
Insist on it

Or there should be some traces on the wife's body, I really want to strip my wife naked now, carefully observe every part of her body, to see if there are any traces of another man left.

Step by step, I walked behind my wife, placing my hands on her shoulders and sliding down.

My wife glanced back at me, "What are you doing? Can't you see I'm busy?"

After saying that, my wife continued to look at the documents on the table, focusing on her computer and working diligently.

My hand slid lightly, slowly moving towards my wife's boobs.

"Honey, you're so annoying, don't do this."

My wife said shyly, then added, "Can you wait until we get home?"

"I can't wait."

I whispered to my wife's ear, my hand already slipping inside her little suit. Her white blouse felt very smooth and silky.

"Honey, you're so annoying, we are in office, what if someone sees us?"

My wife tried to push my hands away, but she couldn't resist my 'love' for her.

"I just checked, all your colleagues have left for home, you're the only one working overtime, there's no one around."

As I said this, my wife blushed.

She still resisted slightly, but slowly my hands conquered her.

I hugged my wife's neck, turned her gently, and kissed her cheek, slowly unbuttoning her white blouse.

"Don't do this, okay? We're in the office..."

"It's okay!"

I kissed my wife, and then she stood up too.

We kissed passionately in the office, a sense of evil rising in my belly.

My wife leaned against the door, and I casually locked it. I undressed my wife, wanting to see if there was anything unusual on her body.

Carefully inspecting from bottom to top, I couldn't see any abnormalities on my wife's body.

Even if my wife really were having an affair with Tommy just now, I wouldn't be able to tell.

I noticed my wife's underwear was damp and sticky. Maybe it was because of the kiss and made out.

I smelled it, there was no typical smell of a man, which made me slightly relieved.

I could almost be sure that I've been cheated on, but thankfully there wasn't that distinctive smell of a man.

But what if Tommy used a condom? I wouldn't be able to tell.

A condom? Right, is there a condom in the trash can?

My wife was accommodating me, and I followed along. We had a heated encounter in the office, and it was quite satisfying this time.

My wife leaned on the table waiting for me to 'love' her, looks like she is familiar with that.

This action made me uneasy. We've never done this before, but my wife seems so familiar with it. Could it be that my wife already played this in the office?

My heart was in turmoil. Maybe I'm overthinking.

My wife turned around, looking at me with a complaining look. When she noticed my strange gaze, she hurriedly turned back, gently hooking my neck with her hand, tiptoed to kiss me.

I lifted my wife's foot... That's how we did what a couple should do in the office.

After we finished, my wife straightened her clothes and pulled out tissues from the nearby box, handing some to me while keeping some for herself.

At this moment, I felt as its a custom with her, but I didn't have concrete evidence to prove that my wife was cheating on me.

Looking at the papers in the trash can, I decided to check later if there were condoms or something similar.

"Honey, what's wrong with you?"

My wife noticed me daydreaming and curiously called out to me.

I snapped out of it, and my wife had already buttoned up and sat back at her desk.

She tidied her hair, as if nothing had happened.

"Wife, your trash can is full, let me take it out for you."

I picked up the trash can next to the sofa, ready to go out.

"Oh it's ok , I'll take it out myself later."

My wife seemed a bit anxious, afraid I would discover something.

"Helen, you worked so hard, let me help you, go focus on your work."

"You don't even know where the trash cans are, where will you take it?"

Indeed, I didn't know, where do they put the trash in this place?

"Just tell me, so you can focus on your work."

I was determined to see if there was evidence of my wife cheating in the trash can.

Seeing me being so diligent, my wife couldn't help but frown.

"It's late, and the trash isn't very full, let's do it tomorrow."

The more my wife tried to stop me from taking out the trash, the more I wanted to do it, because I felt like there must be something unspeakable in the trash can, otherwise my wife wouldn't act like this.

I picked up the trash can, ready to go outside.

Why do I feel like my wife is nervously clenching her fists? It seems there really is evidence of my wife's affair in this trash can?

Seeing my wife like this, I was even more determined to thoroughly search through this trash can and see if there were condoms or something similar.

"What's wrong with you today? Why you suddenly so diligent? You don't even take out the trash at home, but you run to my office to take out the trash, not like your usual style."

My wife looked at me with a puzzled look.

"I'm just worried that you're working too hard, So I'm helping out, huh! Being kind..."

"Okay! Behind the fifth unit building downstairs, there's a trash heap, you go take it out."

My wife suddenly said this, which surprised me.

Regardless of what my wife said, I was determined to take out the trash with evidence of my wife's affair.

Thinking that everyone had already left work, my wife didn't, Tommy came out of my wife's office, and the curtains were still tightly closed. I strongly suspected that my wife and Tommy were having an affair in the office.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I went straight to the corner of the stairs.

In the dim light, I started to search through the trash can.

Besides the tissue paper ball my wife and I were playing with just now, there were other tissue balls in the trash can. Instead of picking up the paper balls, I used a pen from my pocket to search through the trash can. After searching for a while, I found a square-shaped box under the trash can, similar to a condom box.

My heart tightened; my wife really cheated. She has already cheated..."