
With Love As My Witness

Torn from her family and everything she has ever known, Jenna Mitchell has to try and make do pretending to be someone else for her own safety after nearly being killed by a mob boss. She hates everything about the Witness Protection Program and wants nothing more than to go home. Falling in love under a fake identity was never part of the plan! Bryce Fitzgerald, a handsome accountant, falls head over heels with the lively yet mysterious girl he meets at a smoothie bar near his work. She clearly needs a distraction and he's more than happy to give it to her, though he wishes she would tell him what bothers her so much. Can love flourish under the weight of her secrets? Read on to find out! *cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Urbain
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215 Chs

You Know You Love Us

Bryce didn't like any of the insinuations he had heard today from Jenna's so-called friends but once they started playing tug-of-war he understood where they were coming from. She was an animal and almost single-handedly lead them to victory three times in a row without anyone on their team getting mud above their calves. 

"Come on, Jen, can't you go a little easier on us?" Jonas complained after falling face first in the mud. 

She grinned at him. "Nope. Not my style."

The other girl present—whose name Bryce belatedly learned was Deanne—groaned. "I'm sorry for the blackmail comment, okay! I was just surprised! I'm never going to get all of this mud out of my hair."

"Why did you come if you were only going to complain?" Jonas's other teammate Lennon asked as he rolled his eyes. 

What little was visible of her face pinked. "Because I had nothing better to do!"