
20. Attacking the Execution Platform

The whole plaza was packed to the brim.

But Uncle Roger was still not here. So I was slowly looking through the crowd for known faces. And I saw some. I saw many of them.

Shanks, Buggy, Dragon, Crocodile, Moria, Doflamingo and lastly Mihawk.

When I saw Mihawk, I felt something strange. It was as if my blood was boiling. As if it craved for something.

Yeah i know sounded a bit strange, but I don't swing that way, so it had to be something else.

And after a while of me staring, it seemed as if he had sensed it, as he looked in my direction. When our eyes met, I knew what it was.

I wanted to challenge him.

I smiled.

Then I was slowly making my way over to him. And before long I arrived before him.

I grinned even wider and offered my hand.

„Hi my name's Yuno? What's yours?"

He scrutinized me before taking my hand.

„Mihawk, Dracule Mihawk."

„Nice to meet you Mihawk. You are a strong Swordsman I want to challenge you after the execution. What do you say?"

He scrutinized me even more closely and longer. He seemed hesitant before slowly shaking his head.

„Not interested. You aren't my opponent, yet. When you reach my realm I will then accept this challenge."

Ah. Well this was both how I anticipated it, and at the same time, like I didn't want it to be. I wanted to challenge this future strongest Swordsman. My instinct were telling me, if I survived this encounter I would break through.

So I was a bit reluctant to give this opportunity up. But looking at his eyes, I knew that no matter what I did it would change nothing.

„How old are you by the way? You don't seem that old yet to have reached the peak of the first realm."

Oh how unexpected, to think he is interested in me.

„Ah I'm 14 since 2 months ago. How about you?"

Hearing my age the calm eyes of Mihawk contracted a bit.

„Oh so you are only 14? How impressive to reach this realm. I'm 19. I expect something great from you, I'm gonna roam the Grandline after this, so after you reach my realm and want to challenge me again, then you can find me there. Maybe I finally found myself a worthy rival."

After finishing the first part, Mihawk already turned around to leave. The last sentence was also only a whisper, and if I hadn't had good senses, then I would have probably not heard it.

Seems like he hadn't yet met with shanks and began their rivality. Or if they did maybe he saw a better rival in me?

I know a bit arrogant.

But if one simply went with the strength and talent of pure swordsmanship then I was indeed a bit above shanks.

Sure I was interacting with him these last 2 days and he sure is stronger than me at the moment. But that is mainly due to his Haki and him having way more fighting experience than me.

He was traveling with Uncle Roger in the New World after all.

But in terms of pure swordsmanship I'm still above him. As he was only in the mid or late level Sword-Man Union, while I was at its absolute peak, just one step away from reaching the second realm, Sword Force.

Which was already a bit too strong. One should be aware that me reaching the second realm, put me near the top of all swordsmen on the Grandline.

Since the one with the highest achievement on the Grandline could usually only reach the third Realm. And the people during an era reaching the third Realm could be counted with ones fingers.

People like my Master, who reached the fourth Realm on the Grandline, there are sometimes not even one even during multiple eras. At least during this one no one has reached that level yet. That was something my Master told me.

But the future Mihawk, at his prime should have reached the fourth ream too. His normal slash at the summit war, was simply too strong for someone, only reaching the third Realm.

These statistics are naturally without the people of the hidden Clans. As alone in the Big Sword Clan, there are always one or two master, who reached the fourth ream and tens of third realm Swordsmen.


After my talk with Mihawk, I again went towards the front and waited for Uncle Roger to come.

It didn't take all that long and I could hear a small commotion from the back.

I looked back, and there he was. Walking with ease, as if this all didn't ave anything to do with him.

I didn't know if this is good or bad, but i where I choose to stand was just in the way, of the executioners platform where Uncle Roger had to pass.

Sigh Uncle.

You really helped me a lot.

I stared dreamily at his figure, that came closer and closer. The crowd around me made way, and so did I.

When he passed me, he looked at me and smiled a bit.

I smiled back and with a small movement I even waved my hand. I didn't want to make too much a commotion, as I wanted to stay incognito for now. I even got my Aura under control, so I'm free to do what I want without being chased or under surveillance by the marine and world government. And Roger seemed to understand my intentions, as he looked away pretty fast.

But why?

Why does my heart hurt so much after seeing him so understanding?

A few tears appeared in my eyes.


Roger began climbing the stairs.


When I saw this my heart couldn't help but hurt even more. This lonely back. I felt incredibly hurt.

Just why?

I only knew him for two months.

And sure I already knew him a bit from the show and felt already incredible attached to his character. That was something every weeb of my old world should understand. The ability of these Anime to let us get attached to these Characters in the shortest possible time.

But even with this… just why do I still feel so hurt when I saw his understanding attitude.


He reached halfway up.



This is my second chance at life. From the beginning, all I wanted was to see the world and enjoy it. I never wanted to change the story. So keeping a low profile was best.


Even after mother Aria died I wanted to stay low and slowly accumulate strength, then only show my fangs at the summit war, rescuing my old man and ace. Then again keeping low until the final battle of Luffy.

All this require me to stay low, staying out of trouble.

But why do I hurt so much?

Why am I so disappointed in myself?


Uncle nearly reached the top.


This is good. I'm able to slowly develop. And slowly reach my goals.

I want this.

I WANTed this.

This is the safest solution.

Damn heart, stop hurting so fucking much.


Just as I managed to calm my hurt feelings I heard uncles words.

„Could you take them off?"

„No can do."

„Reqlly? That's a shame. Its not as if I am escaping anyways."

Hearing this something inside me snapped.

Damned it all.

Damn the low profile.

Damn my plans.

Even if I am going to be hunted.

I will simply deal with it then.

Uncle let me help you with this last request of yours.

Then I suddenly swung my sword.

And I came to a small realization.

Maybe swinging my sword, to protect my loved ones isn't so bad.

Doing something, no matter the consequences for someone else, and stop being so selfish really feels nice.

And as if my second personality agreed, his slight resistance to me vanished, although he is still there, but he didn't resist my mindset anymore. At least for now.

In the same moment that Kidd stopped resisting something else changed too.

Something in my Sword Realm.

I reached the Second Realm, Sword Force.

And as if to show agreement, my sword produced a small sword ripple which instantly flew to the execution platform.

Everyone who saw this was slightly shocked.

Was this a try to rescue the Pirate King?

Everyone's gaze instantly focused on me.

„Who dares…"

A thunderous below sounded and a man with the marine cape of justice appeared under the platform, intending to stop my attack but it was too late. It already destroyed the handcuffs.

Everyone was silent again.

But this was interrupted by a loud laugh.

„Wahahaha, thanks kid. That's better!"

After laughing and thanking me Uncle Roger sat down way more freely and relaxed as shown in the show.

Seeing this, the Marine Rear Admiral, who wanted to intercept, humpfed and ordered.

„Continue the execution."

Before slowly making his way over to me.

Not Good!

Even though I defeated those pirates on the grand line and just reached the second realm, I still was no match against a rear admiral, not with my lack of fighting experience.

Just as I was about to run.

A hand on the shoulder of the Rear Admiral stopped him.

„Bwahaha, Rear Admiral Horin, no need to sweet it, it was only to let that old bastard up there a bit more comfort. Just let it slide. This is a joyous day for justice."

Horin nodded reluctantly, as he couldn't o against that man, as he was the Marine Hero, Garp.

At this moment something else happened again.

„HEY! Pirate King! Where is your treasure? You have it, don't you? The ONE PIECE!"

The eyes of the marines slightly dilated.

„Hurry the execution!"

Horin shouted.

But it was already too late.

„Wahaha, my treasures? If you want them, they're yours! Look for them! I left it all at that place."

But they were too late.

Even with my interference it looks like fate can't be changed.

Even though he was impaled just after these words, but the impact was massive.

A big cheer broke out on the place and everyone seemed to have forgotten about me.

So I made good of this chance and quickly tried to leave the square.

Just as I was about to leave, I could feel three gazes on me. And I knew all of the owners.

First I looked in the direction of the oldest. Monkey D Garp.

When our gazes met, he simply smiled at me.

Puh, seems like he didn't want to pursue me. Lucky!

I smiled back before turning and leaving the plaza. I knew the other two gazes would follow me.

And sure enough, even after making many turns, to the point where even I myself was slightly lost and inside a dark alley I met the first of the two other gazes, Shanks.

„Yuno, why would you do something like this? If Garp wasn't here, you would have probably have to face the whole marine that's on this island right now. Captain wouldn't want you to risk your life for him like this."

„Well I originally didn't ant to either, but I had met him on his way to the execution platform and there I acted a bit half assed with my goodbye, so that no one would make the connection, that I knew him and he knew me. But it felt incredibly wrong and I was hurt at that time, so when I heard, that the marines didn't even fullifile his last request to remove his handcuffs, I couldn't take it anymore and acted before I even knew it."

Shanks trembled a bit. He probably also didn't like it, that the marines didn't even let Uncle Roger take his handcuffs off, after he turned himself in. I would really like to invite him to join my travels, but I know he has other plans.

So I went pass him, and while passing tapping him on his shoulder.

„It really felt nice, doing what I really wanted once in a while. But now I have another appointment. I would have really liked to travel with you, but our goals are different. So until next time. I'm sure we will meet again, Big Brother Shanks!"