
Wizardry System

Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge? P_atreon: pat_reon.com/jeffreytown (without the _ of course). Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/jeffdo

JeffreyDO · Livres et littérature
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89 Chs

Joining the Quidditch Team

Even after the class left, Hermione was unable to stand and continued to sit on the grass.

"Hermione are you alright?" Kristine asked as she ran towards Hermione.

"Yeah, I'm doing alright," Hermione said. "Just a little shaken that's all,"

"You must have been. You flew up at least 20 meters high! Anyone would be shaken. I think if it was someone else, they would've peed their pants!" Kristine said.

"I don't know how my broom went out of control though. I'm sure that I did everything properly. I-"

"Hermione don't think about it anymore. It was an accident. Everyone can have one of those. We're not perfect. I'm sure that there were plenty before you who accidentally went out of control before. It's not like just because you made a mistake today, you're not going to become a strong witch," Chris said.

"You're right. Thanks Chris," Hermione said.

"Hey what are friends for?" Chris asked with a smile.

However even though she said that Chris was correct, Hermione wasn't truly convinced. Even after she was able to stand up and was going to her next class, she still kept on thinking about the mistake she made.

However, she soon forgot about it during class.

During lunch, Chris was eating with Hermione and Kristine and talking about their Transfiguration homework until Professor Flitwick came up to Chris.

"Hello Professor Flitwick," Chris greeted.

"Hello there Mr. Evergreen. Can you please come to my office for a bit?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Am I in trouble sir?" Chris asked.

"No, Mr. Evergreen, I just wish to have a little chat with you," Professor Flitwick said.

"Alright then," As Chris had no choice, he said goodbye to Hermione and Kristine before following Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick led Chris inside his class and closed the doors.

"Sir, I don't think I did anything wrong to grant a private conversation. If Madam Hooch said anything, she said to me-," Chris said.

"Like I said, Mr. Evergreen, you are not in trouble. I was outside for a bit and happened to see you catch Miss. Granger when she fell. Firstly, I would like to award you 10 points for your bravery,"

"Thank you Professor," Chris said a bit relieved that he not only did not get in trouble, but was also rewarded.

"Anyways, let's get to the main point shall we? So Mr. Evergreen, what do you think about Quidditch?" Professor Flitwick asked.

Chris knew where this was going.

"I think it's quite interesting Professor," Chris said.

"Well then, I would like you to play as the Seeker for the Ravenclaw team. Will you accept?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Sir, I'm but a first year and first years are not allowed to have brooms," Chris said. Although he had a mission, he had to say the proper things or else it would look strange.

"I can get you past that rule. As long as the entire team isn't made up of first years it'll be a piece of cake," Professor Flitwick said with a sly smile.

"Well then I would love to be part of the Quidditch team!" Chris exclaimed excitedly.

"Excellent. I'll take you to our captain right now. Follow me," Professor Flitwick said as he left the room. Chris followed. They went down the hallway and soon was in front of a class Chris was not familiar with. Professor Flitwick quickly went inside the unknown classroom and quickly pulled out a boy that looked around 16.

"Mr. Evergreen, I would like for you to meet Brian Milton. He's the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and also the Chaser. Mr. Milton, this is Chris Evergreen, a first year student that I want you to train to become Seeker within 2 weeks,"

"Professor, this... I don't know if a first year can do it. It should be the first day of their flying lesson today," Brian said.

"Don't worry about it. As long as you can give him some basic training, he'll be winning games in no time. Just a while ago, he caught a girl dropping 20 meters high from her broom,"

"Sir, a dropping girl and a Snitch are completely different. It'd be much easier to catch the girl as the girl is much bigger than the Snitch,"

"Oh, I wouldn't know about that. While the size and speed of a dropping girl and a Snitch would be different, I think that Mr. Evergreen's skills are there. Who knows he might be the next Andre Egwu*,"

(Andre Egwu is the Ravenclaw Keeper that went to Hogwarts with Charlie Weasley in 1984. He was considered the best Quidditch player in his time at Hogwarts by some while he thinks that Charlie was better. However, he was still extremely talented at Quidditch.)

"Alright Professor, I'll try to train him for the game in November. However, if he cannot meet my expectations, he'll be cut out in the tryouts," Brian said.

"Alright then. Welcome to the team Mr. Evergreen. You can go back to class now, Mr. Milton. I don't want you to miss more of your class time," Professor Flitwick said.

"Alright Professor. Well then Evergreen, I'll see you tomorrow for practice," Brian said.

"Yes, Captain," Chris said.

Professor Flitwick dismissed Chris and he went back to the Dining Hall where Hermione and Kristine were waiting for him.

"So what happened? Did you get in trouble? If you did, I'll talk to Professor Flitwick that you only flew fast to save me. He'll surely forgive you," Hermione said worriedly.

"Yeah, it's not fair that you have to get in trouble," Kristine said.

"I thought I would get in trouble too, but Professor Flitwick didn't chastise me," He then moved in to whisper to Hermione and Kristine so that nobody could hear him. "He invited me to the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and he awarded me 10 points,"

Hermione and Kristine both looked at him shocked. It was only a couple of months since they knew of the Wizarding World, but they learned a lot along the way. They knew that Chris was the youngest person to be in a House Quidditch team since a 100 years.

"Wow congratulations Chris!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yeah we're going to be number 1 this year!" Kristine also shouted.

"Guys quiet down a little," Chris said as he noticed that people were staring at them.

"Oh right sorry," Hermione said.

"So what are we going to do to celebrate?" Kristine asked.

"Well, it's only getting into the team and if I don't do well, I'm going to get kicked out. We'll celebrate when the Ravenclaw House win the Quidditch Cup," Chris said. "When that happens, during vacation, I'm going to ask my father to take us all somewhere nice,"

"Alright then," Kristine said. "We're depending on you to win the House Cup for our vacation,"

"Yeah, there are a lot of places I want to visit. ," Hermione said.

Really sorry for late chap lmao. I got sleepy last night and couldn't bring myself to stay awake to write a chap. BTW if you're wondering why the rewards haven't come up yet, it's going to be in the next chap. DW

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