
Withered Bride

After being woken up from his thousand years of slumber, he notices a beautiful woman lying next to him. He stared at her flawless face and plump lips. Before he could take a bite of the beauty, she opened her butterfly eyelids and looked at him innocently. Slowly her face turned into horror when she noticed the two sharp teeth that were poking out of his mouth. With a shuttering voice, she uttered, "You... You... you are a vampire!" She hastily moved behind but something stopped her from going any further. At that moment, she noticed that she was inside a coffin. She jumped down from that box and the minute, her feet touched the ground, a system got activated in her head. 'Welcome to the immortal vampire cultivation ground. In this world, you will be playing the role of the withered bride to a thousand-year-old vampire, Marcus III Cymbal. Your game starts now!" "My game?" She mumbled and looked at the handsome youthful thousand-year-old vampire with sharp teeth in fright. (The book cover does not belong to me. All the credits go to the artist.) Participated in WPC# 147

Darlene_Virginia · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

She got dragged deep into the dark forest

"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do now?" She started to move blindly in some direction.

She had just taken ten steps when she saw several couples of bright golden eyes in front of her. She shrieked and started to run in the opposite direction.

"Rra Www... Rra Www... Rra Www..." the ghostly creatures growled and chased behind her.

She forced herself to run as fast as she could. She didn't know how far she could go but she should never get caught. Those creatures kept on chasing her and were closing in on her.

"System! Hey! Stupid system. Tell me a way to escape from here," She shouted, hoping that her voice would be heard by the system that had already gone offline long ago.

Instead of a savior, she alerted and woke up many other creatures on the way. Suddenly, an ear-splitting growl was heard and the creatures with fiery eyes stopped following her. They fled in different directions as if they were scared of something or someone.

When she noticed that she was not being chased by them anymore, she stopped to catch her breath. But the minute she decided to sat on the ground, someone pulled her leg and she was dragged somewhere.

"Who the hell are you? Let me go…" She kicked her legs and tried to hold something on the way.

As it was completely dark around her, she didn't know what she actually got hold of. When she tried to hold it tightly, it slipped away from her hands like jelly. Her hand started to stink a lot and she scrunched her face.

"Ahh… Ahh… Ahh…" She screamed out of her lungs.

Being dragged on the hard land surface, her face got scratched on several sharp objects. Not only her face but her whole body started to burn as it got scraped by them. By the time he stopped, she almost lost half of her life.

Something came near her face and sniffed. Then with something in its dribbling mouth, it licked her blood.

"Arrrr…." It screeched and the saliva sprayed everywhere, but most of them landed on her face.

When the slimy liquid entered her mouth, she spitted and cursed.

"If you want to sprinkle your saliva, then go somewhere else. Do you think my mouth is your dumpster? You dumbass…" She lifted her leg and blindly aimed for his groin.

But the minute she raised her leg she realized that she made a huge mistake. The saliva sprayer lifted her leg and dropped her on the ground. It continuously hit her from one side to another.

Just when she thought her life was going to end like this in an unknown place. Suddenly, some miracle happened. The saliva sprinkler fell on the ground with a 'thud' and she flew in the sky and landed outside the dark forest.

Before she drifted off to unconscious mode, she heard someone ask, "Will she survive?"

"She may if we change her immediately. Anyway, sooner or later she would become one of us if she decided to stay here. Are you sure, you are ready to do this?" Another voice mumbled near her.

She blinked her eyes and tried to listen to more of their conversation. She can't grasp anymore of their talks as her consciousness slowly faded away.

"What's going on? Why is he not awake yet?" Marcus asked.

"How would I know?" Marvin shrugged his shoulders.

"What happened to this town? Why is everything here destroyed or abandoned? And the dark forest…" Marcus demanded to know.

"Look, you left this town to its fate when you decided to take a thousand-year sleep. Now, don't act as if you care now. Also, I have been asking you for a long time, who is this woman? Why did you risk your life to enter the dark forest to save her?" Marvin pushed his chest and inquired.

"I don't know!" Marcus stared at the almost blanched woman, who was lying on the mattress.

She looked as if she was dead and the wounds made her look ghastly.

"What do you mean by I don't know?" Marvin asked him.

But as Marcus's attention was on the sleeping beauty on the bed, he didn't hear his question and failed to answer him. Marvin punched his face and brought him back to reality. Even though it didn't hurt a little physically but it did hurt his pride.

Marcus gripped Marvin's neck and hissed. Marvin didn't react and glared at him. When Marcus noticed his sarcastic look, he let go of him.

"Don't forget just because of one woman, you destroyed the whole town. And now you brought one more into this domain, I don't know what she would do to you and others," Marvin muttered and walked out of the room.

Marcus looked at the mystery woman one more time and dashed behind Marvin.

"I don't know…" Before Marcus could finish saying what he intended to say, Marvin stopped in his tracks and huffed.

"Why do you keep saying you don't know? Just get rid of her. We cannot have one more problem in our heads right now. Anyway, she is almost half dead. So, just throw her back into the dark forest and forget about everything." Marvin advised.

"I can't do that," Marcus said.

"Why?" Marvin asked.

"I want to know who sent her here. If it is sent by our rival gang, then we need to find out what is the purpose of her coming here? She is different from the other woman. She doesn't have any power and neither was she smart." Marcus explained.

"Do you even know what you are trying to say? Are you even convinced after hearing your response? What do you expect me to inform the elders? That, she came out of thin air and landed in your coffin when you woke up?" Marvin mocked him.

"No… I…" Marcus didn't know what he should respond to, as that was the truth.

"Marcus, I don't know why but she is dangerous. The more she stays here, the risker it would get for us. She is neither a human nor a vampire. She doesn't have blood flowing in her veins, instead, it's…"

"Let's not talk about that now. Don't worry, I will talk to the elders. Just keep an eye on her. If she wakes up, inform only me and no one else," He ordered and strolled in the hallway.

Marcus shook his head in disapproval. He walked back into the room and examined the strange woman once again. The wounds were not healing completely but at the same time, it doesn't look like her life was in any danger as well.

If it was any other creature, after entering the dark forest, it would have been highly impossible to stay alive. But, she survived without any effort.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He asked her.

As he didn't get any response from her, he moved near the window and stared at the dark forest that stood in between the new town and the old one. It looked very silent from the outside but he could feel the brewing storm inside the forest. He could smell the war in the air and it's nearing the new town.