
With Chakra in the One Piece verse

When our mc died due to protecting his precious people, he still has some questions about the one piece world. suddenly he is in the world of one piece with chakra from Naruto. I know it's a lazy description. Mc will be following the strawhats

Memo_429_H · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Alvida looks really bad and Recruiting Zoro alone

Masahiko looked at the map, while Luffy ate meat. They were at sea for an hour now. It was not boring for Masahiko, because he navigated them to a specific ship.

On that ship was not only their future navigator but also a future friend. He finally saw it. It was really large.

''Luffy, come let us get on that big ship, maybe we can find a crewmate.'' Said Masahiko.

Luffy looked at it, Masahiko was right. This is the best time, to do some adventure.

''Alright, let us leave this boat behind. Maybe we'll get a better boat on that ship.'' Said Luffy.

This is what Masahiko wanted to hear. He grabbed Luffy and jumped on the ship. He could see Alvida's ship on the map.

''I saw a pirate, ship. It is a raid!'' Screamed a sailor.

One thing Masahiko did not like about the One Piece world, was that everyone screamed so loud. He was used to Luffy but not to others.

Masahiko could hear canons from Alvida's ship. The ship got unstable on the sea, which made Luffy laugh.

''Come on Luffy. Let's stay here a bit, till these pirates raid the ship.'' Whispered Masahiko as he told Luffy his plan.

Luffy just nodded and Masahiko just waited till he can grab Coby and can get out of here. Sure he can just get into the crew and beat everyone up with Luffy. But this was smarter.

Masahiko thought about what he should do while they were hidden. But there was one problem. Luffy was not next to him. His captain had somehow disappeared and ran off on his own.

Masahiko sighed and placed his hat on his head again. He would just wait here until Coby arrived. He played with his swords a bit. Making them disappear and appear again.

He could let them appear and disappear with his will.

''Now they are gone, and now they are here. Hihihi.'' Masahiko giggled as he played with them while making them appear and disappear.

A minion of Alvida had heard him. He grabbed his gun and shot at the place, but Masahiko appeared behind him.

He then grabs the gun and crushes it. The pirate trembled, he had fear written on his entire face.

Masahiko let his swords appear on his hand and the Pirate thought that he will die, but Masahiko simply just cut him so thin, that only his clothes came off.

As his clothes fell on the ground, the pirate screamed like a little girl and put his hands on his private parts.

''AHHHH MOMMY I AM SORRY THAT I BECAME A PIRATE.'' He then ran off and was never seen again.

Masahiko just walked through the ship. There he was, Coby. Masahiko wanted to walk to him but was interrupted by a dozen pirates who had appeared out of nowhere

''Oh man, how many of you guys will still appear. I do not get it honestly.'' Said Masahiko annoyed.

''STOP BEING SO ARROGANT-'' He was cut off as Masahiko just walked through them, dodging every sword slash of the twelve pirates. While he walked through, he placed an explosive tag on everyone.

''Sorry, I gotta get through. Nice to meet you guys.'' Said Masahiko as he detonated the twelve explosive tags.

They screamed as they blew up. Masahiko covered his ears.

He complained that everything is so loud in this world, but he used one of his loudest techniques.

'Ironic.' Thought Masahiko.

Coby, who had seen everything was terrified. He was not as bad as Alvida but he was close. But he could not escape, since he got already grabbed by the guy who had murdered the minions of Alvida.

''Ah, you look like you don't belong here. What got you here?'' Said Masahiko to Coby as he grabbed the boy and brought him to the kitchen.

Coby was trembling with fear.

''So, what got you here? Since you don't look like a pirate. Did you get on the wrong boat, and didn't realize that it belonged to the pirates?'' Asked Masahiko, as he already knew Coby's backstory.

It was pretty dumb to him, but he couldn't talk since he was a bit dumb too.

''Yes, that sounds kind of accurate... WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO ME??!!'' Said Coby screaming the later part.

''Eh, I just guessed it.'' Lied Masahiko.

''How?'' Asked Coby flabbergasted.


''Anyways, because I was on the wrong boat. In exchange for my life, I have been forced to be a chore boy.'' Added Coby.

''Man you are dumb. SHI SHI SHI SHI.'' Said Luffy out of nowhere.

''WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LUFFY!?'' Shouted Masahiko at Luffy.

''I went looking for food. Then I realized, that you always have food on you. So I looked for you. I then heard your voice while talking with someone.'' Explained Luffy.

''Anyway, what is your dream Coby?'' Asked Masahiko.

''Why don't you tell m-'' Luffy interrupted Coby.


''Yes, you tell this every new person you meet.'' Told Masahiko Luffy.

''K-king of the Pirates?! The title was given to the person who obtains everything in this world! That means seeking the great treasure of wealth, fame, and power the One Piece!'' Shouted Coby suddenly.

''Yup, I already have a first-mate.'' Said Luffy

''YUP!??! Pirates all over the world are looking for that treasure!'' Coby said.

''I am too.'' Said Luffy.

''No way no way no way- he got interrupted by Luffy who just simply punched Coby.

''Why did you punch me?'' Asked Coby.

''Just because.''

''It's not about whether we can or not. I and Masahiko do it because we want. I have decided to become King of the Pirates, so if I or Masahiko die while fighting for that, it's fine for us. Because we have decided to go such a path.'' Explained Luffy further.

''That is true, we do not care.'' Added Masahiko. He then sat on a chair and did the Shinji pose.

Coby then asked if he could join the Navy. If he risked his life for it too. He explained everything to the two pirate brothers.

''WHO ARE YOU GONNA CATCH COBYYYYY!'' Screamed Alvida, as she came down crashing from above.

''Who is the most beautiful person in the entire sea? Tell me. Coby!'' Said Alvida with a deadly tone. Masahiko could not take her seriously.

''That would be of course yo-

''Who is this big fat woman?'' Asked Luffy.

Nearly everyone's jaw was on the floor.

''WHOAA WHO IS THIS UGLY ASS MOTHERFUCKER. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.'' Laughed Masahiko as he laughed so hard, he couldn't take it anymore. He even coughed from laughing so much that it hurt his sides.

''Do they wanna die?''

''I don't know, we better get outta here mate.''

Luffy then grabbed Coby and jumped out of the room.


''Don't worry he can handle himself. He isn't my first mate for nothing.'' Said Luffy reassuring to Coby.

Luffy then got attacked by the minions of Alvida.


(Back to Masahiko)

''Do you seriously think, that you can beat me?? ALVIDA.'' Screamed the fat woman.

''Yes After all... You are weak.'' Said Masahiko with a cocky face.

Alvida was going to remove that cocky face off his face. She took her club and aimed at Masahiko. But he was already gone.

''Huh, where did he go.'' Muttered Alvida. She got interrupted from her thoughts by a kick to her side.

She went flying through the walls of wood.

''Why don't you go lose weight?'' Asked Masahiko mockingly as he walked through the smashed walls.

He catched up to her. But sadly she was unconscious. 'Really, I thought that fat tanked my kick a bit. But it seems that I kicked her a bit hard. I didn't even use Haki or Chakra.'

He was to lazy to walk all the way back and wanted to make a way for him to jump out.

Masahiko sighed, and let his swords appear.

''Wind Style: Basic Tornado.'' Muttered Masahiko as he rotated one of his swords. Making a Tornado out of thin air.

He then took Alvidas's unconscious body and jumped to the deck of the ship he was currently on.

''You didn't even get hit a single time!! You dodged everything. How did you do that?'' Asked Coby. Luffy wanted to answer him but got excited when he saw his brother.

''OOOHOHO Masahiko.'' Exclaimed Luffy as he saw his brother.

''Did you kill her?'' Asked Luffy as he saw Alvidas's body.

''No I just kicked her and she was already knocked out. What a shame.'' Said Masahiko as he shook his head in disappointment.

Masahiko then threw her body to the sky and jumped up and punched her in the stomach. He then landed cleanly on the deck of the ship.

''Luffy, she mentioned a bounty hunter with the name of Zoro. Let's go find him.'' Said Masahiko.

''YOU MEAN THE ZORO WHO IS KNOWN AS A DEMON?!'' Shouted Coby. He got interrupted by saying more by cannonballs from navy ships.

''Oh, that is the navy. You should go see em. I am a pirate I am outta here.'' Said Luffy as he jumped down and dragged Masahiko with him.

Masahiko didn't mind being dragged away by Luffy. He was already used to it. Luffy found a ship and dragged Masahiko on it.

Coby wanted to jump, but Masahiko catched him in the air and landed cleanly on the small ship that was in the air.

He saw Nami, too. 'The Anime didn't do justice to her beauty.' He thought. He quickly shook his head at such thoughts.

He had a weakness for One Piece women. Masahiko was an undercover simp.

But people who hurt his precious ones didn't count.

'God that sounds cringe' Thought Masahiko

They were on the way to the Island with the marine base.

On the way there, Luffy complained about being hungry. So Mashaiko gave him a plate of Spaghetti the size of their current ship.

''Thank you, Masahiko!'' Said Luffy to his brother.

Luffy ate everything in a nanosecond. And his belly got fat.

Coby doubted that Luffy was even human.

''Sheesh, I am full.''

Luffy went to sleep, and Masahiko just sighed. They were almost at their destination, and his captain just slept.

''Why is he you-'' Masahiko knocked Coby out. He had no time for babysitting. He needed to recruit Zoro.

It was a bit too slow for Masahiko's taste. So he went to the corner of the small boat and used wind style in the opposite direction the boat was sailing to.

It became much faster. But it was a bit annoying using Wind Style so much. So he bought a large wind dial from the system shop, charged it with his Wind Style, and installed it like a motor.

This way he didn't need to constantly use his hand. It was more comfortable to go like this.

He then removed the mast from the little boat and threw it into the sea.

Normally they would need two hours from now, but Masahiko reduced the time to thirty minutes.

When they arrived at the Island, he installed a rope to keep the boat from sailing away on its own. Masahiko then hopped on the Island and took Luffy and Coby to a hotel where they could sleep in peace. After that Masahiko went to the Marine Base using his map.

He was in three minutes at his destination goal.

He jumped over the wall and walked to Zoro.

''Are you the Pirate Hunter Zoro?'' Asked Masahiko.

''Get lost. Do you wanna get killed?'' Answered Zoro annoyed.

Masahiko knew how to respond to this.

''You know Captain Morgan's son, wants to execute you tomorrow. He went to a restaurant I was eating at.'' Said Masahiko which stunned Zoro.

''How can I believe you?'' Asked Zoro.

Masahiko then laid a cameko on the ground. The cameko was a video Den-Den Mushi that can record things with its eyes.

He showed the clip of the original One Piece anime, but with the wano style. So it was believable.

''So it is true huh.'' Said Zoro.

''If you wanna survive, join the crew of my captain.'' Exclaimed Masahiko with a grin.

''Ok, but if you get in the way of my goal, I am going to cut you and your captain up.'' Said Zoro with a smirk.

He would lower himself to scum, but it didn't matter to him. As long as he can accomplish his goal.

''Welcome to the crew comrade.'' Said Masahiko as he released Zoro from the ropes.

''Before we go, I gotta get my swords.'' Said Zoro as he was going in the opposite direction he was supposed to go.

Masahiko just facepalmed. 'He needs the map more than I do,' Thought Masahik to himself.


Zoro then went the wrong way again. Masahiko had enough. He was considering going insane. He grabbed Zoro sideways and walked to the tower.

''HEYY STOP CARRYING ME!!'' Shouted Zoro.



''THEN WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?'' Asked Masahiko as he screamed.


''HALT! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR HELPING A CRIMINAL!'' Shouted a Marine soldier out of nowhere.

''BECAUSE OF YOU, WE GOT CAUGHT.'' Screamed Zoro at Masahiko.

''Shut up for a second will you.'' Said Masahiko as he summoned his sword.

He produced a simple wind slash that flew at the marine. The slash was too fast for the soldier to dodge, as he got hit he let out a loud scream, and blood was leaking from his upper body.

''Ok, where are your swords Zoro?'' Asked Masahiko this time peacefully.

''That blonde daddy's boy took them, I think they are at his room.'' Said Zoro thoughtfully as he was being carried sideways.

''Alright'' Said Masahiko as he started to walk on the wall of the building.

''Am I dreaming right now or?'' Asked Zoro.

''Nah, I am just walking on a wall. Nothing special.'' Said Masahiko.

Zoro didn't question it. He just wanted his swords back.

''There we are.'' Said Masahiko as he smashed the window and hopped in and let Zoro free.

''God, why is it so pink.'' Said Masahiko disgusted at the room. It was worse looking than in the anime.

''Now where are my swords... Found them, let's get the hell outta here.'' Said Zoro as he picked up his swords with an expression of joy, but he quickly hid the expression.

''Shit, we got found out. I guess we gotta fight.'' Said Masahiko as the System gave him a warning. He grinned, he always wanted to fight with Zoro as a team.

''Yeah, too bad. But at least I have my swords with me. You are strong, right?'' Asked Zoro.

''Well, I consider myself strong.'' Said Masahiko as he summoned his swords.


Masahiko got a bit annoyed. Even Gol D Roger didn't call himself great.

He then jumped from the window and landed cleanly on the ground.

Zoro never got to the fight, he got lost in the tower.

''Well, if you are so great then let us fight alone, without your soldiers. Ok?'' Exclaimed Masahiko as he got ready to activate the one vs one dome.

Morgan being the arrogant man he is, accepted it. Masahiko then ordered the system to create the one vs one dome.

When it was done, Masahiko wasted no time and blitzed forwards, Morgan struck with his axe, but Masahiko held Morgan's axe with his bare hand and broke it.

While he was flabbergasted, Masahiko punched Morgan in his gut and then watched him barely breathing as he was walking backward.

''Give up, before I kill you.'' Said Masahiko with a threatening tone.

''I will not giv-'' Masahiko interrupted him by stabbing Morgan through his gut and taking his sword out of him.

The dome was slowly vanishing leaving Masahiko as the winner.

''Wait, he beat Morgan!''


They threw their weapons to the sky and started to celebrate.


''Was he that bad?'' Asked Masahiko.

''Yes, he was. I am lieutenant Ripper. Nice to meet you.'' Said the lieutenant.

''Although you helped Zoro escape, we will let you go for free.'' Said Ripper.

''Thank you very much.'' Said Masahiko as he went searching for Zoro.

He found him thanks to the system's map.

''Zoro, it's over. Apparently, Morgan was corrupt. So they will let us go for free.'' Said Masahiko.

''Oh, really? That's nice of them.'' Said Zoro.

''Come you still haven't met my captain yet.'' Said Masahiko to Zoro.

''Wait a second! You are not the captain?!'' Said Zoro. He was kind of surprised, but he didn't complain, since he said yes to being a pirate.

''I am not. Our captain is currently sleeping. I think.'' Said Masahiko as he rubbed his imaginary beard.

''Well, where is he sleeping?'' Asked Zoro.

Masahiko just told him to come with him. Masahiko needed to hold Zoro's hand like a little child so he would not disappear.

The whole town went, out of their way to avoid them.

Rika, who was on her way to the marine base, saw Zoro and wanted to walk to him but got stopped by her mother.

''HEYY ZORO!'' Screamed the little girl.

''Does she wanna die?''

''What is she doing!? Someone stop her.''

''OII, he is evil don't go near him.''

Masahiko was annoyed.

''Shut up you extras! Zoro is a free man! I have defeated Morgan.'' Screamed Masahiko at them.

The people of the town went to the marine base and demanded answers. When they got their answers, the whole town went into partying. Everyone wanted to know who their savior was.

Luffy eventually has awakened and Masahiko told him that they have a new crew member Luffy was skeptical at the news at first but then, Masahiko told Luffy, why Zoro was crucified, and Luffy accepted him.

Coby awakened later, and they were all in the hotel room, which Masahiko paid for.

Masahiko told Coby about Captain Morgan and his son, which made Coby angry but he wanted to become a marine soldier much more after hearing about them. He wanted to be a true Marine.

He then said his thanks to Luffy and Masahiko and said goodbye to them. Zoro and Luffy went to the balcony to talk. Zoro wanted to know about Luffy's goal.

After their talk, Zoro officially accepted to be their crewmate.

'Luffy's charisma is off the charts.' Thought Masahiko to himself.

''ALRIGHT, LET'S PARTY!'' Screamed Luffy.

''Luffy, we can party on the ship. I bought enough food and sake for us all.'' Said Masahiko.

''Ok, you win Masahiko.'' Said Luffy in a said voice.

Zoro just sweatdropped at their interaction.

I hope you liked it.

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