
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · Histoire
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20 Chs

The altar

As we watched the last of them go in, we started to move too.

At first, the cave was so small and short that we had to walk on our haunches, and if we didn't straighten up carefully we would hit our heads.

We could no longer see the shadows of the things, so we picked up the pace.

As we walked, the space grew.

A door-like exit appeared ahead, with a faint light coming through.

"Is this the end?" Chen Jiangsheng asked.

Red shook her head, "Not sure, hurry over and see, don't lose him."

I was nimble and ran as fast as I could.

As a result, I didn't brake when I got to the front and almost fell off.

The debris rolled down and Chen Jiansheng yanked me from behind at once.

"What are you panicking about, you don't want to die!"

I was in shock and took two steps back.

In front of me, from this cave to

There was a rope made of vines hanging down, and it was obvious that this was the only way to get down.

"Chen Logistics, can you do it with these thin arms and legs?" Chen Jiansheng asked with a twist of his head.

"Just don't fall to your death yourself, no one else needs to worry about you yet," Hong disliked him.

"All right then," he said as he grabbed the vine, "I'll slide down first and help you guys scout the way."

It was clear from the way he slid down that this was an old hand, knowing to use his legs to stomp against the wall as a way of adjusting his speed of descent.

With a height of more than twenty metres, it took no more than five or six minutes before he slid to the bottom.

Chen Jiansheng was in.

She was not as fast as Chen Jiangsheng, but she was very steady, so I could see that she also had a bottom.

Compared to the two of them, I was a bit clumsy. Because I had no skills, the vines hurt my hands during the descent.

When I came down, I saw that the palms of my hands were skinned.

Seeing my miserable appearance, Chen Jiansheng laughed at me and said, "Kid, practice more in the future, use your leg strength when sliding the rope, don't hold on so tightly."

The three of us continued to walk forward.

In the middle of the stone pillar, there was a flight of steps leading down to the ground. It was dark.

"Is the torch still on, Yunfeng?" asked Hong.

I switched on the torch and tried it.

"There's still a bit of electricity left Sister Red, I don't think it will last an hour."

"Well," she frowned at the steps leading down in front of her, "go down and have a look."

With that, we started down the steps.

When we came down, we had our torches on at first, but as we walked, the bright light of torches appeared ahead of us.

Chen Jiansheng cursed:- "What a fucking evil thing, I didn't think it would use fire, I wonder if it can cook, I'd really like to taste what the golems cook."

After he finished speaking, I don't know how it happened, but for a moment I suddenly saw him as my second brother, and after I came back to my senses I felt a bit uncomfortable, because my second brother was the same way, he had no control over his mouth, he didn't distinguish between occasions and circumstances, he just said whatever came to his mind.

The stone road was paved under my feet, and I had only been following the road for a few minutes when Sister Hong suddenly warned me, "Don't go yet, listen, do you hear me?"

There was a bend in the road ahead, so I listened carefully with my ears open, and indeed, I heard a creaking sound coming from ahead.

It was those things.

Hiding around the corner, we carefully peered in.

There, the short things were squeaking.

There was a round stone table in front of them and the dead one was lying on it.

Soon they stopped squeaking, as if they were united in their opinion.

Suddenly, one of them jumped onto the stone platform and it felt around on itself for a while, feeling out a greenish-white, small axe-like object.

Chen Jiansheng's eyes glared and he said, forcing down his excitement, "Look, see, that's what I was talking about before, really these beasts have stolen it! That's the battle-axe! That proves that I didn't lie to you, look!"

"Snap!" Only to see that the thing raised the green battle-axe high in the air and raised its hand to smash it.

One smash at a time.

The scene was bloody, and in just a few strokes, the dead one's head was smashed to pieces, and yellowish-white stuff was flowing everywhere on the round stone platform.

Seeing this, the others swarmed onto the stone platform, all jumping forward and backward, their hats not paying attention anymore, and they began to frantically lick the yellow and white stuff.

The scene was not only horrifying and frightening, it was disgusting.

The smell of blood was everywhere in the air and my stomach churned with nausea and I wanted to vomit.

Sister Hong wasn't much better.

The two of us were so disgusted that, unexpectedly, we heard Chen Jiansheng spit out in a whisper, "Holy shit, what are they doing, drinking bean curd brains."

After licking them clean, one by one, the things moved forward in pairs and faded into the darkness.

With them gone, the three of us naturally emerged.

On the round stone platform, the thing's head was in a state of disrepair, having been eaten clean by his accomplice. There was still some yellow and white stuff left.

Chen Jiangsheng was the first to notice that there were signs of inscriptions on the stone platform.

The engraving should be bird seal. Due to the time that has passed, some of the bird seal characters are no longer legible on the off-side. Forced to resist nausea, we pushed the corpse down, which

"Sister Hong, do you recognise it?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I can only recognise one of the dozens of characters in this paragraph," she pointed to one of the bird seal characters and said, "This, I've seen it on other bronzes before, it's supposed to be a sacrifice character."

"Sacrifice?" I asked curiously, "Is it a sacrifice for a ritual?"

"Yes," she nodded with a stony face.

"According to this, then this is the altar," Chen Jiangsheng said his thoughts after looking around the room.

This culture of sacrifice has existed since ancient times and still exists to this day; burning paper at Qingming and incense at temples is considered a form of sacrifice.

However, in the Shang and early Western Zhou dynasties, the word sacrifice, stood for blood and death.

Because of the prevalence of slavery, the sacrifice of six animals was rare during the Shang and Zhou periods; instead, the sacrifice of living people was very popular.

Slaves would be beheaded on the sacrificial platform, after which the head would be placed in a bronze vessel called a trousseau, where the shaman responsible for conducting the ritual would get a knife and poke a small round hole in the skull's tianling cover. The reason for the round hole was that the people of the time believed that the sky was round.

This act was meant to offer tribute and release the tribute soul to be dedicated to the gods above. This is just one use of the Shang Dynasty ritual platform, and there are many others, all of which are, in the final analysis, painful and evil techniques.

In the Western Zhou tombs, there is often a pattern that once a ritual platform is found, there is inevitably a pit of human heads or human bones within a five-metre radius, to the front and rear of the platform.

And we did find this pit.

It was to the north-west of the circular altar.

The sacrificial pit was rectangular in shape, and there were some human bones scattered in the pit. Just by looking at the surface, you could see that the white bones were badly calcified, and some of them were still basically in their pre-mortem posture, so I guess they had not been disturbed for thousands of years.

Sister Hong looked at the white bones in the sacrificial pit and sighed. Imagine that two thousand years ago, these were all living beings too.

Normally, there could not have been burial goods in the Shang and Zhou sacrificial pits because, after all, they were slaves and not entitled to enjoy them.

But this time it was different. Chen Jiansheng, with his sharp eyes, found a chicken-headed earthenware jar lying across the pit. This pottery jar still had half of its body buried in the earth.

The pottery was of low value and not worth much money, so Sister Hong said to go and find a way out and not to linger here.

Chen Jiansheng shook his head and said, "Don't get busy yet, Chen Logistics you didn't look carefully, did you, look at the pottery jar again," he pointed down the pit.

I was also watching it for a second time, and this time we looked closer.

"What's that, not a chicken head clay pot?" I could faintly see that there was a clay figurine on the surface of the clay pot, with only a small part of the clay figurine showing on the ground.

"Silly, isn't it? Haven't seen it before, have you?" Chen Jiansheng said with a big grin, "Yes, pottery is not valuable, but it depends on the grade.

The soul barn was only popular in two dynasties, the Shang Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty, the soul barn of the Han Dynasty was placed under the coffin board of the dead, the barn was filled with seeds of grains and cereals, meaning that the dead to be such, some people who do not know how to pay a high price to buy back, every day placed in their bedroom to enjoy, this is not good, inauspicious.

The Western Zhou period soul bins are different, because they are too old and the pottery products are fragile and not well preserved, there are very few Western Zhou soul bins and things are rare, so they can indeed fetch a good price.

I have since come into contact with some feng shui masters in Hong Kong, who are partial to Western Zhou soul barns and will pay a lot of money for them when they hear that they have come out of somewhere. According to my hearsay, it can trap the three souls and seven souls of a person who has died, and if the body is intact after the first seven days, the body will be able to return to its soul on the night of the first day.

In the back, the sacrificial pit is not high, about two meters above the ground, Chen Jiansheng came to the energy, he jumped straight down, said to dig out the soul bin to see, if intact good, see if you can find a way to take away.

I said what a time it was, he wouldn't listen even if I advised him.

This is the nature of a tomb raider, a thief does not walk away, when he sees rare things, he can't walk away, he will do everything he can to find a way to get out, if he just leaves, he will feel that he has missed a billion.

A tomb raider's business is not something that can be dismissed with a banner and five hundred dollars in cash.

Chen Jiansheng jumped into the sacrificial pit, he looked at the white bones and said, "Gentlemen, borrow something, don't blame me, don't blame me." After saying that, he lowered his head and touched the buried soul bin jar.

"Huh? So heavy?" He lifted it, his expression astonished.

A soul barn jar from the Western Zhou period was definitely not filled with grains and cereals, and as for what was inside, almost no one knew.

"Damn, it's heavy, it's not stuffed with gold bricks," he said with a strained expression as he lifted the soul bin with both hands.

"Hurry up and pick me up and get down, I can't get up there."

I scrambled to the edge of the pit, grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

The lid of the soul bin was sealed shut, and it looked like it was original and had not been opened.

Chen Jiansheng patted the dirt on his knees, "How about that? How about giving it a whole opening now, it's original, it's so rare that many of the old hands in the business have never seen it before."

Red bristled, "What high grade stuff can come out of a sacrificial pit, maybe it's stuffed with human shit from two thousand years ago, all dried into balls and fossilised."

Chen Jiansheng's face was a little embarrassed when he was told by Sister Hong that what he had painstakingly touched up was a piece of shit.

"Chen Logistics is really joking, discuss something with Chen Logistics, you lend me your little dagger, I'll pry this thing open and see what's inside."

As I watched Chen Jiansheng speak, I shook my head. I always felt that Chen Jiansheng's attitude towards Sister Hong was so much better than when we first met before, Sister Hong kept disliking him and calling her a southern rat along the way, but even then, Chen Jiansheng would only whine a few times at most.

I guessed that this old boy had some kind of unpleasant thoughts about Sister Hong.

I brainstormed a bit and thought to myself, "Great, this Chen earthworker is going to take over the Alpine Savannah this is." People in the business are rumored that a mole is open by nature, I guess I'm afraid this old boy is not aware of it now.

Receiving the small dagger, Chen Jiansheng squatted down, and after he righted the soul bin, he began to pry with the knife.

There was a layer of yellowish stuff around the mouth of the pottery soul chamber, like a layer of wax oil used for waterproofing, and after more than 2,000 years, the wax oil layer was as dry as a stone block.

Thanks to the sharpness of the dagger, after ten minutes of pounding, his forehead was sweating and he finally pried open a small crack.

Instantly, the smell of wine hit his nose.

Chen Jiansheng's eyes rolled round, "I ..... The soul compartment is actually filled with wine? Two thousand years of wine!"

He took a step back and immediately shook his head in denial, "No, no, there was no high number of distilled spirits at all back then, this wine smell ...."

Sister Hong also grew curious, he looked at the soul bin on the ground and said, "In the Han tomb in Dabaotai, a well-preserved celadon plum vase was unearthed, at that time that bottle contained wine, this is rare but it was there before, just that not many people had seen it."

As soon as he heard this, Chen Jiansheng didn't know whether he wanted to pretend to be proud or what, he suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Today, I, Liu Jiansheng, am blessed with a mouthful of wine, once the lid is opened, it will have to be finished evaporating later, no, this is a rare opportunity, I have to taste a mouthful of this wine and taste what it is like."

"No way, Chen Tuong, you want to drink it?" I didn't think that this man was so bold.

He stroked his chin and smiled, "I'm an alcoholic, I haven't tasted a drop for half a year, a thousand year old wine, I can't stop thinking about it, let me ask you kid, do you know what the highest level of drinking is?"

I shook my head and said no, I said I don't drink.

He looked at Sister Hong and said in a cavalier manner, "The highest level of drinking is to drink to liver cancer, at this point, it is considered a successful practice." M..

I almost couldn't hold back. I thought to myself, "No, I'm not, I'm going to go straight to the crematorium and get a new home.

Sister Hong cursed speechlessly, "Two hundred and five."

"Hey, look, I'm drinking," he said, prying open the entire oil seal of the soul bin and reaching right in to scoop up a bit.

Baring his mouth, he frowned straight up and his expression didn't look too good.

"What's the matter Chen Tuong, what's it like?" He didn't say anything and I thought this was poisoning him.

Chen Jiangsheng swallowed his throat and frowned, "What is this wine, it obviously smells like wine, how come it tastes like this weird taste, sweet like sugar water."

Three minutes after he spoke, I suddenly saw his face start to redden, and it was getting redder and redder, almost as if his face had been painted red.

He shook his head vigorously.

"Shit, what's going on, this is a fake bar."

Common sense dictates that if it is not distilled, the longer you leave it, the more the alcohol will evaporate. Even if the lid is on, if you look at it after a few decades, it will be as light as water, with no taste.

But the wine in the soul warehouse was different, and I even suspected for a while that it wasn't wine at all.

Chen Jiansheng is an old alcoholic, he used his hand to scoop and taste a little bit, and immediately showed drunkenness, talking with a big tongue and a scary red face.

"Chen Tuong, are you all right, can you still walk?" I saw that he was unsteady and helped him a little.

"Can! How can't I!"

"Good wine! Really good wine! Strong enough!" He was red-faced and spoke with a big tongue.

"What a two hundred and five," Red scolded, rolling her eyes.

Chen Jiansheng clasped his hands around the soul bin and took a step forward.

"Go, go, I'm not drunk, this wine .... I'll take this wine out with me and sell it for a hundred thousand a drop!"

Couldn't argue with him, I said, that Chen earthwork you pay attention to the road, don't fall.

There is a path to the northwest of the sacrificial pit, the path leads to the cave, this is the only road, a look at the year man-made construction, we do not even know where this path will lead to, just see those things from this into.

Chen Jiansheng wobbled and walked ahead, holding his soul bin wine jar, while Hong and I followed him.

The path, which looked flat from the outside, began to slope after a few dozen metres.

Heartily, I felt that this was a good site because it was uphill and there was a possibility that I could walk to the top.


"Squeak, squeak," came a lot of monkey-like cries from all directions.

I don't know where they were jumping out from.

Before us, the pile appeared ...

It was those little short golems with their hats on.

They stopped in the middle of the road squeaking and screaming wildly at us three, each holding a stone the size of a child's fist.

Sister Hong and I were so stunned by the battle before us that we subconsciously began to back away.

There is a saying that if the enemy doesn't move, I don't move...

In the end, this kind of animal belongs to the primate class, and when we move, we are showing our cowardice in their eyes.

"Sister Hong be careful!"

In an instant, a stone came crashing towards her head.

The stone split in two, showing the force of the blow. If it had hit her head like that, her brains would have spilled out!

"Get out first!" Sister Hong immediately realised how dangerous things were.

"Let's go!" I dragged the dazed Chen Jiansheng outside. Almost at the same time, there were so many pieces of debris pelting the ground that I accidentally took a hit on my arm, and sweat broke out on my head from the pain.

After I withdrew, the things didn't follow me for the time being.

When I saw that my arm was bleeding, Sister Hong asked me how I was doing and if it hurt.

It definitely hurts ... But I covered my arm and braced myself and said, "It's fine, a superficial injury, the bones should be fine." I tried to lift it, but I couldn't use any strength on my left arm, and when I did, it hurt, so I guessed then that it should be broken .....

"It's all your fault!" I'm not sure what you're doing with that broken urine jar! It's so delayed that something happened!"

Chen Jiangsheng's face was still red, not sure if it was the wine or the redness of his face from Sister Hong's words.

He shook his head and cursed, "One, just a bunch of hairy monkeys, you give me the knife, I'll stab them all to fucking death!"

"Don't, don't be impulsive," I said, holding back the pain, "You can't underestimate these beasts, to do that would be to send them to their death."

The path up the slope was most likely the only way up, but we had gone to so much trouble to find it, but we couldn't get up there because of a bunch of animals, so I can't tell you how frustrated I was.

It would have been nice to have a gun. If we had had one of those, we could have shot them all with one shot, and they would have been a hornet's nest.

We talked about how to deal with these things and how to get out.

Sister Hong came up with an idea. She said that one person could go in first, attract the attention of these things and draw them away, so that the remaining two could get through safely as long as they were not discovered.

Without killing the fish, as things stood, this was indeed the way to go, but then the question arose, who would do the job?

Sister Hong looked directly at Chen Jiansheng.

"You go, you're the most responsible for things coming to this." Sister Hong said with a cold face.

I thought Chen Jiansheng would argue a bit, after all, if this matter was messed up, people would die. Unexpectedly, he lowered his head.

"Fine, I'll go then, you guys hide in the back."

He didn't argue, agreeing to such a block that Sister Hong visibly froze.

As if the wine had sobered up, Chen Jiansheng arched his hand and said, "Kid, Chen Logistics, let me tell you something, the reason for what happened is on me, in case we get stoned to death, it's not unjust, but I also want you to know one more thing, I, ah, am not only a tomb raiding earthworker, I am also the descendant of the commentary door Bai Chun Point."

Sister Hong was flabbergasted, "Bai Chun-dot, you said you are the descendant of the Eight Little Sects of Assessment?"

Chen Jiansheng nodded, "Yes, nothing more, just wanted to report a door."

I had also just learned of this news and was a bit surprised.

What this Eight Little Doors said, many people don't know now.

In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, apart from the tomb robbers and the deceivers, and the seven gates of the Yin family, there were also four major gates and eight minor gates in the civil jianghu.

Wind, horse, goose, and bird, the four great gates.

There are also the four major and eight minor schools of folk jianghu, namely, Jin, Pi, Cai, Hanging, Commenting, Tuan, Tuning, and Liu.

This includes those who sell plasters, knives, buns, jugglers, storytellers, face readers, insect and eye medicine sellers, and those who practice qigong by breaking boulders in their chests, and the now famous Wang Ma Zi scissors and Qing Feng bun shop, whose descendants are the people who were in the eight small doors.

Chen Jiansheng says he is the heir of the old man Bai Chundot of the Eight Little Doors, so he is a storyteller. There are many rumours about Bai Chundot, one of the more famous ones is that the old man, Bai, can tell ghost stories.

In the old days, when people died, the audience was not human. In the old days, when someone died, the head of the family would often ask someone to sing a ghost play and tell a ghost story. The nature of the event was the same as hiring a singing and dancing troupe for a white event nowadays.

It was said to the ghosts. Singing to the ghosts. It was a good opportunity to make a good connection with the underworld.

Bai Chundot was one such person.

I never thought that the unattractive Chen Jiansheng would have this identity.

Chen Jiansheng smiled and said, "Sorry ah Chen logistics, after all, our two schools do not bow down, my name is not Chen Jiansheng, I ah, actually called Bai Jiansheng."

"If I don't reveal my identity and die, it will be miserable, but even if I am miserable, I am still one of the eight sects after all, it is better to spread a message out."

"Bai Jiansheng of the Spring Review Sect, died in the Moth Mountain in Shunde."

"Let's get the word out, let's have a name for our death."

I somewhat regretted agreeing to this plan, so I said, "Chen the earthworker, why don't we go a different way, think of something else."

"No," he shook his head, "Chen Logistics is right, it's the fastest way, and besides, I'm not necessarily going to die. Our old Bai family has a masterpiece."

"A masterpiece? What's that, Mr. Chen?" I wondered what he was talking about.

He didn't answer.

"Come on, you two follow me," he said in a hushed voice, picking up a stone and using it as a waking log and the cave as a table.

As luck would have it, we had just entered when the things jumped out again, their arms raised high and stones in their hands, ready to smash.

Chen Jiansheng's eyes widened in anger.

"Snap! Snap!" He struck the wall twice in quick succession with the stone.

Only he heard him read aloud .

"A piece of waking wood is divided into six parts, from the king down to the ministers; the king has one piece to govern all the officials, and all the officials have one piece to govern all the people!"

His tone quickened and intensified as he continued to recite.

"A monk speaks the Dharma in one piece, a celestial master speaks the ghosts and gods in one piece, a piece of waking wood travels the world, speaking of people and ghosts and the world!"

The words, which sounded like a certain type of incantation, just fell on my ears, accompanied by the fall of the waking wood, which was replaced by a stone, and I felt my brain rush with blood, and my whole body froze.

The golems in front of me, holding up the stones motionless, were equally dazed.

"Get out of here! Get out of here!" Chen Jiansheng urged me and Sister Hong loudly, his voice was like an enlightening message.

On reaction, I glanced at Sister Hong, holding my injured arm.

Sister Hong was cold as he gave Chen Jiansheng a look and said one word.


With that, the two of us walked our way through the middle of these golems, all of which stared at Chen Jiansheng dazedly and did not attack Sister Hong and me.

As we passed through the group of golems, we only heard Chen Jiansheng's loud laughter coming from behind us.

"Haha, young and old, today, let's not talk about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, today, let's not talk about chatting and sealing the gods, today, let's talk about a.

"Wu Song beats the tiger!"

"The word is, ah, there is one selling cooking cakes within the territory of Qinghe County ..."

The farther I walked with Sister Hong, the less Chen Jiansheng's voice was heard behind us, and by the end we were out of the cave and could no longer hear his voice.

In the tomb raiding business, the descendants of the southern and northern factions do not see eye to eye, the old grudge has been deep, did not think that in the end it was he who saved us.

Looking back now, I still haven't figured out exactly what the principle of said ghost book is, but I've probably guessed something.

The method is similar to hypnosis, in the same way that those modern professional and sophisticated hypnotists can lull you to sleep by reading a household story right in front of you. It's as if your mother read you a fairy tale in your arms to lull you to sleep when you were a child, and you fell asleep while listening to it.

These are strange and obscene techniques, if not passed down from the discipline.

It is not possible to say or understand.


After coming out, Sister Hong and I waited outside for half an hour, but Chen Jiansheng did not come out.

Sister Hong took a deep look at the cave and wasn't talking or waiting. She helped me to leave.

The scene in front of me was a large slope with no road and overgrown with weeds.

After seeing the terrain clearly, I thought of one thing. The structure of this vast underground palace, divided into two levels, was shaped like an hourglass funnel placed at an angle, and where we were now, we were on the connecting line in the middle of the funnel.

Standing at the bottom of the slope and looking upwards, one could not see the end of it.

Sister Hong helped to hold my arm and started to climb up the slope step by step.

The grass was not high and there was some dew on the road, which drenched our trouser legs and basically our shoes.

After half an hour of climbing up the slope, a faint mist appeared ahead of us, and at once everything around us looked a little more unreal, like being in a dream.

"Take a rest, Yunfeng," said Hong, helping me to sit on the turf. Like climbing the mountain, I was indeed a little tired.

Just then, my stomach disobeyed me and rumbled twice.

When we fell down, we lost a backpack and the little biscuits and food we had left were all consumed," she said, frowning as she looked at the slope she could not see. Wait, I'll go look around and see if I can find something to eat."

After Sister Hong left for the time being, I was left sitting alone on the turf.

At first it was fine and I wasn't too worried, but slowly the fog grew.

A moment ago I could still see the path I was walking on, but now, when I looked down, I could basically see nothing, and everywhere was white.

Time was ticking away and I was scared.

I was afraid that if she stepped out of the way, something would happen to her.

Every two or three minutes, I would call out loudly from my spot: "Sister Hong! Sister Hong! I'm here! I'm here!"

I hoped she would hear me and find me by following the direction of my voice.

But I was wrong.

I waited in the same place for a long time, my throat smoking with shouting, but I didn't see Sister Hong reply to me, let alone see her in person.

I didn't dare to leave easily, because I knew that the best way for two people to get separated in this situation was for one of them to stay where they were, and if they both ran off, they would probably get further and further away from each other.

It was getting dark and the fog never lifted, so I switched from sitting to lying down, my stomach rumbling with hunger.

I thought I would hold on until the fog lifted at dawn, when Sister Hong would surely be able to find me.

Cold and hungry, I lay down on the turf and fell asleep thinking about it.

The night was dark and it was probably late in the evening.

In a daze, I thought I heard Sister Hong calling me.

"Yunfeng, Yunfeng, come here, I'm here."

With a jolt, I sat up violently.

The movement was so big that it touched my injured arm, and I sucked in a breath of pain.

With the darkness around me, I sat on the ground and listened carefully with my ears pricked up.

"Yunfeng, Yunfeng, come here, I'm here." A familiar voice came from behind me, yes, it was Sister Hong her voice.

Following the direction the voice came from and feeling the darkness, I carefully walked over towards it.

As I walked, I shouted, "Sister Hong! Sister Hong! Where are you! Why can't I see you!" M.

There were words coming from the darkness.

"Yun Feng, Yun Feng, come here, I'm here."

I stopped in my tracks and frowned, feeling that something was fishy.

Sister Hong had shouted three times, and the point was, she shouted the same thing every time, with the same tone and speed of voice!

Gulping, I was undeterred and tried again to shout out Sister Red where are you.

Sure enough .....

"Yunfeng, Yunfeng, come here, I'm here."

Four times! Sister Hong all with the same touching phrase back!

I blushed and quietly took a step back.

Reaching out, I felt the small hard lump sitting in my trouser pocket, a Ga Wu box amulet that Yao Yumen had given me earlier, which she said would ward off evil spirits. I had previously taken this necklace off and stuffed it in my trouser pocket because it was in the way.

As I clutched this red rope amulet, I started to think about it.

It was too foggy and the ground was wet, so did Sister Hong step out of the way and fall to her death.

Is this her ghost coming for me.

Is Sister Hong's ghost afraid that I will be left alone here?

It wants to take me away to keep her company.