
Who Killed Chester?

Ruby has been living day to day,struggling to live after some sick psycho killed her boyfriend until she met Sophie. Sophie and Ruby set out to find her boyfriend’s killer. Can Ruby trust Sophie?

Moni_Mony · LGBT+
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4 Chs


Sophie's POV

I stood in front of Ruby's room with my packed luggage,ready for move in.

I was so happy that my plans were working.

The only problem was that I have been at her doorstep,knocking for some time with no answer.

If I didn't know her better,I would assume she was not home;I know Ruby never leaves her room but I'm ready to help her change that.

She probably does not remember me but we met in a first year class and she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

She seemed to smile a lot more than she did now then.I have no idea what happened to her but I think it must have something to do with the guy I always saw her with in first year.

I had been her secret admirer since then.I even had some "coincidental" moments with her but she didn't seem to notice me.

The start of second year was when everything changed;she didn't smile like she used to and she always looked sad and tired.

Then,she stopped attending classes.I only saw her once throughout the previous semester but it was during the semester exams and she had the same sad and tired look.

As I was about to knock on the door for the unpteenth time,the door creaked open and a tired looking Ruby ushered me in,gesturing with her hands.

She looked better than the other day when I came knocking on her door the first time.

Her hair had been messy and she had this faraway look when I was talking to her which was why I wrote my phone number and tucked it in her hands.

I was going to come back some days later if she didn't call but luckily,she did.

"I'm so sorry.I was waiting for you to show up but in fell asleep on the sofa."

"It's fine"

I did a quick survey of the room.Everywhere seemed so neat and I smiled because it was evident the room was just recently cleaned.

There was leftover food on the centre table but everything else looked neat and clean.Only the not-so-strong stuffy smell gave her away.

So it's this bad.

"I've made space for you to put your bed and stuffs over here but if you don't like that side,I could give you this side too" Ruby said,gesculating to the right side of the room.

"Oh,I'm fine with this side". I replied.

"Let me know if you need anything"

"Will do".

I started unpacking my stuff while Ruby crawled into bed and went back to sleep.

Through all the noise of me moving stuffs,she didn't flinch.I had to check twice if she was even breathing but I just concluded that she was just very tired.

Seems the room needed lots of cleaning.

I finished unpacking and went out to contact the movers who were to help me move my bed and other little furniture from my former apartment.

I'm here Ruby,I'm going to change your life.