
"This should be Interesting,"

"Woke up, fell outta bed, dragged a comb across my head, found my way downstairs and drank a cup-" I continued to sing as I got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing some leftover pizza.

Biting into the pizza I changed into the clothes I set out the night before, checking the clock on my nightstand, "01:59," any second now. My doorbell rings, bingo!

"Hello, Bravo 0, do you have your stuff together?" My step-father's assistant, Layla, asks.

"Yes ma'am," I say as I begin to walk towards the elevator

As we are in the elevator going down stairs there was a question bouncing around in my head 

"So why-er-how am I going to school, let alone a school in a human district?"

"You're being retired,"

"I'm what!"

"You're being retired,"

"Yeah, I heard you the first time! Now totally unrelated topic. WHY THE HELL AM I BEING RETIRED!!"

"Last night, your father and the alphas where talking with the human leaders, and we managed to come to an agreement with some of them, thus a peace treaty was born," 

"So that's what that was about," I said nonchalantly recalling the meeting, "But why am I moving to district forty-three, rather than district forty-nine, which is closer, and why today, you better be glad last night was a full moon," I ask as we get out of the elevator.

"Oh that's right, Alpha's can't sleep on full moons, can they?" she jokes, rubbing her chin with a grin.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't remember, you still haven't answered my questions,"

"Well today's the first day back to school, so we thought it would be best to send you now, and you're going to district forty-three to help out with its security," 

"You're being retired," I mock under my breath as we get in the car, slipping on my headphones I lean my head on the window and close my eyes.

After a while of a car ride, a plane ride, and then another car ride, the car pulls up on a large school, I slip on my binni cap to hide my ears, tuck in my tail, and open the door to get out.

"A driver will be here to pick you up and drop you off at the safehouse for a debrief, and then your new apartment, here's your papers for your classes, and here is your new cover, you know the drill. And one last thing, there is a home welcoming for werewolves at noon, the poster says there's a werewolf agent there to reassure both werewolves and humans about the past changes"

"Understood," I say as I take the papers and close the door. I begin walking up to the school, I look at the paper to find my name, Haru, really? I know I made it in the nick of time but come on. Looking around I see hoards of kids with their friends.

"Well, this should be...interesting," I mumble as a wolfish grin grows across my face as I take the first step up the stairs.

"Belle, wake up, don't wanna be late for your first day back to school!" my mother yelled from down stairs, opening my eyes, only to be blinded by the sunlight streaming in from the window 

"I'm up!" I yell as I stretch my arms and proceed to yawn.

After changing and getting my stuff together I walk downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table to eat, "Where's dad?" I ask, taking a spoonful of my breakfast, "You know your father, he likes to open early. Now, eat or you'll be late," she says as she takes a drink of coffee.

I live right next to the school, so after breakfast I begin walking. On my way there I see a lot of kids walking to what I assume is school, a lot I haven't seen before. Some I've only bumped into. As I reach the school I stop to look around, I see a lot of people. I noticed all of them are walking with their friends, well all but one, way in the back of the crowd, near the road as a car drives away, should I go and talk to him or, is he waiting for someone else. Why is he wearing a beanie cap in the summer?

I decided to just continue on my way, first things first, lockers. I need to drop my stuff off and then I need to claim my seats in my classes, as I make my way into the locker room I check my locker number.

I begin walking down the line of lockers looking at the numbers, "Twenty-eight, twenty-seven, twenty-sixe, twenty-five, twenty-four, twenty-three, twenty-two, twenty-oof!" I bumped into someone and fell on my butt, looking up I see the boy with the beanie standing above me, "Somebody's tired," he chuckles and offers his hand to help me up, "Sorry," I apologize taking his hand and standing up, "Don't be, I was kind of lost in thought myself, what number?" he asks "What?" I ask confused, "What locker number?" he chuckles.

"Oh, twenty," I reply as I look at the paper, "Well, it looks like your locker's right beside mine," he says, pointing to the locker beside his, "I guess so," I open up my locker and drop my stuff inside. I hear him close his locker and begin to walk away, "Hey, uh, do you want to sit next to me in class, t-that's if it's uh okay with y-you," I stuttered. Why do I have to stutter in front of people I don't know. I think to myself. "Sure, I'm new to this district so I don't really have any friends," he says with a wolfish grin, "See you in class," he says as he walks out of the locker room.

"Well this should be interesting,"