
Why Love Why?

"Just go and tell him!" My bestfriend said, supporting my feelings for our mutual crush. Well, I could have but you know there are many factors affecting this. First, I am not allowed to stay in any form of relationship. This is final year of high school and college entrance exams are within a month, can't afford any kind of distractions. Well instead of making excuses if I have to be honest I don't have the courage to confess my love for him. "I think it is all good for the eyes as of now. I can't manage to pick a fight with the entire class by stealing Mr. Handsome." I said to my bestfriend eyeing the class prince who is unbelievingly hotter today in a black shirt and cream trousers. "Well, if you are not then I am going to tell him." My best friend said with a wink, walking towards him. I swiftly pulled her hand. "What are you going to tell him?" "I am gonna propose my love, of course." She said firmly with an evil smirk. "WHAT!" Keep reading and supporting Why Love Why? Bringing you all the phases of Love from Unrequited first crush to happily married.. in mini- stories of the most lively fictitious characters.

Ivanka_ahsrav · Urban
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9 Chs

That first kiss! (1)


It's been three month since I was married to Vrindha. Vrindha, my beautiful wife, whom I am head over heels since the day I first saw her when our parents met each other. It was an arranged marriage.

The only problem was we both didn't agree on everything. We fought, always.

The first time when I saw her, she looked serene, dreamy and had angelic vibes. The second she looked at me I felt a hit of heavy waves in me. It was the first time I felt something insane, wild and strong towards someone. I couldn't stop imagining my life with her then. Then, it was nice. I guess I had very high expectations.

But after we got married, everyday was a sweet nightmare. It was sweet because she was by my side and she took very good care of me.

It was a nightmare because we were uncomfortable around each other. It was so awkward that it felt like we were forced to live with each other. All the conversations which we tried to initiate with each other ended on a bad note.

Everything was good unless we converse and stay away from each other. The longest we didn't talk or looked straight into each others eyes was thirteen days. Thirteen fucking days. It was hell. There was silence in the house so called home. Was the silence worth the little conversations with her?

"How is work?" I causally spoke breaking the eternal silence finally, on one sunday morning.

We both worked for Grey line technologies. She was in the art and creativity department, while I was in the developers department. We have different work hours, so it is even painful to admit we don't see each other often.

"I suppose I am good." She said blatantly.

I hissed a hmm.

"But seems like yours has been a bit hectic." She said looking at my face a bit concerned.

She knew.

"Well, how did you..."

"You have been coming late every night. And leaving to work before dawn. I suppose the project is near it's deadlines." She said with a hint of concern in her expressions.

"Have you been waiting on me?" I blurted out without thinking.

She hesitated to answer. Her eyes rolling and wandering anywhere but my face.

"No." She murmured looking at the floor.

"I see." I said and walked away to my room.

Who does she think she is lying to? I have seen her lamp on every single night. Her food untouched on the dinner table. Her sneaky walks to the the kitchen every night after I have eaten and shut the door to my room.

She doesn't eat unless I eat. She had installed some stress relief aroma diffuser in the house. She had done a lot for me thinking I hadn't observed.

She doesn't accept the fact that she likes me.

Wants me.

Needs me.

Loves me.

Well nor did I. I have secretly done many things to her, which isn't a secret anymore because I am pretty sure she knows all of it. Our actions speak louder that our words. But are our efforts bringing any results? No.

We are still at square one. Near yet unapproachable.

There are also other secret signs we have between us. Each of it splashing right into it. Giving me the chills, feels and breaking my patience within me to pounce on her.

Those tensions are irresistible to handle yet pleasing to feel.

The first sign is we look straight into each others eyes and just a blink. It means we are assuring each other.

The second sign is when we stand right beside each other and give each other a soft nudge on the shoulder. Meaning everything is alright.

The third sign is our fingers gracing each other feeling the little hidden tensions burrowed within us. It is us saying we are not giving up on each other.

Some of these happen very normally with no context, and I start to imagine things. Feeling she is interested in me, but the very next day we are back to being the strangest of strangers.

In our workplace we rarely interact unless our projects are collaborated.

"How wonderful! The project was supposed to showcase a touch of royal blue and elegance."

The team leader of developer's team announced in the team meeting with all the staff involved in the project.

"The client requested for something minimal and classic. We have designed what the client wants." The team leader of creative department argues against our team.

"I understand what the client requested. But it is our duty to provide the best services and the product demands some catch and attention with your designs."

"Well we have other designs."

Their team leader gestured Vrindha to show the rest of the designs on the projector. They looked pretty decent to me but there was something lacking as my team leader said. The product demands that touch even if it was not requested by the client.

"None, of it works." There was a sigh in the audience of this meeting.

The meeting was adjourned with the creative team remaking the designs.

Vrindha and I reached home at the same time. She was in no good mood.

While I was minding my business, she startled me with her approach.

"What do you think of the designs displayed by us today?" She asked surprising me.

"I prefer not to talk about work at home." I answered thinking wisely. I didn't want another fight in the middle of the night. It was a stressful day, so we better not increase the humidity.

"Of course. When have you even answered me properly or even truthfully?" She murmured stomping at the floor.

"Excuse me." I had heard her.

"Do you have any idea how hard our team worked to make the designs? We sat five hours straight with the client discussing and learning every ounce of their requests. And in the end, we have to remake it. The project manager is gone insane to reject the designs well illustrated by the client himself." She was frustrated. I understand but by no means she can has the right to claim false allegations on me.

"How does that involve me in not answering you properly and truthfully?" I asked facing her eye to eye.

"I meant how you avoid everything I talk about. Everything, including about us." She said without blinking an eye.

"What about us? Have you not been my acquaintance in this issue?" I asked stepping forward furiously.

It was wrong to blame all of it on me. She deserves the equal credit to her actions.

"You don't even dare to accept your feelings. Always avoiding it just like you avoided everything in this house." She said dramatically. She looked like a puffer fish with flushed cheeks in anger.

"What about your feelings? Have you openly displayed them? You secretly care for me and not dare to take the credits." I answered back.

"Come on. I know you like me. Just accept it and we both move on in life. Why are you playing hard?" She reverted.

"I can ask the same of you, Miss." I said pinning her to the wall as I kabedon her.

"You are asking for a challenge, mister." She said sliding her index finger from my temple to my chin with a smirk on her face, teasing me.

"You know what? I accept your challenge, baby. Let's see who falls in love first with the other. And there is no holding back. I am gonna go all out on you." I said moving my face close to hers without touching her.

"Deal." She said extending her hand.

I pulled her into my arms in for a hug.

"Don't stop yourself from feeling good around me. I know how hard you have fallen for me. I can clearly hear your heartbeat, darling." I whisper with a grin pulling myself away from her and going back to my room. Leaving her flabbergasted with stained pinkish red cheeks and no words to reply.

As I entered my room, I simply can't wrap my head in understanding what the hell had happened. We were talking about work but ended up indirectly telling how much we have fallen for each other and decided to woo the other till they accept their feelings?

What have I done? What have I done?

The next day, we see each other at work in the team meeting. She greets me with a smile.

I silently stand behind her.

I don't touch her or do anything inappropriate around the dozens of people around us.

I could sense her being troubled just by the mere presence of me. She struggles to stand in her comfy shoes. She slightly relaxes her shoulders but instantly stiffens them. Her hair at the back of her neck were standing like soldiers ready fo fight.

I moved two steps back just so she concentrates on the meeting.

When more people joined us in the tiny meeting room, she moved back to stand beside me. Her shoulders gracing my arm. Her fingers just a inch apart from mine. She was making me lose it.

"Come on. You can hold onto my hand. But I bet you don't dare." I whispered to her. Luckily we were standing at the extreme back. A few steps away from everyone in the front, so we could get a clear look of the screen and no soul can hear us.

Her face was stern. She slowly graced my fingers and held onto my hands, a bit too tightly.

I chuckled softly. She is falling into my trap. In no time, she would be the first one to profess her love to me.

"Don't think, I wouldn't dare. But there is something you couldn't do. And I know I am going to win." She said with a evil smirk.

Whatever she does, it all adds up to me liking her more. Evil or sweet. Happy, sad or angry. No matter what I want to be by her side. I had already fallen for her, but I wanted her to embrace her feelings for me.

"Don't underestimate me, dearest." I winked.

"You wouldn't dare to kiss me. Right here. Now." She said with the same smirk on her face already enjoying her victory.

Kiss? Is that what she was thinking in the middle of the team meeting?

I needed to meet her expectations.

I slipped a pen onto the floor. We both bent to pick it up. That is when I silently kissed her on her cheek and immediately got up picking the pen.

She took her time to stand back but she was too shy to look at my face.

I was frantic.

The meeting adjourned mentioning something about some employees and some other branches of the company.

We were too busy organizing our thoughts and emotions that we didn't listen to a word after I kissed her on the cheek.