
wolfs wish

a boy who is strong and brave falls in love with a girl who is his mate...but she is entirely different from what he is.... what if she didn't accept him for who he was? It's a story of werewolf mating....a girl transferred to a place where she finds about unknown creatures existing in human form.....and also about werewolfs and mating........... what if all these are happening inside an old comic book which was never completed..... When the main protagonist is in danger at the verge of death....she comes to the real world outside the comic just to rewrite the story , where she loses her life...but before that she makes a promise to always stay with him.... will she be able to complete that promise??... will she come back?? Or did she really die??......... to find more about it....hope you join me in the journey of Dionne and vielen's love life with me...... ********************* the cover of this story is not made by me....so the credit goes to the original one who made it ................................... it's a fantasy romance...and the entire story idea is mine so hope you guys enjoy it thank you !! ( cute puppy face which I don't have hahahahah not funny ) - love flawless

its_me_flawless · Fantasy
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8 Chs

chapter 3 : my mate ?

dionne 's pov


we were just admiring each other...that's where I saw his eye turning more darker...at first I didn't bother about it but when he pushed me back saying he is fine , I actually came to my senses....how is it even possible that our eye changes.

I stood up dusting off my pants... held his hand and pulled to turn him over as he was facing my opposite direction to hide his face...he was literally not making any eye contact just looking here and there "hey look here!"i said while blocking all the way he was trying to escape...

soon he got all angry and pushed me with all the strength he had saying "leave me alone !!" ....I fell down with a lot of force ,literally broke my hand...ahh!!! that hurts so bad.... I held my scream by closing my mouth with my both hand , crying on the ground , laying there...I tried my best to not make a drama but its just so painfull....and seeing him all angry with me ,made it worse....

while laying there in a round snail shape I felt warm hands around me..."I m sorry....let me see..." he said while taking my hands on his giving it a small soft massage "is that really painfull ? did I hurt you bad?" he said while looking at my reddish wound which was turning a little black.....he soon turned towards me and I saw tears dripping down....."it fine" I said...wiping down his tears , I was literally in his arms and in the hallway also forgot that many people were actually staring and taking photos of us....

soon I jumped off from his hands and stood there seeing many people looking at me with jealous and some with excitement and many others who were coughing...I couldn't help it but I don't know why I felt my head getting heavy and dizzy and I fell down...maybe its because I injured my hands , maybe because there were many people and it was suffocating for me.....I don't know , its just the last thing I saw was him which made me feel really safe...

vilien's pov

what a boring day...I got held by the principle for making a small fight again!....only small injury happened to him...maybe not that small...just his legs and hands were broken also he had to shave his head because of the head wound but he is alive so what's the problem....

getting all the scolding from the principle which is also my mom....suddenly out of nowhere I smelt the most beautiful scent ever....what's this smell...its uhmm its- its.. a strong smell of lavender and uhmm..... chocolate?

door opens clinking the hanging thing in front of the door making small noises I saw the most beautiful women I have ever seen walking in....her beautiful long black hair and her gorgeous looking brown eyes with a plumpy small lips....her pale little face was just like a goddess....shit! I cant take my eyes off her...she is just perfect...

~may I-~ she said.....that was most sweetest sound I have ever heard...she was holding lot paper and files at which i saw her name..dionne grey~

just beautiful like she is....." you may take the leave now..."my mom ordered me who is the principle said....why would she do that...I want to stay right here.....looking over to my mom , she was giving me a straight death stare to get the fuck out....god she is scary!

while passing by I looked over her.....she was staring me too...I can see the desire in her precious eyes with dark lashes....while going outside the room I noticed moon carved on her back...wait I have seen that somewhere....

walking down the hallway suddenly all start making sense yes! she is my mate! goddess I found her! the most beautiful women is my better half...wait is she a human!.....how is that even possible? and the moon that's only seen in the ancient gang of many worshippers of the moon goddess.....that means her ancestor knows about us...

but I know what would she feel if I turn into a wolf right in front of her...she will probably scream and die right in that exact spot....this is going to be hard but I miss her already...should I go in and just check on her , no! it would be really weird if I did that.....

all these messing my handsome head while some orange air boy came and said that my old lady is looking for me for giving a tour to the new girl....wait! the new girl you said...

"the one with the long long hair and the most gorgeous face?" I asked him...

"yeaaah that one! and a nice ass too" he said while giving me a wink...

my blood was literally boiling at the highest temperature... I couldn't bare to listen someone saying about my mate like that..I would have kicked his ass and nearly beaten up out his soul...but he is just too young to get murdered by me...

come on control!...uhmmm I think I should act cool.....

literally ran there with all the speed I had , opening the door I saw my angel looking at me with those beautiful precious eyes.....she is hot!....like seriously how can someone not fall in love with this cuteei

when my mom asked me to giver a tour , well not ' asked '...it was more like her order....even though I want it.....but ordering me like am I a slave or something.....dude!! I am an alpha pack leader.... is just not cool.....I acted a bit rude giving my mate a weird annoyed face....maybe I took it little bit far....

when I said those mean things and looked at her like that...

her eyes where at the verge of tearing up... I can feel the disappointment and sorrow in her round small eyes....it was like she was deeply hurt..

walking through the hallway where I was following her...should I make a conversation...what should I say.....should I compliment her , if I get started its not gonna end because she is just the definition of perfection for me.

"where are you going madam?" I asked her just to tease her a bit.....

"I don't know lead me the way" she said...while facing me right into my eyes...my control over me which I was holding in was literally gonna burst out....I just want to kiss her and give her hug , keeping her by my side , protecting her...I just couldn't stand anymore so I turned my face away from her....

"where? to my bedroom" I said just to clean the air also to see her angry red face which is so cute....

but instead I got red hard slap on my face with her bag.....she just slammed it on me with all the strength she had I think..

its nothing to hurt an alpha like me but you know who doesn't like some drama and spices so, holding my face I sat down screaming a little bit..."~let me se....i m sorry I didn't mean to~"she said...while suddenly I can feel soft warm hands holding face , caressing a bit...I just couldn't help it, literally staring and observing how beautiful my mate is and there was very little space till our lips collapse

~beautiful~ I said...while her cheeks all turning red and her pretty eyes shocked also looking down my lips which is really turning me on so much right now!...

seeing her so close just waked up my wolf inside...I can feel me changing...and the first step is the eye color changing to a more darker color.....before I could lose myself I turned my face but I think she saw it.....

she tried to observe my face more and blocking all the way I tried go away from her.....

my wolf sound was literally getting loud and louder and I was trying my best to control it while from the other side her sound was also piercing through my ear with all the other noises around me.....all these were messing my head up...as I get angry easily even though I tried to control it but I couldn't so I accidently pushed her....

it was a gentle push but its a lot for human like her.....she fell hard.....I can see her pain though she tried her best to not let that cry go outside....she was holding her mouth turning back and laying on the ground without saying a single word....

I am such a bad mate.....did I hurt her again?....I don't deserve a pure heart like her....while these thought floating on my mind I reached over taking her in my arms....