
Why not go a little easier?

After a freak accident, Gabriel is reborn as a Raven in a foreign land. Trying to find his way in a different body, Gabriel will use his newfound life to relax in luxury, or so he hopes... First time writer, I would love any genuine feedback y'all can offer. Also, I'm a bit of a stickler for spelling errors so if you guys happen to catch any, Please Please Please comment on that paragraph and I will fix it ASAP! Thanks for reading!

The_Fox_Hole · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
95 Chs

Ch. 15 Evolution

(Here goes nothing.) After confirming with the system Gabriel began to feel an strange sensation from the beginning of his chest. There wasn't yet any pain, surprising Gabriel, but he knew it wouldn't let him off so easy. As the feeling spread he received a notification.

'Host may choose one of two evolutionary paths.

Shadow Raven

Blood Raven'

(System, can you give me any information on those?)

'Currently the system is unable to provide any additional information. If the host had more knowledge of evolutionary paths, the system would be able to provide additional information.'

(Hmmm, Shadow or Blood? I'll assume Shadow would make me more stealthy and blood probably makes me into a capable fighter.) Knowing this is a one time, life altering decision Gabriel thought about what would help him most in the long run. (I've never been much of a fighter and magic is easy to use for me... maybe Shadow? Waiting isn't an option...)


'Commencing Evolution....'

Unlike his first few realm stage increases Gabriel was expecting an insane amount of pain, instead he suddenly felt like sand had invaded his veins, restricting his blood flow. At first, it was still a comforting warm sensation, but as it went in invading every last part of his circulatory system the pain became blinding. The sudden flip from comfort to intense pain, coupled with the fear of unknowing caused Gabriel to pass out.

'Evolution 45%...'

Coming to Gabriel shrieked in pain again as another jolt throbbed through his body, accompanied now by a feeling like his brain had inflated to three times the size of his skull and even his beak felt like it was splitting. Gala turned around only to immediately vomit. It looked as if Gabriel was shedding his skin. As it fell off of him it turned into a disgusting pile of goo, giving off a putrid smell of death.

As she looked up she was terrified to see his skin bubbling and popping all over before sliding off like he was slick with hot oil. His eyes had burst and their were only two black holes where they once were.

'GABRIEL!' Gala decided she needed to do something to help. Watching her friend suffer in pain was torture to her, she started to run towards Gabriel only to be stopped some strong winds. As Gabriel's evolution continued to increase his magic began to go wild, it may not be strong, but it made a small tornado with Gabriel as it's center.

'Evolution 85%..'

As the pain began to slow down Gabriel felt like the world was spinning and he couldn't get his bearings. Everything was burning, every inch of his being was screaming. He vaguely heard 85% ring through his head and clenched his jaw. (Almost there... almost there....) Trying his best to retain consciousness, Gabriel continued to watching his Evolution bar increase beyond 90%.

Another wave of pain assaulted him forcing him to collapse to the ground before suddenly his feathers started to come back. Slow at first like looking at his fledgling form before becoming long and beautiful. His previously empty eye sockets were suddenly filled with a cloudy gray purple hued smoke before condensing into new eyes. His beak had become reformed and now had a silver hue to it causing it to look quite contrasted to his pitch black wings. Even his talons had gone from a gray color into a silver making Gabriel appear to belong in the dark, as if he would fade away into the shadows without even trying.

'Congratulations Host, you have successfully Evolved into a Shadow Raven. Points per realm increased to 20. New Skills gained. New Ability gained. +10 Magic. +10 Agility. +1 Strength. +2 Endurance. +5 Intelligence. Host has become an official Young Adult of the Raven Species.'

Gabriel collapsed listening to the notification going off in his head. He felt like he had literally been reborn from a cellular level. He tried to stand and immediately collapsed again. Taking out some of his pain killing herbs from his Tiny Dimension he began to eat what he could hoping they'd alleviate the pain, even slightly.


'GABRIEL!!!' Waking from her stupor, Gala ran over to help up Gabriel. Nudged her nose under his wing and helping him to stand up before taking in his new look. (Striking.) That was Gala's only thought looking at the new Gabriel with the light coming from the cave entrance.

"Water. We have to get water." Gabriel was completely exhausted. On a typically day they'd run to a nearby stream if they were thirsty, but now that was no longer an option. Gala would have to drag or carry him to get a drink and with her size compared to him now, it would be quite the struggle. (Damn, I'm too big now, there's no way she can get me to the river. I'll have to fly myself or have her defend me while I walk. I'll eat some healing herbs and hope those will at least get me to the river.)

"Gala, I didn't realize how much I've grown, but I'm still too weak to defend myself. Can you protect me while we head to the river?"

"No problem, do you need to lean on me while we walk?"

Shaking his head Gabriel started taking tiny steps out of the cave. Being assaulted by the sun after literally having his eyes rebuilt was nauseating, Gabriel just wanted to sleep, but he knew if he didn't get water and eat soon he would only wake up weaker. That wasn't an option, living in the woods when healthy was dangerous, being in this weaker state would make him an easy target. (We have to get to the river and find shelter there, I won't be able to make the return trip to the cave.) It'll be sundown by the time they get to the river at this pace, so Gabriel kept pulling out healing herbs and eating them every so often. (Do your magic little plants, I need to be able to fight, it's almost dark.)