
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

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75 Chs

71. Uzumaki Naruto's First Summoning, Toad Fukasaku

[Chakra Wind Attribute Nature Transformation. For Uzumaki Naruto today, it is not difficult to practice at all.]

[After all, the foundation of so many years plus his hard work and maintenance every day and night.]

[This kind of theoretical stuff is trivial to him.]

["The rest is to integrate the wind attribute Chakra into Rasengan, and then make it change shape."]

["It's almost like developing a new ninjutsu."]

Naruto! You must stop being modest.

Be confident, that is developing new ninjutsu.

[However, just when Uzumaki Naruto wanted to leave.]

[A breath as powerful as Orochimaru suddenly came from behind him.]


[Uzumaki Naruto turned his head subconsciously, but saw a huge toad falling from the sky.]


[Toad Gamabunta, with a body the size of a hill, landed on the ground.]

[Suddenly, the earth trembled.]

[The surrounding trees were also broken by his sitting down.]


["This is!?"]

[Uzumaki Naruto was stunned in shock when he saw this.]

[Especially seeing the man standing on top of the toad, Naruto said bluntly: "Tailed beast?"]

["Toad's Jinchūriki?"]

Jiraiya: "..."

Orochimaru: "..."

Onoki: "..."

Heroes from all walks of life in the ninja world were speechless.

Uzumaki Naruto's Toad's Jinchūriki knocked them out of power.

I thought the opponent was intimidated by Jiraiya who appeared on the stage, but I didn't expect.

Well! It can be regarded as being frightened.

After a long silence, suddenly, everyone in the ninja world burst into laughter.

Terumi Mei: "As expected of Naruto-kun, super cute."

Tsunade: "The Jinchūriki of the toad... Jiraiya, I really didn't expect that you are also a Jinchūriki, hahaha I laughed so hard."

Jiraiya: "I'm Toad Sage! Fairy! What a toad Jinchūriki, this kid will make fun of everyone."

Killer Bee: "Yo! Naruto Psycho, I don't know ninja Toad Sage, the joke is in place, toad Jinchūriki Sannin Jiraiya-sama..."

Fourth Raikage: "Shut up! B, you sing really badly!"

Shukaku: "This bastard is not only kind-hearted, but his mouth is also poisonous."

Matatabi: "I'm afraid that when the time comes, he can really make the enemy vomit blood and die with just one mouth."

Isobu: "..."

Gyūki: "Hey! Uzumaki Naruto in that world, I really don't know what will happen."

Nine Tails: "Tsk! This kid is really jumping back and forth between stupid and smart."

Shukaku: "Stinky fox, you have been manipulated."

Nine Tails: "..."

Nine Tails: "I'm too lazy to talk to you, you stinky civet cat. Anyway, you are about to be taught a lesson, but how dare that kid talk nonsense? Even a toad can be a mediocre beast?"

[Toad Jinchūriki?]

[The first time we meet, Jiraiya almost choked on Uzumaki Naruto's words and fell off Toad Bunta's head.]

["I am Toad Sage..."]

[" Toad Sage, Master Jiraiya."]

[Jiraiya flicks his hair and waves his palm.]

[After the chic posture, he suddenly realized that something was very wrong.]


[Where did Uzumaki Naruto know this kind of thing? Could it be that?]

[There is no time to play tricks, Jiraiya turned over and jumped, and landed firmly beside Naruto.]

["Hey, kid, what did you call me just now?"]

["Toad Jinchūriki?"]

[Facing Jiraiya with a serious expression.]

[In the spiritual world, Uzumaki Naruto made a yes gesture to Nine Tails: "How are you, big fox.."]

["In this way, we can talk to him about the 8 trigrams seal's key."]

[Seeing this, Nine Tails pouted its foxy mouth in surprise: "As expected of you, Naruto."]

[It turns out that the moment Naruto saw Jiraiya, Nine Tails recognized Jiraiya's identity.]

[And tell Uzumaki Naruto that this person is his father's master, Jiraiya, one of the legendary Sannin.]

[The key to the 8 trigrams seal is on him.]

Audience: "..."

Tsunade: "..."

F**ked! Jiraiya completely fell for Uzumaki Naruto's trap.

At this moment, the entire ninja world was extremely ashamed.

Sure enough, no matter who it is, they can't escape the clutches of Uzumaki Naruto's calculations.

Just be watched by the other party.

This life is full of unknowns.

Jiraiya: "Bastard boy, are you even lying to me~?"

Orochimaru: "Wake up, Jiraiya, the Naruto-kun in the world over there is different from the Uzumaki Naruto in this world. Now in his heart, maybe the only thing he can trust is the Nine Tails in his body. After all, when he was a child, you and nobody ever reached out to him."

Orochimaru's words made Jiraiya calm down immediately.

This naturally includes Namikaze Minato's disciple, Hatake Kakashi.


They were not there for Uzumaki Naruto when he needed them most.

Whether it is practice or life.

Uzumaki Naruto has always persisted in the mode of one person and one fox.

Jiraiya or Hatake Kakashi, they have no qualifications to judge Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there.

Hatake Kakashi: "Master Jiraiya..."

Jiraiya: "Hey! I see. Orochimaru is right. Twelve or thirteen years is really very long, and Naruto over there is not as necessary to our needs as we imagined."

["Toad Jinchūriki, isn't this mighty toad with a pipe in its mouth under your feet a tailed beast?"]

[ Uzumaki Naruto asked, pointing at Bunta Toad.]

["Whoahahaha, Jiraiya..."]

["This kid is really interesting, he deserves to be.."]

[Excited, Toad Wentai didn't expect the other party to say that he was mighty and majestic.]

[This kid is so good at things, he will become a big weapon in the future.]

[Gamabunta even wanted to consider taking Naruto in front of him as a younger brother, and when he got excited, he almost exposed his identity.]


[Jiraiya looked ashamed, and then said: "It seems that someone told you a lot of things."]


["The cute big fox in me has indeed said a lot to me."]

[Up to now, Uzumaki Naruto no longer wants to hide.]

[With his current identity and strength, even if he knows all the truth, as long as he doesn't show his plan in front of these ninjas.]

[I think no matter what he does, the senior management of Konoha Village will no longer control him.]

["What! You mean..."]

["Cute big fox?"]

[Jiraiya petrified on the spot.]

[That's Nine Tails, the scariest tail beast, you kid actually said it's cute.]

[Immediately, Jiraiya suddenly realized, thinking that Nine Tails must be trying to break the seal and bewitching Naruto on purpose.]

[Poor little ghost, who has not been deeply involved in the world, and does not know the dangers of the world, so he was used by Nine Tails like this.]

["Yes, it told me just now that you are my father, the teacher of Fourth Hokage."]

["One of the legendary Sannin, a very powerful ninja."]

[Uzumaki Naruto's words made Jiraiya even more confused.]

[Nine Tails actually said that he is very good?]

[There must be conspiracy in this.]


["It looks like you know everything."]

["Then I'll ask straight to the point, since you said you have a good relationship with the big fox inside you."]

["It also proves that you can use its Chakra now."]

[Jiraiya looks serious.]

[Uzumaki Naruto didn't think so, he naturally wouldn't believe that Jiraiya will give him the key with confidence just based on his few words.]

[Nodding slightly, Naruto said: "It is indeed possible to use part of it."]

["Now it can grow up to four tails."]

["However, the big fox told me that if I formed four tails, the skin around me would be burned by its Chakra."]

["And because of Chakra's self-healing abilities, my skin will wobble back and forth as it burns and heals itself."]

["It will put a very heavy burden on my body function."]

["So, under normal circumstances, the power I can use can only reach three at most. When four tails are about to appear, it will forcefully control it and recover its own Chakra."]

["This seems to be the reason why I cannot become a perfect Jinchūriki because of the existence of the 8 trigrams seal."]

[Uzumaki Naruto said all this calmly, now is the time to tell them about his relationship with Nine Tails.]

[After all, for Konoha Village, who lives on strategic weapons, being able to master the power of tailed beasts is also great news for them.]

["Could it be that this fox has changed it's gender?" Jiraiya became more panicked the more she heard it, and at the same time felt that the matter was outrageous.]

[I haven't seen you in twelve years, this kid actually controlled Nine Tails so easily?]

[According to Naruto, Jiraiya couldn't believe he was able to do this.]

[This step means that today he will give Naruto the key of the 8 trigrams seal, and Uzumaki Naruto will become a perfect Jinchūriki in the next second.]

[But after thinking about it, Jiraiya plans to observe for a while longer.]

[He doesn't believe that there are such smooth and beautiful things in the world, and it is good to be cautious in doing things.]

["I see.…"]

[Jiraiya nodded, and the next moment, he changed the topic to other aspects: "Since you know everything, I won't hide it from you."]

["I came by your side to guide your practice."]

["By the way, were you practicing Chakra's Nature Transformation just now?"]

[Seeing that Jiraiya didn't mention the sealing key, Naruto naturally guessed that Jiraiya didn't intend to give it to him now.]

[He doesn't mind.]

[Even if Jiraiya doesn't give him the key to the Eight Sign Seal, he will find a way to teach himself and find out how to unseal the 8 trigrams seal by himself.]

[Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it's the wind attribute."]

[Wind attribute?]

[ Jiraiya was taken aback, and said casually: "Now that you have learned a few ninjutsu, start to study Chakra's Nature Transformation.]

["If there is no corresponding ninjutsu to assist, there is no way to combine Nature Transformation to study morphological changes."]

["Oh! This..." After speaking, a Rasengan appeared in Uzumaki Naruto's hand.]

[Jiraiya: "..."]

[The two sides stalemate for more than ten seconds, only the sound of the waterfall's water rushing.]

[After a while, Jiraiya coughed a few times: "Third Hokage must have taught you this.]

["No! What Third Generation grandpa taught me is the Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique."]

["As for Rasengan, it was taught by the big fox."]


[Jiraiya is completely confused.]

[The harmonious relationship between Jinchūriki and Tailed Beast is beyond his knowledge.]

[Tailed beasts teach ninjutsu is even more outrageous.]

[However, everything in front of you is a fact.]

[For a moment, Jiraiya's originally passionate emotions seemed to be drained.]


[There is no need to appear on stage by yourself.]

[But after thinking about it, Jiraiya once again put on a tall man.]

[Although he was terrified in his heart, he was even surprised that Uzumaki Naruto had already started to study the fusion of wind attribute Chakra with Rasengan.]

[But as an elder, you must not be ashamed in front of the junior.]

["Now that Rasengan has also learned..."]

["Damn it, he even learned the Shuriken Shadow Clone technique, which is a ninjutsu that even I can't learn."]

["Sure enough, Minato and Kushina's son cannot be evaluated with ordinary people's eyes."]

[Thinking of this, Jiraiya had a flash of inspiration.]

["You must have never learned the Summoning Justu." Thinking of Naruto's ignorant look when he saw Toad Bunta just now, Jiraiya immediately regained his confidence.]

["Summoning?" Uzumaki Naruto frowned, he really hadn't touched it.]

["Look!" Jiraiya pointed at Bunta: "It's called Toad Bunta, from the Summoning beast of Mount Myōboku."]

["Awesome!" Uzumaki Naruto was a little excited.]

[Adhering to the practice concept of not overwhelming one's body with many skills, Uzumaki Naruto's mind is pure when it comes to new things.]

["You want to teach me?"]


[While speaking, Jiraiya has already taken out the Summoning contract scroll of Mount Myōboku.]

["Come on! You are here to write your name with your blood."]

["Then use your blood to summon the Summoning beast where you want to summon it."]

["The seal of Summoning is Boar→Dog→Bird→Monkey→Ram."]

Learning Summoning?

Jiraiya recalled the practice with Naruto before with a smile.

This kid summoned tadpoles for the first time.

Not sure what Naruto can do over there.

"Since Toad Bunta has come out, who can he summon?"

"His sons..."

Jiraiya murmured to himself.

And Naruto at the side was equally excited.

He knows very well that Naruto in the world over there must be stronger than himself, but.


[After signing the contract, Uzumaki Naruto bit his finger, frantically running the Chakra in his body, and quickly formed a seal.]

["Ninja Summoning Justu."]


[A half-sized puff of white smoke comes out.]

"Huh?" Uzumaki Naruto was taken aback.

Looking at the size of the smoke screen on the screen, it seems that it is not much different from my original one.

Is it a tadpole?

Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya stared at the screen with wide eyes at the same time.

[Of course...]

[Uzumaki Naruto was dumbfounded, he thought he could Summon a toad as majestic as Toad Bunta.]

[But the result seems to be unsatisfactory.]

["Hahaha, you kid has no talent in Summoning?"]

[Nine Tails naturally knows that the bigger the rising white smoke, the stronger the Summoning beast.]

[Obviously, Uzumaki Naruto's first call was not very successful.]

[As the thick smoke dissipated, Uzumaki Naruto was completely dumbfounded: "Oh! What is this."]

["Grandpa Toad?"]

[At the same time, Jiraiya widened his mouth in astonishment, and Toad Bunta also widened his frog eyes.]

Chūnin examination venue.

Jiraiya was dumbfounded.

Only Uzumaki Naruto breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that I am not very good at Summoning in that world."

["Master Fukasaku!"]

["Master Fukasaku!"]

[Gama Bunta and Jiraiya couldn't believe their eyes.]

[Uzumaki Naruto actually summoned the elder of Mount Myōboku on his first try.]

["Oh, little Jiraiya, do you have something urgent to do with me?" Toad smiled kindly. ]

Jiraiya: "Nani!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "Eh? Pervy Sage, what kind of toad is that grandpa toad? Is it very strong?"

Jiraiya: "Naruto must not be disrespectful, this is the elder-level confidant who sits at the Mount Myōboku Great Toad Sage, Toad Fukasaku who is in charge of screening those who enter the Mount Myōboku Trial."

Uzumaki Naruto: "..."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Nani!"