


'What are you running from, Edwina?'

Orion's question kept running around in my head. He was waiting for an answer, but I knew he would not be able to handle the truth.

Not that I would be able to tell him, anyway. My lips were clamped up, my throat constricted, and my mouth had suddenly stopped working.

My heart kept shattering over and over, at how worse of a turn things have taken. The already tense silence between us became much more unbearable, and I desperately wanted an out.

But walking out on Orion at this moment, would sever all ties with him. I knew he would never forgive me if I did that, and I could not afford for that to happen.

In fact, was I not the one who had been planning on baring all of myself to him, as a desperate attempt to bring him back into my life?