
Wizards of Avalon

It had come with no warning the rage in its eyes brought fear to all man as I stood there grasping my sword knowing that any minute would be my last the carcasses of my knights laid upon and upon an open battleground A kingdom that was once full a song harmony and Great power was been driven to silence by A merciless beast that rose from the water a dragon the brought with him the armies of hell Scarred with wounds upon my armor my breath begin to fade slowly for I knew that death upon me Yet the carcasses of my man that’s laid before my eyes gave me valor and began to shout “ Come at me you merciless beast you who laid waist to my kingdom you who brought the armies of hell to our doorstep I tell you now oh great lizard of the ocean vengeance will be mine come at me end this now “ surrounded by merciless orcs there’s no hope anywhere a whore and begin to sound from the back as I stood there looking around my corners define with his heart was being sound I knew that the wizards had arrived the from the top of the mountain and a great light shined it self upon the field of bloodshed in the orcs began to scatter suddenly I cross my brother I blew my horn as they charged with 12,000 elves up on my side I knew that the tide of the war had come.

Juliusmartines872 · Films
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1 Chs

The counsel

Once upon a time in the high mountains of Avalon a gathering was taking place but not just any gathering but a gathering of wizards protectors of the northern borders and teamer's of magic , Consul to king Haggard ruler of the kingdom of Lunar It was a small kingdom but very large in trades In both emeralds fur and diamonds that were famous throughout the land One morning King Haggard was trouble By a visions he had a night before and new that wizard could be the only one to answer his vision as he entered the gates of Avalon he was greeted by low level mage named Melanie " oh good morning my king what brings you here this day ! The king being in such a rush ignored her questions and his Royal guard pushed aside and said" move aside mage My King does not have the time to answer your silly questions go on your way and bother us no more . As the king look back to see the young mage having a sadness frowned upon her order his guard to halt " everybody take a knee in front of me come here young one why are you so sad' The young mage responded " oh nothing sir I do not wish to disturb you with my questions ! But yet the king new the tricks of the wizards for even a young mage could have the power to destroy a dragon and cast a cures on those that do not show A pure heart my father the old king always told me to be careful of young mages " Listen to me oh young one go tell your master that King Haggard has arrived and needs to see his presence I have urgent news. As she looked upon the king she knew that he had passed her test and open the portal that would lead him to the council chambers," this way sire but your man will have to wait out here!. Walking along side the young mage into the halls of Avalon passing the great statues of heroes of the kings of old knowing the great adventures and portraits showing the great war of the iron age against the evil troll king Kagar"To the south that was defeated by my father and he had it evil army sent back to slumber with a watch late as we got closer you can see the tricks in Magic all around the halls suddenly she turns around and tells me " oh great king wait here my master Shall be with you in just a few minutes it was nice to meet you great Sir thank you for having a conversation" As she walked away my heart you get the pound once more for the vision I had last night showed up once in my head A great beast standing on top of the kingdom as I burned to the ground screams of people all over me . " thump thump " Woken up by a knock at my door chambers an old man dressed in great stood in front of me with a great white beard stood in front of me saying" king haggard what brings you to Avalon 'I bring news of a vision that I've been having and need the advice from the consul " ! Standing there with a strange looking as I turned around and said ' very well follow me this way the council awaits you in the great Hall's . Walking through the great halls of Avalon alongside this old man that appeared at my door dressed in gray with a lantern pointed towards the door I began to notice the pictures all around talking greeted me as they have already seen it once before illusions If you want to not be careful you can get lost in Avalon and never species again so the old man told me to follow him straight and not be deceived by anything that I saw as we appeared upon the door a great big door the old man turn around to me and said " King Haggard You're about to enter the great Hall of the wizards be mindful of your thoughts I do not leaders of a stretch for these Wiseman know if you come with deceitful intentions not to mention the oracle you met outside the gates the young mage

Was able to notice your pure heart give me into it sit at the round table for the gathering is about to begin good day My king !