack of blood, that's for sure"

Then he looked at himself: six-pack, jacked legs, broad shoulders, and arms that could crush human skull.

Then Lex shook his head to the left and right, not believing what he saw when a golden hair that came up to his waist came into his vision. 

"What the fuck! Give me back my old body! Now I look like these guys coming from the plastic factory… Nooooo~!"

His body lost the will to function as he fell onto his knees.

Lex had a mental breakdown, as he became the thing that he heated the most… a plastic man.

In the pop culture of 2077, these types of men were called like a popular doll made for young girls

"No! It can't be true. I'm not Ken, it ken't be trueee~"

As plastic surgery and growth pills became the norm, almost every man used them to become taller and more handsome. Attaining a physique like this was as easy as buying a pack of chips.

Some even overdosed on these drugs to become a 3-meter tall, muscular giants. Yet human physique was not adapted to such sizes, resulting in spending a few months to years in hospitals on an operating table as Ai tried to fix these mistakes.

For a few crazy people, it became the norm, as they would use pills to grow in size and then party all the time. When their bodies couldn't take anymore, they would be placed in hospitals to undergo many operations. After a hefty recovery, they would again take the pills, grow in size, and so on, rinse and repeat.

All of these were possible thanks to human stupidity and the free healthcare system, not to mention dirt-cheap drugs.

In some way, taking pills became the norm if you wanted to get laid. Yet Lex didn't do this, as he didn't want to rely on the world government, which promoted such behaviors. Attaining all of this for free didn't vibe with him. It's impossible to cheat nature.

"Fuck!' Lex hit the wooden floor with his fist. And the golden hair scattered over all of the floor.

'Ehh…. So all along, I was a typical Ken' Then he looked at his hair

'One time I thought about growing hair to this length; however, taking care of it was a pain in the ass. I need to breathe fresh air'

While standing up, his hair unnaturally leaned to the back, leaving his view.

'What?… I really need fresh air.'

Seeing worn-out leather pants and a not-so-better brown shirt, he came to them and grabbed them from the table made for a child. Lex clothed himself. Clothes were closely aligned to his skin, and with even the slightest wrong movement, he could rip them to shreds.

'Now I feel like I've left the creation screen and began playing rpg, too bad that Stoner put too much into the muscles. It's really tight, especially under the belt'

Lex grabbed the handle of the door and opened it; then to his view came the dining table, the brick oven fuelled by the wood, and the front door.

All of the kitchen was messy, to say the least, dirty without any kind of care, and those mugs lying everywhere. In comparison to the room that he was in before this was like the hut of drunkards and that room was a holy shrine dedicated to an idol. The stench of alcohol and piss was unbearable to his nose.

Lex came to the window, opened it, and the fresh wind blew away most of the odour.

An opened window gives him a sight of the outside. The location of the house made for a good view of the fields where farmers with hoes were tiringly working. Hoes mercilessly dug at the ground, finding new roots of weeds. When it came to pulling them out, weaker villagers used the cattle to solve this problem.

Villagers were working hard without a doubt, but one thing made him curious; Why didn't they use ploughs? Why make all of this work when animals can do it?

Did the price of iron was so high that the village wasn't able to afford it?

'They couldn't sell some livestock to buy the iron ploughs? Something isn't right.'

Lex came out of the house to take a closer look or even ask, as he was able to understand the conversation between two hunters.

"Welcome stranger; it's good that you were able to wake up"

Lex turned back to see a burly man wearing leather clothes, His black short hair with a combination of a square face, thick neck, broad shoulders, and lightly tanned skin made him resemble a bear. Yet one feature of his demeanor sticks out the most: a horizontal scar running from the base of the nose slightly below the eye socket.

Over the shoulder of a man was a bag with something heavy, as he needed two hands to hold it

"Hi, what's with that scar?"

"Scar? It's a relic of the past. How was your sleep?"

'Does meditation count as sleep?'

"Yes it was good, the bead was soft"

"Good to hear" The man said while walking to the front of the house. When he arrived at the other workbench to the side of the front doors, he had thrown the big bag at it and taken out its contents. It was a deer-like creature with one horn.

"Wait for me, as I'll be skinning this girl…" he said leaving for the tools as Lex waited.

Soon after, he returned with a set of knives and a cleaver.

The carcass of a deer looked as if it felt fear.

Then it began.

Hunter, in swift motion, made a precise yet decisive cut from the anus to the lower lip, then up the legs of the poor animal.

Then he grabbed it and threw it to the side. As a carcass landed on the other side, the hunter made additional cuts.

In no time, he had thrown it again, but this time high in the air.

As if wanting to show his skill, the hunter grabbed part of the fur and when the carcass was about to fall, he pulled it downward by the fur.

At this moment, the skin and fur have come off the deer, like all of the glue has come loose.

Carcass in the form of meat slammed at the workbench, and the hunter had taken all of the skin.

"How was it?"

"Superhuman!" Lex had come closer to inspect the carcass. After doing this, he was blown away.

All of the excess skin matter was still here!

'Impossible. It's as if he made two different processes into one. Skinning that was taking the skin/fur out of an animal and scrapping of any kind of excess fat and flesh'

Hunter put the fur on a wooden rod, as it needed to dry.

Then he came to Lex to end his work

"What's so special about my method that you are still looking at it?"

"How did you do this? Two entirely different processes in one?"

"It's nothing special, a method that I learned from my father. What's your name?"

"Lex Diethard, and you?"

"Ludger V… Just Ludger. Where are you from? A capital? Your last name is quite complicated. Di Et Har'd. You're a noble?"

"No, you get it wrong. Diethard is one word. Many people make the same mistake…" Lex said from a habit

"I'm the noble? You must be kidding me."

"Rally? You look like one. How did you get to the forest? And to that, naked?"

'Shit do I need to lie again? In the system...'

When Lex thought a window appeared

Info Panel +

Inventory +

Summoning and summons (1/1) +

'Fuck! Was magic stat! In this shit was magic'

A genuine look of distress appeared on his face.

Ludger, for a moment looked confused. 'Shit! Did he see it? I'll be uncovered and killed?!'

Then his face turned to a symphatic one "If you don't want to talk about it then don't; I understand. To every one of us, a tragedy can happen"

'Uff… he didn't see it. However, I still need an alibi.'

"It was a mage. All of these were his wrongdoings... he took me for his magic experiments. Everything that could go wrong, goes wrong. Now I'm stuck in this body, in a faraway land…"

Lex stopped for a moment to cover his face with one hand when the other one was seemingly wiping the tears, but in reality, this hand irritated the eyes. Soon after, fake tears ran across his face

"Evil mage did all of this to you? There were others like you?" In an instant, Lex continued

"… end then there was my wife Mark… Martha!…. But! She died in my eyes"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let Surshana guide her soul to the underworld."

'Surshana? Now I'm pissed. Why does someone steal names from Overlord? Somebody must be creatively bankrupt'

"D-don't worry, I'll be fine" Lexes eyes gradually stopped flowing with tears, and his tone returned to normal.

"How is this village called?"

"Carne Village"

'Fuck this person who steals and can't make his own names'

"Oh, and there is a girl called Enri?"

"How do you know?"

'It can't be possible... No one would be that scummy to steal even key character names… with the exception of that guy!'

"It's from the experiment… it was… memory?…. But then…. How?!" Lex grabbed his head, shaking it violently.

"Calm down. Calm down… " Ludger put his hands on Lexes shoulder "...Everything will be right"

"Where are we!? In what country!? Who is the current ruler, and how long did that girl live!? Tell me! Tell me everything!"

"We are in the Carne village, localised in the Re-Estise Kingdom, The current ruler is King Ramposa III, and Enri turned 15 this year "

Fake it until you make it.

This was definitely a phrase that could tell many things about Lex.

Lex tricked the hunter, and he gulped it down like a pelican.

'So I really got reincarnated in Overlord; Enri was 16 at the start, so I'm one year before the arrival of the Nazarick… Fuck. That explains why this system…'

System window opened again

"UGH!" Came from his mouth as his body became limp and fell onto Ludger's embrace.

Concerned, Ludger carried Lex back to his bed.

'Fucking sys… Shit. That's why this shit looked so similar to the character sheets... Yet this stoner tricked me by not programming the Race Levels and the Job Levels. The most important feature of Yggdrasil! Wait…. How am I supposed to become stronger? To kill that loser?… Is there even a way to do this?…. Cass... why did I need to rely on others? No outsiders should be included in my revenge! '

While being carried away, Lex cooled down.

'Fine, I'll play your game, understand it, brake it, and exploit the shit out of it! Every trick is allowed!'

Ludger put Lex in bed.

It takes longer than expected. The early chapters are so shit that I basically need to rewrite all of it!

MatMaxcreators' thoughts