
21. Fighting Mihawk

As for the appointment I mentioned, it was with the one who stood currently in front of me. The future Strongest Swordsman of the World, Dracule „Hawkeye" Mihawk.

„Well seems, like I reached your realm earlier than we expected. So do you now accept my challenge Mihawk?"

Mihawk, looked at me with a kind of eager gaze. Seems like he really wanted to accept, but when he saw my sword, he slightly frowned.

„Yeah, I will accept your challenge. But not here, as our duel would bring to much attention. Also first let's go to a weapons shop. If we were to duel with our current swords, it would end in an unfair advantage for me, as my sword is too much stronger than yours. Yours isn't even graded."

Hmm, although I felt slightly offended, I knew he was right. The distance of our blades was like heaven and earth. And if we were to spar like this, then my blade would probably shatter after only three or four exchanges with his Yoru, considering I still can't use Haki.

So we went to the nearest weapons shop and we both bought new weapons. Mihawk, in order to match my quality of sword, and I, not because my old sword was too weak, but because I didn't want to damage it, as it was such a high emotional value to me.

After leaving the weapons shop, we ran into someone familiar, Shanks.

I didn't know if it was just a coincidence or if he followed me. But doesn't after, as I invited him to spectate.

He agreed.

We then left in the direction of the harbour, where my ship was docked, to leave the island.

And looks like the two of them didn't know each other yet, but Mihawk had heard of Shanks. Well considering, Shanks being part of the Pirate Kings crew, it wasn't that strange. The two of them also hit it off after just a short time.

Mihawk, also already a bit aloof and cold, was way more approachable and friendly than his older self he was a bit more caring, as well. I mean, if it was his older self, he would have probably accepted my challenge the first time and he would never go out of his way to buy a new weapon.

As such I too got close to him. And since I and Shanks already bonded well, the journey to an deserted island was pretty enjoyable. I was steering the ship by the way.

It took us two days to reach an appropriate island for our duel. And the food and water on the ship was still plenty, as I was trying to keep a stash of food and water, that would last me at !east two months on boat.

After we docked the ship a little away from the shore, we made our way onto it.

It was a small island, that was approximate 300 meters long and 250 meters wide. My domain could nearly cover it entirely, if I stood in the middle of the island.

The whole island was filled with trees, forming a massive forest.

„This should do no?"

I asked Mihawk and smiled.

„Yeah, but the trees are a bit in the way."

„Ah that's easy let's just cut them down."

[Second Move – Breach]

I used the normal horizontal chop to cut vertically. With me reaching the Second Realm a massive sword wave flew from my sword. Although I just entered the realm, as I used a core technique at the Intermediate Stage, I cut half the trees down, before it lost its power.


 Mihawk used his Yoru, and slashed a sword wave, that's even bigger and stronger than mine.

He also didn't cry the name of his move out, as it's really stupid, but I knew that he used a Core Technique too, as a normal slash wouldn't be this powerful, at least not at our realm yet.

His sword wave cut all the remaining trees down and even flew for a bit out to sea, showing that his power is indeed superior to mine, at least with the Yoru.

I smiled walked to the middle of the island and then simply used a new domain, which I just came up with.

[Push Domain]

A repulsion went from me to the surroundings to push all the cut trees out to sea.

It still had no principle or was trained, so it wouldn't do much in a fight, I used it simply to clear the area. But it was pretty good so I should properly develop it in the future.

The two other men that were on the island with me were surprised.

„You ate a devil fruit?"

„Ah yes, I ate the Domain Domain Fruit, making me able to create domains, with different property's."

Although I didn't trust them completely, but to let them know hat kind of devil fruit I ate, was no problem.

„But don't worry, in our duel I won't use it. I want it to find out, just how much stronger you are in swordsmanship, and temper my own. I haven't even started with my own Core Technique yet, after all, so I simply want to hone my skill with you. I don't now if that's also what you want? Or should I use my devil fruit, making it a duel in overall strength?"

Halfway through my statement, I realized, that I totally ignored the opinion of Mihawk, how he wants to carry out the duel, he is after all the stronger of us and so there is no room for me to hold back, if he wants to go all out. And with all out I mean Haki. I still didn't know it after all. So if he were to use it, then I have to use my fruit to equal the playing field a bit.

„Pure Swordsmanship, is good with me. Meeting a talent at the second Realm even younger than me, is pretty hard to find after all, so let's compare notes. And don't worry i won't bully you."

Mihawk smiled a bit, sheathed his Yoru and unsheathed the sword he bought at the weapons shop.

I did the same, sheathing the sword, I got from Master and Mother Aria and took the Sword from the weapons shop.

„Alright then. Big Brother Shanks, could you be our referee please?"

After getting ready, I turned to Shanks, who stood at the edge of the island since the beginning.

He seemed a bit baffled by the whole situation. But my voice brought him out of it, as he smiled wryly and nodes.

„Ok, then I count you guys down, on 1 the duel will begin."


Both me and Mihawk traded glances and we could see the light flame of desire for a fight burn in each other eyes.


I myself am a bit taken aback a bit by this sensation, as I never felt this way before. But I still got ready as I got in position.

„1, Start!"

Me and Mihawk both shot at each other. And we both used simple Basic Techniques.

I was using my bigger height, and chopped with my bigger sword towards his head, he used an upwards slash.

Both of our swords met and a loud crash sounded out. At the same time a shockwave swept the whole island. This was impossible with my normal strength, but it appears me reaching the Second Realm had a bigger impact on my strength than I thought. Sure I cut half the trees of the island down with a single attack, but that was with a use of a Core Technique, now we were simply using Basic techniques.

This needed more testing, but that can wait until later.

I can't get distracted now. Just this moment had already revealed an opening. Luckily Mihawk simply frowned and backed off instead of using it.

I smiled awkwardly and apologized.

I then again put my whole focus on him. He nodded slightly and then we moved again at the same time.

This time I stabbed at him. You shouldn't underestimate my stab, especially with my superior reach, I was able to take advantage of this fully with a stab, as I had a natural range of about 5 meters, Mihawk only around 3.

He used Lift, to guide my sword above him. A mistake, as I used the momentum of Mihawk, to reach my maximum height, just when he was ready to slash at me, I chopped with my raised sword downwards again. The clash from just now happened again. But this time I didn't get distracted.

I let whole weight fall on my blade and before Mihawk could!d retract his sword to !et me fall I used all my strength to push.

It was this moment I finally realized, my monstrous physical strength and the strength of Captain Ogre, who could overwhelm me in this regard.

As I pushed with all my might, Mihawk skidded 10 meters back. A bit too far for my follow up.

I sighed and then went into my stance again.

Mihawk seemed a bit surprised at my strength too, but he didn't reveal any flaw during this. Showing his superior fighting experience.

He also took his attack stance again.

A short moment later, we both rushed against each other again.

This time I slashed at him, my center of gravity really low. He used chop against me. Good exactly what I wanted. I smiled a bit, changed my grip of the sword and used a hook, to enter his guard to stab at his chin.

But I got a bit cocky, thinking I could wound him like this, he dodged with a back flip, turned around and using this massive momentum for a slash attack, but he was out of reach, and I was just about to attack, when a sword wave came out of his sword.

Ah I forgot about this. No other choice but to block, I left Mihawk enough room to stabilize again and this time being on the offense.

I just finished defending myself, when his next attack came. This time a sword wave again, but pretty low.

I'm unable to bring my sword down there in time.

Jump it is then.

I jumped and as if he anticipated, or better he did anticipate it. He appeared above me in the air. He must have jumped even before me. Anyways I blocked his attack, but this fired me at the ground.

But this was not all, his low slash, wasn't really aimed at me, but the ground, weakening it. So when I crashed to the ground, it gave away and I lost my balance. Mihawk working towards this, didn't is the opportunity and stabbed at me. My chest to be precise. Not lethal, but it would still hinder me greatly. So I stopped trying to find my balance, and let me fall. While falling I twisted my body a bit. This resulted in Mihawks sword going into my left shoulder.

Now I have you.

I smiled slightly and tensed my muscled in my shoulder, griping his sword in place. I then used my right hand to hit with the sword guard towards Mihawks head. As he was in midair he won't me able to dodge this easily. He only had three options.

He choose option three, he abandoned his sword and pushed himself away from me.

Although the least likely decision for him from my standpoint, I didn't want to loose the opportunity, so I then threw my sword.

It wasn't all that fast or powerful, as I only used one hand, but it was still faster, then Mihawk falling, as such it reached Mihawk before he hit the ground, but it only grazed his left arm, making a gash.

Although we both received wounds, and lost our weapons, it was still clear who was the winner in this exchange.

Ahhh…. Sigh.

I fell on my butt and removed the sword from my shoulder and threw it at Mihawk.

„Sigh I lost. Although I knew I would loose, but I didn't expect to loose so quickly. And moreover, we didn't even use our Core Techniques, just Basic Techniques."

Mihawk picked his sword up, and threw me mine.

„To have wounded me is still pretty impressive, especially since you only reached Sword Force two days ago. I have been on this Realm for a Year already. So don't be discouraged. You even fought really well, and that despite an obvious lack of real combat practice. Though your strategies were very clever, but a bit too naive."

I picked mine up and then shook my head.

„To have wounded you was mostly luck. Even my dodge was more gambling than anything. And if you had targeted my vitals at the beginning, then even if I had dodged it, I would have still been more seriously injured. Not to mention, what would have happened, if you had used that blade on your back."

„I think you were both very impressive. You guys could already be pretty much invincible in the first half of the Grandline."

Shanks came over and complimented us both.

„Well I will test that soon enough. What about you Yuno?"

„Well I will first sail the Four Blues. I want to see all there is to see in the world. Touring as many islands as possible. Seeing all kinds of wonderful and beautiful scenes. After I'm finished with the Four Blues, I will then come to the Grand Line."

I smiled and shared my dream.

The other two smiled too.

We then sat down and talked a whole lot, the whole day and night.

The next morning, we then set sails in different directions, I had pulled their ships with mine back then. They both weren't that big, so it was possible. Shanks and Mihawk were traveling first in the same direction, Loquetown. There they split up. Mihawk towards the Grandline. Shanks doing Shanks things, mysteriously sailing somewhere, who knows where.