
Security Guard

At that moment, footsteps echoed.

A person came up from downstairs. He saw me rummaging through the trash can over there. He glanced at me and asked who I am and why I was rummaging through the trash can over there. He also said he hadn't seen me before.

Upon closer inspection, the man was wearing a security uniform, presumably from the night patrol.

My wife's company had strict confidentiality, and here I was, rummaging through the trash. Coincidentally, I was caught by the security guard, who didn't recognize me.

I felt extremely embarrassed. I thought if I told him the truth, as I was finding evidence of my wife's infidelity, it could avoid unnecessary trouble. If the box below wasn't a condom box, it would mean misunderstanding my wife.

But that would only lead to arguments and cold wars with my wife, something I didn't want to see.

But what puzzled me was how the security captain suddenly appeared here?

"Show me your work badge, sir"

The security captain questioned me again, then stared at the trash can in my hand. "Are you a spy sent by X Company to steal our company's trade secrets?"

The imagination of this security head was incredibly rich.He even thought of spy.

"You've got it wrong. I'm Helen's husband," I hurriedly explained.

"Then why are you rummaging through the trash here? What's your intention?"


The words I was about to say were swallowed back into my stomach. Now I was truly at a loss for words.

Two security guards came over to me from beside the security head.

"What do you want?"

"Come with us. We'll take you for a walk to confirm that you're not suspicious, then we'll let you go."

After saying that, the security head picked up the trash can and walked downstairs.

The two security guards stood behind me.

To avoid unnecessary trouble, I had no choice but to follow the security head. But I really wanted to know if the box in the trash can contained condoms.I felt like there's even some used condoms inside.

Was my wife not only messing around with Tommy but also with more men?

I felt very upset. I walked forward and said, "Excuse me, can you let me see this trash can?"

The security captain said it was impossible with a poker face. At the same time, he told me that there might be shreds of confidential documents inside.

I felt helpless as I followed the security to the security booth.

I didn't know where the security head took the trash can.

Sitting in the security booth, I called my wife and told her what had just happened.

My wife said she already told me not to take out the trash, but I insisted. I could only nod. What else could I say? Caught by security while investigating my wife, it was really humiliating.

I suddenly noticed my wife and the security head exchanging glances, as if they were communicating with each other through their eyes.

My wife said she was off work and asked me to wait for her here while she tidied up some things.

My wife walked with the security captain into the office area, and to avoid unnecessary trouble, I sat in the security booth waiting for her.

She would surely come down soon after tidying up.Watching the backs of my wife and the security captain, I couldn't help feeling strange.

Recalling my wife's previous actions, not letting me take out the trash. Could it be that there really was evidence of my wife's affair in that trash can?

Did my wife ask the security captain to trouble me, so I wouldn't find evidence of her affair? If that were the case, my wife's scheming was too deep.My heart sank. Did my wife have an affair with the security captain too?

Were my wife and the security captain having an affair in one of the offices in the office area?

"What am I thinking?"

Sometimes I really wished I could slap myself. Making a fuss about nothing, always overthinking? Two cigarettes burned out, and my wife hadn't come out yet.

Now I was really anxious. Tidying up wouldn't take more than ten minutes, right?

My heart sank even further.

Could my wife really be having an affair with the security in the office?

I picked up my phone and was about to call my wife when she and the security captain walked out of the office area, chatting and laughing.

From my angle, it seemed like the security captain's hand was on my wife's buttocks.I seemed to see the scene of the security captain and my wife flirting.

I quickly shook my head.

"Honey, let's go," I could tell my wife was in a good mood.

She handed me the cosmetics and perfume.

Standing next to my wife, I asked her why she took so long just now? Why did the security captain go with her?

My wife explained that the company had a door that required the security head's key to open. Senior executives had to go through that security gate when leaving, something like that, which was why it took so long.

Why did I always feel like my wife was lying?

Back home, my wife tossed her bag on the chair and said she was going to take a shower.

Previously, my wife wouldn't shower immediately after coming home, but today she wanted to shower soon.

She casually left her phone on the table and went to the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom, I was bored, so I picked up her phone and check, I find out that she had transferred three hundred bucks to the security head.

She even said thank you.

At that moment, a surge of anger rose from my heart.