
Wizardry System

Chris Kim was a Potterhead. While he was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for the 15th time, he felt the force sucking him inside the book. He realized he was in the Harry Potter World with the Wizardry System. How will he change the Harry Potter world with his knowledge? P_atreon: pat_reon.com/jeffreytown (without the _ of course). Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/jeffdo

JeffreyDO · Book&Literature
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First Day of Quidditch Practice

It was the following Monday and also Chris' first day of practice. In the morning while eating breakfast with Kristine and Hermione, 6 owls came and gave Chris a thin, but long parcel and a letter. A minute later, 6 more owls came and went to where Harry Potter was sitting to give a parcel that looked exactly the same. Everybody in the hall was whispering to figure out what the content of the two parcels were.

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"It's from my father," Chris said.

"It looks something along the lines of a-"

"Stop there Kristine. I don't think I want others to know what this is," Chris interrupted her.

Kristine nodded as she realized how troublesome it might be to say what the content of the parcel is out loud.

Seeing just how thin it was, Chris knew what it was. He read the letter attached to the parcel first.

Hello Chris, it's your father. You haven't owled me about such an important news about you getting on the Quidditch team. Well Flitwick owled me to tell me the news so I suppose you did alright by not owling me. However, I heard that there's another boy that's the same as you. I believe he was Harry Potter, the boy who lived. He's part of the Gryffindor Team and I'm sure that dreaded McGonagall is going to give him a broom since she's really competitive with these kind of things. Probably the Nimbus 2000 since it's the fastest broom right now. So I decided to send you a Nimbus 2000 as well and the entire Ravenclaw team Nimbus 2000s. Your mother might kill me for spending that much money in one go, but I think it's a good expenditure. We have money to spend anyways. You better win or else, I'm not giving you any more money for the rest of your Hogwarts career unless it's for school supplies.

Your Father.

'He might seem a bit emotionless sometimes, but I guess he's still a doting parent,' Chris thought with a smile. After finishing their breakfast, Hermione, Kristine, and Chris left the Hall to go back to the Ravenclaw Common Room, but as they were walking, they saw 5 kids along the way. It was Harry and Ron both glaring at Draco Malfoy and his 2 lackeys, Crabbe and Goyle.

Draco proceeded to snatch Harry's broom away.

"That's a broom Potter. It's not allowed. You're getting into a lot of trouble for this," Draco said. There was clearly jealousy written all over his face.

While Chris knew why Draco was always such a bully to Harry such as his family background and how he was raised, Draco was always a part of his list of Top 3 most disliked character. Of course a lot of his female friends always argued with him as a lot of them liked Draco or more specifically Tom Felton.

Chris went up to Draco and took the broom from his hand.

"You don't deserve to touch this Draco Malfoy," Chris said.

Draco looked at him surprised.

"Who do you-" Draco said as he paused for a second. "Chris Evergreen,"

"Yes that's me," Chris said. "Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to touch other people's property?"

"Not if he's breaking the rule. He has a broom," Draco said.

"Well look at what I have," Chris said. "Try snatching it from me,"

Draco then looked at Chris' other hand to see an identical parcel.

"You have a broom too?" He asked. However, he didn't dare snatch it away from Chris. "You two are going to get in so much trouble. I-"

"Not arguing I hope boys?" Everyone turned to see Professor Flitwick.

"Professor both Evergreen and Potter were sent a broom. You have to take it away for the sake of upholding the school rules. My father would be extremely angry to hear about this!" Draco exclaimed. Chris quickly gave back Harry's broom.

"Oh no need to inform your father. Professor McGonagall acquired this broom for Mr. Potter's while I approved Mr. Evergreen's. Oh yes Mr. Evergreen, I thank you for the gift your family gave to the Ravenclaw house. I won't give points for it thought. That'd be bribery," Professor Flitwick said jokingly.

"I just want to contribute to the team sir," Chris said.

"Ahh yes, Mr. Potter, what model did you get?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Nimbus 2000 sir," Harry said. With a smile he said, "And it's thanks to Malfoy that I got it,"

Draco was ready to burst out in anger, but he knew he would lose points for doing so so he held it in. He quickly left and Crabbe and Goyle quickly followed.

"Well, Mr. Evergreen I'll see you in class later," Professor Flitwick said as he left.

"Thank you for your help," Harry said. "Malfoy said your name was Chris Evergreen?"

"Yes, that is my name. I hear your name a lot. You must be Harry Potter," Chris said.

"Yes that is my name," Harry seemed a bit disturbed by the way Chris worded it, but he didn't let it show too much.

"And you must be Ron Weasley. I also heard about you. Your family is actually quite well-known for having a lot of talented individuals. Honestly, I already know the kind of things the dreaded Malfoy heir would say. Don't mind him. I'm sure you're quite talented as well," Chris said.

"Thank you," Ron said not really sure what to say back.

"Oh yes, let me introduce you to my friends. I'm sure you met her, Hermione Granger," Chris said. Hermione waved her hand. Harry and Ron did the same not really as hostile towards her as the beginning of school.

"This is Kristine Alder," Kristine shook both of their hands.

'It seems that the Se-yeon girl isn't with them,' Chris thought. 'Oh well, I have plenty of time to meet her,'

The two groups had some small talk before leaving.

Back in the Common Room, the three of them were quite impressed with the Nimbus 2000. Even though Chris saw the Nimbus 2000 multiple times through the movie, in the end it's only a movie and seeing it personally felt a lot different than seeing it in the movie.

"Wow, those are some nice designs," Kristine said as she started touching the broom.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful," Hermione commented.

Chris didn't say anything, but his looks said everything. He loved the broom and thought it was beautiful.


It was 4:00 and the time of Chris' first practice. He walked to fields after saying goodbye to the girls and getting his new broom.

The System who didn't give his reward finally gave it when he got to the field.

-Congratulations, you have completed the Quest: Get into the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team. Reward of 150 EXP and 5 Sickles has been given. Congratulations, you are now level 7. 650 EXP is needed to level up. Money: 1 G 6 S 0K]-

'Thought the System was scamming me for not giving me my rewards,' Chris thought as Brian came to him holding a box. Since he forgot to check his new captain's status before, but he decided to check it now.

Brian Milton: Ravenclaw House

7th year

Magical Power: 50,100

'I mean it's nothing compared to Dumbledore, but I guess it's still a lot. If he trains some more, he can fight off some of Voldemort's cronies,' Chris thought.

"Hey Evergreen. So since Professor Flitwick said you were good, just show me what you got," Brian said.

"Alright," Chris said. He mounted his new Nimbus 2000 and started flying around the Quidditch field. It was extremely smooth, much smoother than the Comet he had to use in the flying lessons. Brian looked at how naturally Chris was flying.

'He's already this good at flying without any practice. He's probably going to be much better with some practice,' Brian thought as he motioned Chris to come down.

"Wow, that was really nice Chris," Brian said. "So do you know the basic rules of Quidditch?"

"More or less," Chris answered.

"Excellent, so we'll skip the rules. We have the fields until 7:00," He said as he opened the box.

"I'm going to release the Golden Snitch. It's just for practice Snitch so you can touch it all you want. Try catching it at least 10 times before practice ends today," Brian said.

-Quest has been given. Catch the Practice Golden Snitch 20 times. Go above and beyond.-

Quest: Catch Practice Snitch 20 times

Golden Snitch: 0/20

Reward: 250 EXP, 10 Sickles, and Reductor Curse

Author's Note: This is the remainder of the Author's Note so read that first. Also learned that they are allowed to post your content on any medium royalty-free so if you're actually posting a complete original with no fanfiction-like content, they can post it anywhere else no problem. Luckily, none of this concerns me since I'm writing fanfiction content that'll probably waste their time if they post it elsewhere. Also, once I get past the problem of writing 3 novels at the same time, I'm planning on another novel. This time, it's a complete original with no fanfiction. Not going to post it here since I might get fucked over in the ass really hard by Qidian, but yeah just announcing that. It's going to be like 50 Shades of Grey in that it's going to be a complete original with inspirations from a well-known novel. But yeah look forward to that. Coming out in a year or two. Honestly, probably also going to get fucked over by some twat reposting here on Qidian if it somehow gets popular, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Researched on why P*atreon was banned and I was honestly quite shocked. Basically, they want to earn the most profit so they remove words such as P*atreon so that authors and translators can only earn money through them. Honestly, doesn't really concern me since I'm not contracted to them or anything. However, still quite shocking.

JeffreyDOcreators' thoughts