
The Ravagers

Charlie-27 returned to the Eclector after successfully taking over the flagship. His boots echoed in the metal floor as he walk towards the control chamber where the core members of the team was waiting for him.

Yondu looked at Charlie-27 and said. "Charlie, you're here. We should clean up the remaining vessels. Thanks to our mysterious helper, we are able to reduce our casualties."

"Yondu!" Charlie-27 looked at the blue-skinned man. "Talking about that mysterious helper, I heard from the last communication line of the flagship that one of the Kree's vessel was being attacked from the inside."

"You mean, it was from that mysterious helper?" Yondu narrowed his eyes.

So far, they have not able to track the whereabouts of the spacecraft that aided them. This means, it may be more advanced than this Kree's fleet. Perhaps, it was from a force that is hostile to Kree Empire.

"But, why would such a force take over that Kree vessel?"

Yondu couldn't figure it out. If such a force have a technological prowess that is capable of competing with the Kree Empire, they shouldn't have the need of that small vessel? He thinks a force of that level would disdain the loots in this kind of small battle.

"I don't know." Charlie-27 shrugged his shoulder.

"Well, try to communicate with the vessel Charlie was talking about." Yondu said. "While at it, we should take down all the remaining vessel."


After a dozens of minutes, Ethan finally annihilated all Krees in the vessel and arrived at the control chamber of the ship. Looking outside the window, Ethan found that the remaining Kree vessel have been more or less destroyed, while the other had already fled the scene.


Looking over the holographic monitor, Ethan realized that it was a call for communication; it was coming from the flagship, either from the remaining Kree or the Ravagers. But, the Ravagers have the highest possibilities, though he didn't know their intention.

"Should I answer?" Ethan mutter, staring at the screen with some hesitation. He originally wanted to metamorph into Red Skull's appearance, but he refrain from doing that recalling the unbreakable vow.

If this action harmed Red Skull when he already left the Vormir, then Ethan wouldn't care. But, if Red Skull was still in that planet, Ethan could receive a backlash from the spell. Clearly, he couldn't risk the latter.

In the end, Ethan metamorph into Voldemort's appearance before answering the call. A moment later, a blue-skinned man appear in the screen.

"What's the matter?" Ethan narrowed his eyes, a Kree?

Yondu was taken aback at the horrendous appearance of the person that appeared on the screen. Even with his long experience in space, he didn't know which race this was. Still, Yondu was now certain that this person was the one to helped them.

"I'm Yondu Udonta, I'm the leader of the Ravager, I just wanted to send my regards and gratitude for your help." Yondu said, still looking at Ethan's, now in the form of Voldemort curiously.

"Oh, it's alright. But, my ship exhausted a lot of energy reserve, so I need to change my vehicle." Ethan shook his head.

"You mean is?" Yondu could tell from this person's tone that he needed something.

"I just want to ask if you know some cybernetic expert or some sort. I think this Kree vessel may have some sort of tracking device or something." Ethan said straightforwardly. "Just wondering whether you can help."

When he browse the memories of the soldier he used Legilimency on, he also understood the basic common sense in technologies. So, he become quite cautious. Although not as unpredictable as magic, they do work like magic.

"If that's what you are asking, then, I can let Kraglin take a look." Yondu immediately said, feeling quite strange.

"That would be a great help." Ethan smiled, but in Voldemort's form, his smile made him look more creepy.

After the confirmation, Ethan made his previous spacecraft to retract the bridge and move away before removing all enchantments he imbued on it since it have been consuming his magical energy for quite a while now.

The Ravager saw how a spacecraft suddenly materialized beside the last Kree vessel where Ethan was riding one, startling them in the process.


As Kraglin who boarded the spacecraft, Ethan naturally wouldn't trust an unknown person, not to mention they are mercenary. However, he can only have an unbreakable vow with one person at a time due to various reason.

One of the major reason was having an unbreakable vow are designed for only two person since it was originally for ancient weddings and alliances between two party in the distant past.

What makes the wizarding world stopped using it was because those who are married will not absolutely be happy in the marriage, and leaders of alliance may not necessarily keep his subordinates from acting against the vow.

When he formed the vow with Red Skull, Ethan forgot to modify this limitation since he rarely used it in the wizarding world because Goblin have created a magical contract for this kind of thing which he did not carry in this world.

As you know, Goblin-crafted items are extremely hard to replicate due to their unique magic, and their techniques are tightly guarded secret that doesn't spread outside of their race

Additionally, it is a common knowledge in the wizarding world that Goblin are paranoid bunch who thinks wizards will rob them of their riches. Once a goblin know that he was studying their technique, they may become crazy and start another Goblin Rebellion.

"It seems, I have to order a lot of magical contract in the future..." Ethan mutter looking at Kraglin who was doing his work. His Legilimency are fully opened, but he did not access the mind of Kraglin, he was sensing any slight emotion and intention he had in his mind.

The moment he have malicious intention, Ethan will know it. Fortunately, Kraglin seems to be dedicated and serious at his job. So, it goes smoothly. Ethan send his thanks at Yondu and his members before flying away.

"How'd it go? Did you get any information from him?" Yondu looked at Kraglin that returned back into their ship and asked.

"Nothing, I did not spoke the whole time. However, he seems to be the only one in the ship. Alive that is." Kraglin said, recalling the unease he felt when he entered the ship.

"What happened? What did you see?" Yondu immediately catches what Kraglin was saying.

"Dead. Lots of Kree soldiers are dead. But, what is strange is, their body have no trace of struggle or any damage at all. It was a massacre, a strange one at that." Kraglin said as he took a deep breath, trying to shake off the unease he was feeling.

Yondu fell silent for a moment and looked at the spacecraft Ethan had left. "That ship is an outdated vessel, and shouldn't have powerful stealth capability, right?"

"Indeed, but there is also a chance that it was customized one." Kraglin nodded, and express his opinion. "Do you want me to see it?"

Yondu nodded his head. He couldn't let go of this chance, he had seen how extraordinary its stealth capability. If their group understand its technical structure, maybe they could upgrade Eclector and become invincible in the cosmos.

Although he was quite baffled why that man left this vessel here given its capability, Yondu didn't think too much. However, when Kraglin further examine the ship, he become more confused.

He couldn't see any structure responsible for its extraordinary stealth capability. At first, he thought it was his skill that is the problem, but even when he checked the system database of the ship, he couldn't find any information about it. It's as if it didn't exist in the first place.

But, how could that be possible? They saw how this vessel suddenly materialized in space a while ago, so there's no doubt that this is indeed the ship that aided them.

Hi, there!

Feel free to tell me any problem or inconsistency in the story. Also, if I provide too much information, and little dialogue, do let me know in the comment section.

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