
Who Killed Chester?

Ruby has been living day to day,struggling to live after some sick psycho killed her boyfriend until she met Sophie. Sophie and Ruby set out to find her boyfriend’s killer. Can Ruby trust Sophie?

Moni_Mony · LGBT+
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4 Chs


Ruby's POV

Sitting in a coffee shop on campus,I could feel my heart beating like crazy in my chest.

I looked outside through the glass walls,hoping to get a glimpse of her before she came in.

I had managed to give Sophie a call and set up an appointment at this shop.

Our appointment was to be 2pm but since I was restless,I had attended some morning classes even though my mind was faraway while they lasted.

I had even managed to smile at some people-people who knew me would have been surprised-but I would have been too engrossed with anticipation of seeing my new favorite person to notice the shock on their faces.

"Hello",came the sweet voice I loved to hear.

"Hi", I managed to return as if my insides weren't screaming like a naughty six year old.My heart was so active and overworking itself so much that it would have been due for wages increments if it was a salary worker.

Sophie was wearing a white t-shirt with a huge butterfly printed on it.The butterfly said "Am I free?"

"I'm Sophie"


"You've got a nice name"

"You too" It was all I could do to not blush even though Sophie won't see it anyway since I'm black.

"So,I'm sorry if I disturbed you the other day but I really need a room but I don't have enough to pay for one myself.

I was told you were the only student without a roommate so I thought I would stop by and ask if maybe you needed one"

Oh,that was what she was rambling about the other day?

She was looking at me intensely now,waiting for an answer.

I grabbed the cup of coffee I had ordered and took a sip to neutralize what her stare was doing to me.

"I'll love to be your roommate-" was what I could get out before I heard a screech from Ruby.Then came "Thank you,Thank you"

"I want to move in next tomorrow.Is that okay by you?"

"Sure" That would mean I had to clean up the room but I couldn't care less.All I could focus on at that moment was the fact that Sophie was happy.

I wanted to ask if she would like to see the room first but I thought better of it;even a pig would not want to stay long in that room.

"I have to go somewhere now but I'll text you later in the day so we can discuss payment and other things" She said.

"Sure" I said once again.

"Thank you.I have to get going now"

I nodded.

My eyes couldn't leave her figure as she breezes out of the door,her strides evidently lighter than when she came in.

I was happy too;I was smiling from ear-to-ear,all my worries forgotten especially the one of how I was going to clean the room within a day and a half.

I'll be fine.