
Who is the self-harming snake?

I am a poor boy in a northeastern mountain village in China, the early twentieth century, in order to make a name for myself, I joined a northern faction of tomb raiding gang. From the south to the north, the jianghu hundred states, three religions and nine streams, so many years from the teenager mixed to middle-aged, the amount of alcohol to see the growth of the years wasted, I have been in contact with many many strange people and strange things, you are interested, may wish to move a small bench, listen to a tomb raider\'s Jianghu insights and his fight with the horrible snake who are called self-harming snakes.

ZhugeMeng · History
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20 Chs

Lunar Eclipse

"Oh? Some things you can't touch? What things? It's all flowers and trees here, isn't it?" I said.

Chen Jiansheng shook his head, "Let's talk as we walk."

After walking for about ten minutes, he stopped in front of a large tree, a dozen metres high, with a strange appearance, a trunk with limbs, but not a single leaf on its body, it was bare.

He pointed to the big tree and twisted his head and said, "Look guys, I used this tree as a reference landmark before because it was so recognisable, I named it the bare tree, this bare tree is facing the exit of the cave crack, as long as you can see it, you won't get lost in there."

"Well, Chan Woodworker, that's a good idea indeed," I praised.

A mole looked up flabbergasted at the big tree for what could have been several minutes, then he said in a deep voice, "When I was in college I took botany on purpose because I was interested, and I heard the old professor talk about this tree, it's not called any kind of bare tree, it has a name, it's called the Yunyang tree."

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be a university student," Chen Jiansheng laughed, "We don't know about the Yunyang tree, it doesn't have a single hair, I think it's more apt to call it a bachelor tree."

"Don't talk nonsense if you're not educated!" Sister Hong glared at him, "Yunyang is what the ancients called it, this tree was actually grafted by the ancients unintentionally, the one who discovered it was a showman named Yunyang, that's why it was called the Yunyang tree in the "Strange Things and Monsters", but all this is because the ancients didn't know much about grafting techniques."

"Then to follow your meaning, this bare tree, no, this Yunyang tree is still artificially planted?"

"Definitely not, I've been here several times, not to mention people, I haven't even seen a ghost, you must be mistaken," Chen Jiansheng kept shaking his head in denial as soon as he heard that the big tree might have been artificially grafted.

"All right Chen earthwork, whether the tree is wild or grafted, it doesn't matter, let's hurry up and go to the place you said you wanted to show us."

"OK, let's go, take the left, watch out for the weeds under your feet, some of them can carry thorny hooks."

He led us on, and along the way, I saw many plants I had never seen before.

From time to time, Sister Hong explained to me, "This, this flower is called grass aconite, don't touch it, it will itch on your body if you do." ...

"This is called strychnine, that's red cocklebur, these are all very uncommon flowers and plants."

Suddenly, I saw a dark yellow bug lying on a red cocklebur, which resembled the robin's bug found in the fields around the countryside.

I reached down and caught it.

Squeezing the bug, I took a closer look and wondered, "This .... What is this, it's not a robin, why doesn't this thing have legs?"

I said how I caught it as soon as I reached out, it turns out this thing doesn't have legs and won't crawl away.

"Chen Tuong, do you know what kind of worm this is?" I asked curiously.

He looked at it and scratched his head, "I don't know, you're asking me for nothing, I haven't seen everything, there are a lot of strange and weird bugs in here."

This bug doesn't seem to be able to call, it has a pair of black sesame eyes on its head, it is very strange looking.

Chen Jiansheng said he didn't know that he had never seen one, and Sister Hong also shook her head, saying she didn't know anything about plants, but knew very little about insects.

I didn't care too much, I just stuffed the bug into my trousers pocket, it wouldn't bite anyway, plus the bug didn't have legs and wouldn't crawl around. I hadn't seen it before purely because I thought it was strange and odd.

"By the way, are you guys hungry now?" Chen Jiangsheng suddenly turned around and asked.

"Not bad, I can keep walking, not very hungry," I said truthfully.

He rolled his eyes, "Of course you're not hungry! You ate all the one fish I caught!"

"That ...." I was a little embarrassed and rubbed my hands together awkwardly.

"OK, OK, just walk here, pad it and order it."

He pointed to a small tree on his right and said, "This red fruit on the tree can be eaten, I've eaten it before, it's fine, there's nothing to eat here, I'll go pick a few to fill my hunger." As he said this, he walked towards the fruit tree, minding his own business.

In a few minutes' work he returned stretching his top.

"Here," he said, handing a mole one.

"Who knows if I can eat it, no," said Red, who didn't take it.

"Heh, you'll be hungry then Chen Logistics," he picked up a fruit and wiped it towards his shirt, then brought it to his mouth and clicked a big bite straight away. The fruit was overflowing with juice and looked very sweet.

I gulped subconsciously.

Noticing my discomfort, he shook his head and threw me two.

After a moment's hesitation, I took a careful bite.

It was a bit like the texture of an apple, crunchy, but tasted sweeter and juicier than an apple.

"It's okay Sister Hong, eat one, it's still weirdly tasty, you basically didn't eat anything before, we have to walk later, it's good to eat one, to replenish your sugar," I said, handing her a fruit.

This time she ate it.

"Hey ..." The man laughed: "How about Chen Logistics, is it sweet? Does it smell good?"

She didn't say anything back with a cold face.

A few people ate the fruit feeling a lot fresher in their throats, not so dry.

Chen Jiansheng found an open space, he said to sit down for a while, rest and relax, there was no need to rush this moment.

I asked, puzzled, "Chen Jiangsheng, we haven't gone very far since we came in, have we ..."

"Hey," he waved his hand, "kid, there are some things you don't know, you listen to me, sit here for a while and you'll know, I'll show you a good thing later." He said this in an unspoken and mysterious way.

I had no choice but to take a break since the one leading the way said to take a break, and I stopped by to see what the good thing was that he said he would show me.

A few people didn't say anything, so they just sat on the ground and sat dry, with Chen Jiansheng looking up into the sky from time to time, not knowing what he was looking at.

I guess after an hour, I couldn't sit down anymore.

I got up from the ground and asked him how long he had to rest and if he was still going to do his job. Sister Hong also turned her head to look at him.

Chen Jiangsheng's upper body was now lying backwards, propped up on his hands, and he had a piece of weed bitten into his mouth.

"Bah," he spat out the weed in his mouth and said, "I've seen that scene once and I can't forget it, don't worry guys, it's going to be dark soon, soon, soon ..."

"Dark? In here?" I glanced around.

The surroundings in front of me looked like it was in the evening, the light was less than adequate but you could see things.

"Haha, here we go, look," Chen Jiangsheng suddenly pointed to the place we had just come from.

Only to see that the place where we had just walked was falling into darkness a little bit, as if we had suffered a total lunar eclipse, from dusk, to night.

Moreover, this darkness, like a dark cloud, was in a transitional state and was spreading towards the three of us.

It was only three minutes before and after that, the whole space here darkened, instantly turning black and invisible.

It was so dark now that I couldn't even see my own fingertips.

"Chen Tu Gong!" It was so dark that I couldn't see anyone else, so I shouted.

"What are you trying to show us!"

"Showing you the night view! What are you shouting about, you boy!" I couldn't see anyone and all I could hear was Chen Jiansheng's grumbling.

In a panic I looked for my torch and almost burst out, look at your fucking night view.

Before I could turn the torch on, the next second, I looked at the situation happening in front of me and was too shocked to speak.

A star's fire can start a prairie. m..

What I saw was no ordinary fire. Nor was it a firefly.

It was a cluster of vegetation glowing a pale golden colour.

As far as the eye could see, countless flowers and trees all around emitted a little yellow light, a sea of stars ...

The impression was just too impressive.

It was a scene that I will never forget.

The whole thing probably lasted less than three minutes.

The darkness cleared and we saw each other again.

Both Sister Hong and I were shocked by this brief scene just now, but Chen Jiansheng was all excited: "How? I didn't lie to you, did I? This kind of spectacle is hard to find in the world."

Some of you may ask how trees and flowers can glow yellow, and some may say I'm full of shit.

A mole told me the answer.

After she had eased up from her shock, she got up and walked forward on her own, she picked a small flower, frowned and looked at it in awe.

She then handed me the flower and showed it to me.

I could see that the edges of the small red flower were covered with a faint layer of moss, which was so thin that it would not have been easy to notice without picking it off and looking at it closely. She scraped off a bit of this moss with her fingernails and then placed it under her clothes to cover it tightly.

After looking at it, Sister Red said in amazement, "It glows a very faint yellow light, if I'm right, this could be cranberry moss."

What is cranberry moss?

Most ordinary people have never heard of it, but I think that if there are some sophisticated floral enthusiasts, they may have heard of it more or less.

During the Jin Dynasty of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, a moss-like plant was worshipped in the imperial palace, its colour light green, like a yellow star at night, and if it was cast on the surface of the water, it would shimmer and shine with gold, as recorded in Youyang Miscellany.

In addition, the ancient Wang Jia's "Gleanings" says: "Liang offered trailing gold moss, its colour is golden, trailing on top of the waves, the light out of the sun, the palace people who are lucky enough to get a reward of two money, placed on top of the lacquer plate, the light shines full of room, strange plants and strange plants, can be called night moss."

In ancient literature, there have been many other records of this moss, those who have not seen it may say that the ancients were blowing smoke, but, I have seen it ..... Sister Hong has also seen it, and Chen Jiansheng even more so.

"How is it? Isn't it a wondrous sight? I haven't even seen it before," Chen Jiansheng said smugly.

Sister Hong wiped her hands and looked around and said, "I never thought that there would be such a strange thing passed on to the world ... Open your eyes."

"Oh, that goes without saying, not to mention you guys, I was shocked the first time I saw it."

"Come on, I'll show you the next good thing," Chen Jiansheng patted the mud on his clothes and continued to lead the way.

On the way Red was frowning and looked preoccupied, so I asked her what was wrong.

She turned her head to look at me and whispered, "Yunfeng, it's possible, Yao Yumen and the handle head are right, we've come to a place we shouldn't be ..."

"Hey, forget it, let's take a step now and see what happens."


An hour later, Chen Jiansheng led us to a place that was a dirt slope, no more than a meter high, and looked a bit like the kind of small burial mounds found in mass graves.

"Wait here, I'll show you," he said, and went up to dig the earth, with his bare hands.

"Huh? Where'd it go?"

"I clearly hid it here last time, where did it go," he said, digging around haphazardly.

"What are you doing, Chen Tuong? What have you hidden here?"

He looked back at me and said, "It's a jade blue battle-axe, I found it by accident, it's wrongly made of gold and silver, it has a small map engraved on it that I can't understand, where the hell did it go, it can still grow legs and run away."

The "battle-axe" was a ritual instrument popular in the late Shang dynasty and early mid-Western Zhou dynasty, mostly made of bronze, very few were made of jade, its status was equivalent to that of the later tiger talisman, an object of extremely high rank.

The nine tripods, four horses and one battle-axe of the Son of Heaven were a system that the general vassal kings would never have dared to overstep, let alone in the early and middle Western Zhou period when the state was so powerful.

If what Chen Jiansheng said is true, and he found the battle-axe, then it would mean one thing.

The tomb owner was not afraid of the Emperor of the Zhou.

If the owner of the tomb is that mustard waiter, in short, is not to dick you Zhou Tianzi, I myself will have to cross the level, will have to use the nine tripods four horses a battle-axe.

But there is one thing I can't figure out, such an important thing, Chen Jiansheng can pick it up casually? He also said that there was a map engraved on the battle-axe, what kind of map was it? Could it be a map for walking out?

All this could not yet be determined until we saw the real thing, and perhaps he had lied, which was possible.

"Fuck, where the fuck did it go, I even marked it on purpose, why is it gone!" Chen Jiansheng turned the small pile of dirt over and froze, but couldn't find what he was talking about.

I wondered, "Chen earthworker, is it possible that you misremembered? Seeing something else as a battle-axe? If it's not the Son of Zhou, there can't be anything like that in the tomb."

"Shit," he glared at me, "I've been in the trade for more than ten years at least, I can't be wrong about that kind of thing!"

Sister Hong nodded in agreement, "There's no proof."

Seeing that we didn't believe him, he got angry.

"Forget it, you don't believe me, I still don't believe I can't find it!" He was ready to go back to digging and turning the soil.

I shook my head and turned my head to look around.

The light was bad and the surroundings were dim.

Without seeing clearly, in a blur, I thought I saw a short, dark figure with a hat under a large tree about a hundred metres ahead. It was hiding behind the tree and peeking at our group.


"Who's there!" I turned on my torch in a panic.

"What's wrong Yunfeng, what do you see?" Sister Hong was startled by the sudden sound of my voice.

In looking, there was nothing under that tree now.

"Sister Hong, I saw a dark shadow with a hat, very short, less than five metres," I said anxiously.

"A dark figure with a hat? Very short? Yunfeng are you too tired and blurry-eyed?" Sister Hong glanced down towards the tree and she shook her head, clearly not believing me.

Knowing my own situation best, I firmly said that I had not misread what I had just seen, that I was not hallucinating, and that it was a dwarf with a hat peeking at us just now.

In the end, I convinced Sister Red and we decided to go over to the big tree to check things out.

After walking to the place, there was nothing around but flowers and plants, not to mention any dwarf with a hat.

"Boy, I think you are just blind, what dwarfs, is there a Snow White too?" Chen Jiansheng joked me out.

I was furious and was just about to retort to him.

"Wait." Sister Hong interrupted me.

"You ..... Look guys, what's that? Is that a footprint?"

Looking at the place where Sister Hong pointed, I saw that, on the soft earthy ground, a pair of very small and tiny footprints were left, one size smaller than a three-inch golden lotus, looking like a five or six-year-old's.

This pair of footprints had no shoes on.

There were only four toes, with one thumb missing.

Looking at the footprints left on the ground, I gulped nervously, and Sister Hong and Chen Jiansheng did not look good either.

We were being stolen|spied on.

What was even more frightening was that this thing didn't know if it was a human or a ghost.

That means that now, here, it might not be just the three of us. There was something else.

Fear comes from the unknown, and the more we thought about it, the more scared we became, and Chen Jiansheng didn't dare to stammer.

"Chen ..... Chen earthworker, is it possible that it was someone from your gang, is there a dwarf type disabled person in your gang," I tried to ask her.

"No," Chen Jiansheng frowned: "Earlier, except for me and Chen Branch Pot, all the other brothers were out, besides, there is no such disabled person in our team."

With this sudden incident, we didn't dare to rush, and the three of us discussed the matter and said that we would rest in the same place for one night to recover our strength.

At night, several of us took turns to keep watch, none of us dared to sleep all the way down, and when it was my turn, the point of my watch was the period from 1am to 3am.

It was Chen Jiansheng who got the fire going, using a torch, there were quite a few things that could be burnt here, and we collected some branches and wood that had rotted and dried out.

Our temporary resting place was next to the small mound of earth, as there was relatively little vegetation in this area.

Guarding the fire, it was about two o'clock in the second half of the night when my eyelids were fighting and I was sleepy, but now that it was my turn to keep watch, I kept telling myself that I couldn't sleep, and when I couldn't take it anymore, I pinched the flesh of my thigh a few times as hard as I could.

Sister Hong and Chen Jianshang were now asleep.

I added two dry sticks of firewood, and I was still holding strong, my head a little.

"Pah," suddenly the back of my head ate pain and I wondered who had hit me with a small piece of dirt.

Looking at the small clods of dirt rolling down at my feet, my sleepiness, instantly, disappeared without a trace.

A cold sweat broke out on my back, from the shock.

In the light of the fire, I twisted my head back a little to look.

I saw, thirty metres ahead of me on the ground, a small dwarf standing on the ground.

He was wearing a large|large folded-brimmed hat, and was covered with a ragged black garment, which was covered with dirt, and was so torn and old that it looked like it had been stripped from a dead man ...

"Dreaming, in a dream, surely in a dream," I pinched my tiger hard, and a painful sensation came.

"Snap," the dwarf threw another clod of dirt at me, this time missing me because of poor aim.

I stepped backwards in fear. Little by little, backing up to Jason Chan's side.

Not daring to speak, I touched Chen Jiansheng, trying to wake him up.

He didn't respond at first, so I got anxious and pinched him.

"What are you doing, you're sick." He was awakened by my pinching.

I looked at him with a pale face and pointed behind me in a quiet voice.

In his sleepy eyes, Chen Jiangsheng glanced behind me.

Quickly, he rubbed his eyes vigorously.

We were face to face and I could see very clearly.

His face went white with a swish.

Chen Jiansheng lowered his head, his lips trembling, and said, "Don't say a word, sleep, and pretend you didn't see anything." After saying this he lay down directly on the ground and closed his eyes.

There was no talk all night.

The next morning.

"You didn't rest last night? Why do you look so pale?" Sister Hong asked.

I was now pale, and Chen Jiansheng was similar, because last night, both of us had seen that thing.

I had been hesitant to tell Sister Hong about it.

It was Chen Jiansheng who told me about this incident.

After hearing what he said about what happened last night, Sister Hong turned her head to look at me and asked with a frown, "Yunfeng, is it true?"

I clenched my fist and nodded my head.

Chen Jiansheng looked around with a stony face, he lowered his voice and said, "I told you it was strange, the battle-axe I buried before couldn't have grown legs and run away by itself, it must have been this thing that was playing tricks."

"Did you see the face?" Sister Hong asked with a frown.

"No, I didn't see it."

"The thing was wearing a very large folded-brimmed hat, and it was also wearing clothes that it had picked up from somewhere, and it was covered so tightly that nothing could be seen." I recalled the scene from last night carefully, making sure I hadn't missed anything.

Then the three of us conspired for a while and set a secret plan in motion.

At first I was frightened and I told Sister Hong that we should hurry and leave this thing alone for what it was.

Sister Hong, however, shook her head and said that there was a lot of mystery here, and her instincts told her that she should not just leave, but to follow the line of capture.

During the day, we all tried not to look around, and kept our heads down when we walked and talked. We didn't dare to eat anything else, and we still ate the same kind of fruit to feed our hunger.

When night came, as usual, we built a fire and, with no one to keep watch, the three of us lay down on the ground around it at the same time and closed our eyes.

This time, however, unlike last night, none of us were sleeping. All were pretending to be asleep.

Sister Hong was holding a small dagger, her palm facing down, covered by the sleeve of her shirt. Hidden in the hands of Chen Jiansheng and me was a small section of sharpened wooden stick, which we pressed against our arms so that nothing could be seen from the outside, only that the three of us were sleeping.

Time passed, and in the latter part of the night the fire had burned small as no additional firewood had been added.

"Pata," something threw a small clod of dirt at us to try.

We pretended to sleep, eyes closed, and no one moved.

I clutched the wooden stick I had hidden under my arm, scared to death that

A few minutes passed.

"Pata," another small lump of dirt was thrown.

We were still sleeping without moving, and no one paid any attention.

After an hour or so, there was the sound of very light footsteps.

My eyes narrowed a slit and I lay on the ground, peeking carefully.

I saw the dwarf that had appeared last night, holding a small stone in its hand, walking step by step, twisting left and right, towards the fire.

The thing was walking in a very strange manner, twisting and turning like a little old woman.

He was walking very slowly and carefully, approaching us a little.

I closed my eyes for fear that this thing would notice.

The sound of footsteps was coming in.

I felt that the thing had come up to me.

"Do it!"

Chen Jiangsheng sprang up from the ground, he shouted explosively, took out his sharpened wooden stick and raised his hand to stab it!

Sister Hong also suddenly got up and aimed at the dwarf, stabbing it directly with her dagger.

"Squeak!" The thing yelped strangely like a mouse, twisted its head and tried to run.

We had waited all night to ambush him, so we were not going to let him run. I was the closest and tugged on the thing's calf, holding on for dear life...

"Hurry! Hurry! I've got it!" I shouted desperately.

The thing exploded when I yanked on its leg, and it jumped up and down so desperately and with such force that I almost lost my grip.

"Pfft," Red's dagger stabbed the dwarf in the stomach, and it went in flush.

The thing bled a lot, the blood was red and black.

The thing ate the pain and he dodged Chen Jiansheng's blow so sideways I felt my wrist dislocate.

Soon, less than a minute later.

There was a poof.

The dwarf fell to the ground, his stomach sticking out with Sister Red's dagger, still twitching with every movement, blood pouring out all over the floor.

Seeing this, the three of us looked at each other with pale faces.

We were making eye contact, which probably meant.

Someone go and take this thing's hat off.

See if it's dead.

The fire was dwindling, and Chen Jiansheng kicked over two pieces of dry wood, which brought the fire back to life.

"Yunfeng, you go, take off the hat," Sister Hong instructed me, as she handed over the dagger.

"Good ....."

I held the dagger in both hands, carefully, and approached it step by step.

Taking a deep breath, I kicked away the large folded-brimmed hat that covered the thing's head.

The hat.

No, no.

To be more precise, you can't say it was a monkey face, only that it looked like a monkey face.

A few of us looked at each other with amazement.

This thing had a long, pointed face with a protruding nose, bright red hair on either side of its mouth, a layer of white hair covering its forehead, and small eyes, making it look very bizarre.

Now, the thing's eyes were closed and its mouth half open, and it was dead.

"Ugh? Is this thing that thing?" Chen Jiansheng suddenly turned his head to look at Sister Hong.

Sister Hong took a closer look and frowned, "I can't be sure, I haven't seen it before."

Seeing the two of them playing dumb, I got a little anxious and asked Sister Hong if she knew anything about it.

Sister Hong told me that it was possible that this thing was a mandrill in folklore, that is, a mountain spirit or a wild monster.

One by one, she told me what she knew about this thing.

In the past, in the deep forests of folk areas, if you asked experienced old hunters what was the most powerful thing in the mountains, what was the most evil, not a tiger or a leopard, many old hunters' answers were almost always the same.

The mandrill.

In some places this thing is also called a mountain ghost or mountain god. The male mandrill loves to eat people and has a lustful nature, and likes to rape and lewdly kill human women, while the female mandrill likes to play tricks on people, dressing up as human children and playing games with them.

This thing is more than a metre tall and likes to cover itself with a big hat, so from a distance it really looks like children.

Of course, the idea that a mandrill hat can be invisible should be nonsense. I dare say this because I tried it.

In front of Sister Hong and Chen Jiansheng, I was brave enough to pick up the hat and try it on.

The hat smelled foul and when I put it on I asked, "Sister Hong, Chen Tugong, am I invisible now, can you see me?"

Chen Jiansheng looked at me with drooping eyelids and said indifferently, "That's right, you are invisible, you can go rob a bank with this hat in the future, no one will see you, also, when you go to the women's bathhouse, the cameras can't even see you."

I bristled and threw away the hat, how could I not see the mocking meaning in his words?

As for where the hat had come from, we didn't know, but about the clothes the mandrill was wearing, while we were rummaging around, Chen Jiansheng suddenly recognised it.

For this garment was worn backwards.

Chen Jiangsheng felt a plastic bag from the pocket of the lining of the dress and opened it, which contained a lighter and half a box of Five Golden Flowers cigarettes.

He turned blue and kicked the thing's corpse five or six times in a row.

"Shit! This beast! These clothes belonged to someone on our team! This beast has stripped it off and put it on himself!" He finished and kicked it several times in quick succession.

"Come on, it's dead, why are you still mad," Sister Red shook her head, "look for something else, see if that thing you mentioned is hidden on it."

I also helped, and went through it a few more times, but couldn't find the green jade ritual object Chen Jiansheng had mentioned.

Suddenly, Chen Jiansheng snapped her hand, startling me.

Sister Hong frowned and asked what she wanted.

He pinched his cigarette case, pointed overhead and suddenly said excitedly, "This brother of mine had an accident up there, I saw it with my own eyes! This beast stripped his clothes and put them on himself and came back to the back garden of this tomb owner, Chen Logistics, tell me, what does that tell you about a thing."

Sister Hong thought for a moment and mused, "There is a way."

"That's right!" Chen Jiansheng pointed first to the sky and then to the ground, "That's right, up here and

I was also excited because if what Chen Jiansheng said was true, then we would be able to get out of here, we would be able to go up, and we would be able to find Big Brother and Third Brother and the others.

But the question at hand was, where was this road that the golems had come down from up here?

Something was now tentatively in sight.

The underground space with lush vegetation in the crevice of the mountain in front of us could possibly be the tomb owner's private back garden. If the tomb owner was a mustard waiter, with the appeal of a vassal king, he might have been able to find so many cherished flowers and trees to plant in the back garden he had built for his own enjoyment after his death.

This tactic is in fact similar to the mercury for the sea and the night pearls for the sun, moon and stars inside the tomb of the First Emperor.

The slight difference between the two is that regarding the tomb of the First Emperor at Mount Li, Sima Qian clearly recorded it in his historical records, while mustard waiting for this, the wild history and the official history, both of which do not mention a single word.

As to how to find this way up, Hong came up with a solution.

The mandrill, though evil, still retains some of its monkey habits, and Hong speculates that they live in groups.

With one of the mandrill groups missing, would these things send someone to find them?

It's not really a plan. Chen Jiangsheng has been stuck here for half a year, and once a person is pushed beyond his limits, he is willing to try any possible solution.

We picked the dead golem up and put it against a tree, then put its hat on and clothes on.

Then we retreated a hundred metres and hid behind a large tree, surreptitiously surveying this side of the wind.

After our careful arrangement, it looked like the mandrill was resting against the trunk of a tree, rather than dead.

After waiting for an hour or so, we got what we wanted.

I was dozing off when Sister Hong tapped me, signalling me to stop sleeping and to take a look.

Hiding behind a tree, I only got a glimpse.

I was terrified.

I didn't know what was going on at that time, but the place was suddenly fogged up.

About three or four hundred metres ahead, in the white haze, a lot of small black shadows appeared in a blur, I couldn't see what they looked like, I could only see a lot of hats.

There were about a dozen of them, and the things were draped in different clothes, some black and some white, from who knows where. The things mimicked a human walk, twisting and turning.

The scene.

The white mist was faint, quite a bit like in old Hong Kong movies, that feeling of a hundred ghosts walking around at night.

I gulped several times and my heart was in my throat.

Soon the things spotted their dead accomplices.

They circled around, looking at each other and squeaking like rats.

After a while, as if they had reached some kind of unity, the things came together in a group of four, and they lifted the dead one straight away, twisting and turning to leave.

"Keep up," Chen Jiangsheng said, taking the lead with a catwalk.

The distance was always a hundred metres or so, and with the favourable geography of flowers and trees everywhere, as soon as we noticed anything wrong ahead, we immediately hid in the grass next to us.

As we walked, the things looked back from time to time along the way. It was very close, and several times we were almost spotted.

I don't know how long we walked, but after seven turns and following these things, we came to a very hidden cave outside.

This small cave was overgrown with weeds and hid the entrance so well that we would not have found it if we had not watched these things burrow in one by one.

As I watched the short ones go in one by one, I lowered my voice: "Chen Tu Gong, you've been here for a long time, have you ever found this place before?" ...

Chen Jiansheng was hiding in the grass, and after hearing this he poked his head out and took a closer look.

"Such a little rat hole, and covered with grass."

"Where am I going to find it."