
Why Love Why?

"Just go and tell him!" My bestfriend said, supporting my feelings for our mutual crush. Well, I could have but you know there are many factors affecting this. First, I am not allowed to stay in any form of relationship. This is final year of high school and college entrance exams are within a month, can't afford any kind of distractions. Well instead of making excuses if I have to be honest I don't have the courage to confess my love for him. "I think it is all good for the eyes as of now. I can't manage to pick a fight with the entire class by stealing Mr. Handsome." I said to my bestfriend eyeing the class prince who is unbelievingly hotter today in a black shirt and cream trousers. "Well, if you are not then I am going to tell him." My best friend said with a wink, walking towards him. I swiftly pulled her hand. "What are you going to tell him?" "I am gonna propose my love, of course." She said firmly with an evil smirk. "WHAT!" Keep reading and supporting Why Love Why? Bringing you all the phases of Love from Unrequited first crush to happily married.. in mini- stories of the most lively fictitious characters.

Ivanka_ahsrav · Urbain
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9 Chs

That first kiss! (2)


When we reached home, things seem to have gotten better.

We started flirting with each other. Surprising ourselves with the new bravery we have acquired in pursuing each other but in a competitive way.

Vrindha arranged a candle lit dinner with all my favourite delicacies.

Well I played her favourite music and we danced our heart out with laughter all night.

The awkwardness wall was shattering between us.

And I loved her even more.

Very soon it was Sunday. We avoided talking about work at home. That was a distressing topic.

We planned to go on a date at the beach.

It was still early in the morning before sunrise.

There were few jogging around and some street vendors opening up their stalls.

In silence we walked, the waters brushing our feet. The sun was at the horizon peeping up slowly.

Her face reflected the rays and the tiny droplets glistened making her a sight for sore eyes.

We walked side by side. But I couldn't stop looking at her. I grabbed her hand and waited for her to look at me. But she didn't.

I entwined her fingers with mine. There was a smile on face but her eyes were still set on the ocean.

She swiftly pulled her hand making me long for it. She came closer and whispered, "Not so easy, dear."

She walked away playing with the waters and gazing at the sunrise.

I splashed water on her.

"Hey!" She said and did the same.

Just like that we spent an hour playing around , running and catching each other. Our beautiful morning ended with a nice breakfast at a café near the beach.

And in no time, it was Monday morning which meant back to work.

Work was always exhausting. But those infinite meetings which requested immediate changes sucked the soul out of the body.

At the end of the meeting there was an announcement.

"We have decided the team to the new branch will be Jason, Rohith, Roshan, Samantha, Shikha, Swastik, Lily, Gautam, Mani and Vrindha." The team leader said.

Vrindha? What Vrindha was getting transferred to the new branch?

I looked at her. She was sharing the same aghast with me.

But there was no changing the decision. It was an opportunity to grow from the start with fresh ideas on her new endeavor.

Who was I stopping her?

It deeply troubled me though. Months without her, when we were just starting to get along.

Finally, it was the day, when she was leaving. I had to drop her at the airport.

"Don't go." I was screaming in my head.

I couldn't bare to look at her, I was certain I would breakdown if I just took a mini-glance at her.

We were in our car, she was seated right next to me in the passenger seat. I wish I could just kidnap her and runaway to some stranded place with no one but us. It wasn't too late for that. I looked at her through the mirror. She was avoiding me, her gaze outside the window. Her eyes a bit watery.

In silence, we reached the airport. I helped her unload her luggage and we walked together towards the lounge.

Before, she entered the gate. She stood in front of me. Looking everywhere but my eyes.

"Okay then, I will go. Bye." She said softly.

"Wait." I held her hand.

I looked into her eyes. But she was looking elsewhere.

"Look at me." I ordered in a hush voice.

She looked. Her tears at the brink. Her voice almost trembling, but she was holding it in.

That's it. I couldn't control myself anymore, I moved forward and placed my lips on her. We kissed.

She had wobbly legs, I grasped her in my arms.

There it was our first kiss.

I slowly pulled back. I locked my eyes with hers.

"I love you."

There I said it. Ending that stupid challenge, ending our stupid push and pulls and ending all our misunderstandings.

I wish I had said it earlier.

She didn't utter a word.

"Please wait for me, I will be back soon." She said with a peck on my lips. And she went away.

A month passed.

And she arrived, as a few members of the team were transferred back.

And the first thing she said when she saw me was, "I love you." with a warm kiss.