
wolfs wish

a boy who is strong and brave falls in love with a girl who is his mate...but she is entirely different from what he is.... what if she didn't accept him for who he was? It's a story of werewolf mating....a girl transferred to a place where she finds about unknown creatures existing in human form.....and also about werewolfs and mating........... what if all these are happening inside an old comic book which was never completed..... When the main protagonist is in danger at the verge of death....she comes to the real world outside the comic just to rewrite the story , where she loses her life...but before that she makes a promise to always stay with him.... will she be able to complete that promise??... will she come back?? Or did she really die??......... to find more about it....hope you join me in the journey of Dionne and vielen's love life with me...... ********************* the cover of this story is not made by me....so the credit goes to the original one who made it ................................... it's a fantasy romance...and the entire story idea is mine so hope you guys enjoy it thank you !! ( cute puppy face which I don't have hahahahah not funny ) - love flawless

its_me_flawless · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

chapter 2 : whats this feeling ?

dionne's pov

whats this feeling?? I am getting lost in his eyes...the way he is looking at me is making me feel so warm and safe . Am I the only on who feels this strange thing. If its not love then what it is?...its not possible to love someone that you have just met a second ago. "velien , you may take the leave now.." principle said while pointing out the door to him...so his name is velien...he slowly walked past me literally staring at me with a huge shock on his face...whats with that face huh?

wait!! me! in love hahaha....well he is handsome....maybe its a crush....its been pretty long that I have dated someone..yess!! I should! but ! lazy to do so....

"hey , why are just standing there dear? come sit down cutie "that old principle said while adjusting her glasses.....she is kind and polite but she was very rude to HIM...wait why am I thinking about him...slowly walking towards my principle I sat down handing over my forms...

she went through it all and said "you are a great nice great girl.....everythings fine so you can continue from the next class even though you missed your first session, is that okay?"

"of course yeaaa completely fine!! haha its just brother drama you know...funny right" I said while laughing a bit but she was silent not even uttering a single word staring right through my soul.....uhmmm weird....its getting awkward I think I should go "okay so I-I- Uhmmm I- think I should go and find my class" I said ,where again I didn't get any response...''you are her!" suddenly getting up from her seat she said bulging her eyes a bit in surprise

"sorry- I am what?" I said giving her a confused face....

"uhmm nothing dear.....you need someone to show around our school?...you know its breaktime and its perfect!...uhmm he will also lead to your next class...." she said while wrapping her one of the hands behind me....soon agreed to it by slowly nodding my head coz you know...its a huge school if I need to pee maybe I would have to ask a google map for it...

she opened the door and whispered something to one boy who was passing by....he literally stopped there and stared at me saying "she huh?"....what he meant by that...I dont know...

me sitting right in front of principle without doing anything as she said to wait for someone who will guide me through out the day and she also mentioned that its only for today...

I was all bored and while spinning the rubics cube on her table.....hearing the door slowly opening and I don't know why I felt a sudden shiver and excitement...soon I turned towards the door....yeaaah its him...the dude from earlier....

I couldn't take my eyes of him....everything about him is my ideal type . wait!! is he a mafia or something well I don't care but he looks like one though.....the one that we see in comic books all...what am I even thinking, like him and me ? funny!....he was staring at me with his warm green eyes making me all shy , slowly I adjusted my hair behind my ear and biting my lips , looking down....

"don't do that" he said while sweating a bit....which put me in all confused...."what-" I said which principle soon cuts it off by saying "okay great....velien you have to give her a tour of this school....and lead her to the class too.....and don't tease her she is new , I need her , is that okay? also its not a request son" wait did she just said son.....so its his mother.....that's a real twist right there...

the idea is so great...like~ me with him all day it would be so fun...I can get to know him more~ but it was not appealing to him he asked why and looked at me with an annoyed face saying..."such a- " I don't know what he meant because he didn't finish saying his last part instead he scrubbed his head....then what was all that staring huh? I think its all in my head...I m so stupid to think of him like that...

well I just met him and I am not a kind that gets sad in these small things but the way he looked at me.....uhmm I don't know...such a bad day it is.....literally want go home and hide myself inside my blanket...

"are you coming or should I carry you now !" he said in a mocking tone...

I stood up making my dress correct flipping my hair back , I walked out of the class giving him an angry face....he followed me closing the door...

"where are you going madam ?'' he said....making fun of me....omg he is a annoying hot dude.....if he was not this handsome I would have punched right in his face.....god why am I so attracted to him...." I don't know? lead me the way" I said while stopping facing him face to face....but when we faced each other right into stairing through our eyes , he suddenly took his face off looking down and coughed a bit like clearing his throat, I don't know why he was sweating like hella crazy....

"where? to my bedroom?" he said while laughing a bit , putting his one of the hand on my shoulder....okay he crossed his every limit....he is literally gonna die from my hand....I took my bag and slammed to his face...."OUCH-" he said and sat down immediately.....oh I hurt him...no!! is he in pain?

soon I sat while holding his face in my hands" let me see....I m so sorry! I didn't mean to-" while I was saying the last part I just got stopped by the way he was looking at me....and fact that there was literally a little space between our face till our lips touch, it felt like the whole world has stopped for us , it was just him and I....

he was staring at my eyes and lips again and again...coming a little closer touching my lips with his one hand caressing it a bit "beautiful~" he said....