
will rewrite, remove from library

A man from our(?) world finds himself in a place he knows nothing about. The "place" in question being the version of hell from the shows, "Helluva Boss" and "Hazbin Hotel", of course. Now reincarnated as a certain baby imp in a body he hates, he must find a way to survive in this brand new literal hell hole! ________________ (notes from the Author) 1. I won't be specific but I'm still pretty young and only plan to do this for fun or to relieve stress. So feel free to expect typos, inappropriate punctuation placement and so much more!! 2. I plan to keep the humor just about the same as in the source material. In the case that you're against reading about violence, gore, cursing, epic fight scenes and other stuff like that, I'd recommend you don't read this epic tale. 3. Story will have lemon scenes with not completely human characters. There'll be a warning in chaps like those. And they won't happen for a looooong time. 4. I love to hear your criticism since I am writing this to improve my writing abilities. This also happens to be the reason I'm starting by writing a FF, because I do hope to make my own novels at some point. 5. Still on the topic of criticism, if you complain abt something that i've explained in one of these disclaimers or make a shitty review just to be an ass and discourage me, I'll fucking find you. . . . jk . . . . 6. I likely won't have an update schedule for this, but bonus chapters may become a thing in the future depending on stone donations and stuff. And don't go removing it from your library after just a few weeks of no new chaps, I'll eventually come back. 7. Don't forget this is a FF so don't go complaining when I change things from the story or use my own theories to fill in blanks. This is especially important considering the fact that neither "HB" or "HH" are complete. 8. This story will more closely relate to the themes of HB than HH. Making the characters look cool and form valuable relationships will have more priority than the redemption of tainted souls. Though even with this in mind I'll try to even out the HB and HH content as much as possible.(along with a lot of my own stuff and shit) 9. Slow-pased as fuck Alright cool, with all of that out of the way hopefully the weaklings have been weeded out. For those of you still reading, get ready for the ride of an after-life time(maybe)! ( I own nothing except for my theories and original characters. Hazbin Hotel and Helluva boss are owned by Vivziepop and A24, Studios all rights reserved to them ofc. I also don't know who made the cover, if the original artist would like me to remove it, I will. Also, everyone can feel free to message me on Discord: SickPickle or bicndalls idk)

MeButBetter · TV
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8 Chs

Shitty Trope

(A/N really starting to set in just how long it'll take to cover 27 (in universe) years worth of content before even reaching the HH arcs. Be ready for a slow and long story ig. Don't worry Abt me dropping it though, it'd take an unfathomable amount of bullying for that to happen😚 Enjoy the chap)

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Turns out I was right to be suspicious of the amount of money we gave that guy earlier. He was a con-artist, and when he saw that we were obviously loaded, he charged us an insane amount of money.

The price wasn't the problem though. No, the problem was that the ticket he gave us was a fake! Shitty fucking con-artist couldn't even steal some real ones. So when we got to the Wrath ring, we were denied entry and charged double the price of an actual ticket, which came out to about a tenth the price of the fake, by the way.

This whole experience enraged Stella to the point she was growing more eyes by the second. Is that a royal thing? She forced us to turn back and take the elevator up to the Greed ring, adding more charges to our expensive trip. 

When she found the little fucker that scammed us, she went ape shit! It was the most grotesque thing I had ever seen. I won't give all the details but I will tell you she did something to keep him alive and conscious when he should've died immediately and it ended with him hanging from a grand chandelier by his intestines.

Anyways, enough recap! Our carriage suddenly stopped and shut Stella up. There was yet another identical carriage waiting for us when we got to the Wrath ring by the way.

Shortly after our abrupt stop, the coachman shouted, "Fire!". The carriage was riddled with holes and short bursts of light.

Though by this point, Stolas had long taken notice of the dangerous circumstances we found ourselves in. He placed his hand on the floor and a glittery mist, resembling the night sky covered us.

It was an odd feeling. It was very cold, yet it felt like a warm embrace. Though it didn't feel as good a moment later when I suddenly felt motion sick and was being held by Stella in a bush. She looked even worse than me!

Teleportation? I want it! . . . As soon as i'm done puking my guts out.

Stella almost threw me but caught herself and ended up just facing me the other way. 'Rainbows' dripped from my mouth as I stared at the road we were just on. Thankfully Stella decided to turn me towards the road, so I wasn't breaking my neck trying to look around.

I realized that mother and Stolas were still in the wreckage of the carriage. Mother seemed as pissed off as ever and an extremely focused expression adorned Stolas' face. Ominous energy radiated from the two as they didn't hesitate to make a move.

They glanced at each other and nodded, heading in different directions. Stolas raised his hand and a pentagram manifested in front of it. The pentagram glowed a dark red and shot a haze that covered a tree a few meters away.

Multiple salmon colored creatures resembling armadillos fell from the tree with blood leaking from all seven orifices. They cried in agony as they clawed their eyes out in an attempt to stop seeing whatever it was they saw. 

Many succeeded but no signs of relief came to them. Upon the realization that their efforts were in vain, many just began slamming their heads into the ground while others began to feel around for a rock. Though those few quickly joined their friends in eating dirt. I wanna throw up again.

Stolas wiped some dust off his cloak and made his way toward us, I also noticed mother approaching. I had completely missed her battle as I was focused on the mystical display of Stolas. 

I could assume she went for a more physical approach though. As indicated by the gallons of blood she was covered in.

"Oh shoot. Auntie Poltis, I don't presume you left a survivor to interrogate?", Stolas seemed troubled.

"No, they were probably just some common thugs that wanted our money.", she seemed pissed as she tried to grab me. I pushed her away and held my nose though.

"I don't think so. They had a driver that infiltrated our ranks and I definitely saw that some of them had angelic weapons. Many even had a sash around their arm, which would indicate that they're part of some sort of syndicate.", his tone turned more urgent as he spoke. He's a pretty smart guy. 

Instead of cleaning herself, mother undressed and discarded her clothes. She then made a new set out of a mist that quickly solidified. The other pair evaporated shortly after. Is she ever wearing real clothes? This is concerning.

She then grabbed me and said, "Well that is a bit troubling, but we've got to get away from here. Collect the weapons and the sashes. We'll look for any key features as we make our way to town."

Stolas nodded and rounded up a bunch of weapons with bright silver markings on them and carried them with starry cloud. So convenient, I want me some magic!

"They all seem to have the same mark on them, a ball with many lines on it and a pentagram behind it. I don't know about any organizations operating in Wrath, but I'll be sure to investigate." In the short time I had known him, this was the most serious Stolas had been.

Mom sighed, "Don't worry, I'll have some people look into it. You just enjoy the festival. And don't try to argue this, you've already got enough on your plate."

"Alright, thank you aunt Poltis. Let's get going shall we?" We began walking while Stella complained the whole way.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

By the time we reached the exotic hotel we'd be staying at, I was sleeping. When I woke up the next morning, I was next to mom and she was sound asleep.

I looked down the edge of the bed we were on to see I was at an extremely high altitude, a whole two or maybe even three feet! I'd been in similar situations though, as mom liked to forget to put me in my crib most nights.

I threw a pillow to the ground and hung from the bed with my arms fully stretched. My knee scraped the bed-frame as I dropped. I bled a little but momma didn't raise no bitch!

I then made my way toward the bathroom while formulating another plan. Though all my calculating ended up useless as I saw the collapsible stool leaned against the wall. After placing it in a proper spot, I climbed to the toilet and balanced my feet on the rim as I relieved myself.

I nearly fell when the door to our hotel chambers slammed open and Stolas began to shout, "Aunt Poltis, we slept in! The festival starts in an hour!" 

Mom was startled as she fell off the bed and scratched her head, "What the fuck Stolas, why are you being so loud."

"Did you not hear me? We're late!" I was climbing down the toilet at this moment. He noticed me too, but didn't prioritize it as his main concern.

"I heard you fuck-face, just please be quiet." After a moment of silence where she almost fell asleep, she said, "Ok, go get ready with Stella. Mox and I will join you later . . . where's Moxxie?"

Stolas pointed to the washroom as I came out and slowly walked to mother. She picked me up and finally stood to her feet. . . talons?

"Hurry and go get ready, Stolas. Maybe if you're lucky, Stella will let you get a pre-biggest-day-of-your-life nut, in." She re-positioned me and made the sex motion with her hands.

Stolas turned red with embarrassment and began speaking but was cut off as mom waved her hand, a gust of wind slammed the door in his face. I almost feel bad for him.

"Now Moxxie, what do you say we hop in the shower?" She began making her way to the bathroom.


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(A/N procrastinated so much on this chapter, sorry if there's a sudden change in tone in the first half of the chap. I took like a three day break. Hope you liked it though. Also sorry if the "fight" was underwhelming, royals are op. Aside from apologies, I hope you liked the chap, be sure to haunt my dreams if you liked itđŸ„č)

(1450 words)Â