
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

SidNaz · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

70. Gaara Is Tricked Again, Jiraiya Debuts

Chūnin examination venue.

Uzumaki Naruto rolled his eyes and almost passed out.

What is the self in the screen going to do?

The content of the chat group discussion is completely incomprehensible.

It seems that what the other party is going to do is more powerful than what he imagined.

Just because he doesn't understand doesn't mean other people don't understand.

Hatake Kakashi, Kurenai Yuhi, and even Might Guy were all silent, their expressions ranged from shock to seriousness, and finally froze directly.

That kid.

Shuffle Konoha Village?

From the revenge mentality of crowding out and cursing the villagers at the beginning, I gradually became disappointed and disappointed with the inaction of the whole Konoha Village.

What he did was not only to vent his hatred for the villagers, but also to make the whole Konoha realize the false peace in front of him with actions close to madness.

Let them clearly understand what Jinchūriki is in a form that is almost close to massacring the village, and completely change their views on Jinchūriki.

Hatake Kakashi, who had been through the darkness several times, shook his head slightly. He never thought that as a teacher's child, Uzumaki Naruto of the other world would come to this point.

However, Kakashi is very clear that it is impossible for a person to undergo transformation without undergoing some kind of great change.

"Perhaps it is true as he said, after this action, people in Konoha Village will undergo a huge psychological change."

"As well as..."

Kakashi looked up to the sky.

To end the tragedy caused by high-level infighting in Konoha Village, maybe he can do it.

[A hotel in Konoha Village.]

[This is specially prepared for the ninja team who came to take the Chūnin exam.]

[Sunagakure's leader, Jōnin Baki, pushed the door open, and there are three Gaara siblings in the room.]

[The plan seems to be going very well.]

[Baki recalls the collaboration with Yakushi Kabuto.]

[Otonin Village will fully support them when Sunagakure launches a war against Konoha Village.]

[As Sunagakure, which is poor in resources, Fourth Kazekage Rasa had to attack its own alliance village due to the problem of military funds.]

[When the time comes, Fourth Kazekage will come to the scene in person and join forces with Orochimaru to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen.]

["These days, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, you all don't go out."]

[As soon as Baki finished speaking, Temari's pretty face showed a hint of loneliness.]

["Hey, after a few years of peace, are we going to war now?"]

[It's a pity that Baki didn't seem to hear her words, he directly shifted the topic to Gaara: "Especially you, Gaara..."]

["You are the top priority of this operation, there must be no problems."]

["..." The corners of Gaara's mouth trembled a few times, and the ferocious look on his face suddenly made Temari and Kankuro tremble with fright.]

["Okay, Temari, Kankuro, you two take care of Gaara."]

[Can you watch Gaara?]

[Let us watch him not to go out casually, do you f*ck want us to die?]

[Kankuro's dissatisfied expression reveals a little fear.]

[What surprised him even more was the front-end time. They passed by a certain street scene and happened to meet a few passing Konoha Village villagers who were discussing about Uzumaki Naruto with great interest.]

["That kid Naruto is powerful."]

["Yeah, as the tail beast Jinchūriki of our Konoha Village, he is the future of our Konoha Village."]

["Yeah, that kid is really likable, I just hope that he can control the power of the tail beast in his body sooner, and become the patron saint of our Konoha Village sooner."]

["He can definitely do it. This kid has been determined to protect Konoha since he was a child, and he takes protecting the villagers as his own responsibility. Even though he was once pushed out and cursed, he never became self-defeating because of it."]

[Recalling what happened a few days ago, if it weren't for being in Konoha Village, Kankuro would have wanted to arrest those people and kill them on the spot.]

[Although the identity of Uzumaki Naruto is beyond the imagination of the three, when Gaara heard all this, he wanted to kill Uzumaki Naruto more and more every day.]

["Hurry up to the game day, I am with Gaara and he is going to drive me crazy." Kankuro prayed wildly in his heart.]

Senju Hashirama: "Well done, let me tell you that the villagers of Konoha Village can't be a group of people who can't see the essence of things, you see"

See what?

What's there to see.

Everyone was speechless, and maybe only a guy like Senju Hashirama with a single-cell head would be driven around by the pictures on the screen.

Leaving aside whether the villagers of Konoha Village are enlightened or not, when did Uzumaki Naruto in the black-frame world ever say that he aspires to become an existence that protects Konoha Village?

What's more, these words are obviously only for Gaara.

Onoki: "Lord Hashirama, the truth of the matter may disappoint you, and all of this should be done deliberately."

Fourth Raikage: "The purpose is to tell Gaara about Naruto?"

Terumi Mei: "The two are used for comparison. Based on my understanding of Gaara before, if he knows all this, he will fight against Uzumaki Naruto..."

Rasa: "When the crazy Gaara is incarnated as one tail, if Naruto is pretending to be weak, Gaara will be even crazier."

At this moment, everyone's memory was drawn back to the moment when Gaara fought against Uchiha Sasuke.

When Sasuke lost to Gaara who had turned into a tailed beast, Gaara's words were full of sarcasm.

You don't hate enough, you are weak, etc.

Senju Tobirama: "That is, what would Gaara do if everything went our way..."

After thinking for a few seconds, there is only one answer in everyone's mind.

Gaara will go crazy, he will laugh ferociously at Uzumaki Naruto in front of him.

Protecting the villagers? Just because you have such a mind, you are so weak, come on Naruto, hate, show off your true power to please me.

Audience: "…"

Was counted again.

Gaara and Konoha Village, were calculated to death by Uzumaki Naruto.

He simply did not give any of them a chance to breathe.

Temari: "Horrible, Uzumaki Naruto in the world over there is so terrible that none of us can escape his clutches."

Kankuro: "Help! Can someone suppress the blond guy over there."

Yamanaka Ino: "Whether it is force or wisdom, we are not in the same dimension as him, so to speak..."

Haruno Sakura: "There is a saying that is, those who know the current affairs are the best, if you really can't beat it, you can just join it."

[Konoha Village, at this time Sarutobi Hiruzen is sitting in the office with a sad face.]

[The door opens.]

[An uncle with silver hair and half-white face walked in.]

[He is very individual, the forehead protector on his forehead is actually engraved with the word "oil".]

[Seeing the person coming, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face softened slightly.]

["You are finally back."]


["Yo! Old man, long time no see, you seem to be getting older."]

["The improvement is not very good, is it something that is overused through the escape." Jiraiya teased a few words.]

[But Sarutobi Hiruzen angrily reprimanded: "Now is not the time to joke, I think you should have heard everything."]

["Orochimaru?" Jiraiya put away the nonsense just now, and his expression gradually became serious.]

["Not just Orochimaru..."]

["Some time ago I sent Hayate Gekko to track down that guy named Yakushi Kabuto, but the next day I found Hayate's body in Mount Kikyo."]

["I doubt that Orochimaru really has a dark secret."]

["Probably, his target is Uchiha Sasuke."]

[Sarutobi Hiruzen looks gloomy.]

[Once upon a time, their huge Konoha Village was never like it is now.]

[Just facing one Orochimaru will make a mess up and down.]


[Jiraiya pondered for a while, then said: "How about the child, is everything okay now?"]

[Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly raised his head.]

[Looking at his disciple in front of him, he naturally knew who the child Jiraiya was talking about.]

[In short, not Uchiha Sasuke.]

["Yeah, you really should pay more attention to Naruto."]

["He's grown up now, it's time for you to help him."]

[The back mountain of Konoha Village.]

[Uzumaki Naruto looks down at the leaf that Chakra cut off in his hand.]

["Is this the effect of the display of the wind attribute Chakra?"]

["It can cut objects like a sharp blade."]

[Uzumaki Naruto recalled the feeling just now.]

[When Chakra transforms into wind attribute, the Chakra he cast seems to be split into two pieces, and then the two strands of Chakra are intertwined and rub against each other.]

[The two strands of Chakra seem to want to rub each other into ultra-thin blades.]

["This kind of practice really depends on the control precision of Chakra, and controls the two divided Chakra to rub against each other accurately."]

["Rub them thinner and sharper."]

This kid seems to have mastered the basic skills.

For ninjas whose wind belongs to Chakra, this is indeed the essentials of Chakra Nature Transformation.

It is to make your own Chakra thinner but sharper.

However, this is just a basic operation, the difficult problem is how to apply the Chakra after Nature Transformation to the corresponding ninjutsu.

And let ninjutsu realize the form change combined with Nature Transformation.

This difficulty is not as simple as feeling

Nature Transformation.

[The back mountain of Konoha Village.]

[Uzumaki Naruto stood in front of the waterfall.]

[The act of cutting leaves is too easy, and it cannot reflect the fulfillment of one's wish at all.]

[In the distance, two little heads stick out from behind the tree.]

["Hey, Sakura, what do you think Naruto is doing?"]

["What is he thinking about standing in front of the waterfall?"]

[Yamanaka Ino asked curiously.]

[Haruno Sakura shook her head: "How can I understand Naruto's behavior?"]

["Ah? You're on the same team as him, and with your smart head, don't you know what he's doing?"]

["Practice, idiot! Naruto must be practicing."]

["It's not like the two of us, I feel like we're not doing our jobs right now, Naruto is so strong and working so hard."]

["Practice? But I can't understand what kind of practice he can do while standing in front of the waterfall."]

[Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura peeped for a long time, but they couldn't see the truth behind it.]

[However, at this time, an uncle's voice sounded behind him.]

[But the two of them were taken aback.]

["What kind of practice, that kid must be standing on top of the waterfall looking at the young lady taking a bath below."]

[Jiraiya suddenly appeared, scaring Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino back again and again.]

[My God! Where did this silver-haired uncle come from? It's really scary.]

[He is a stalker, he came here without making a sound, behind us.]

[No! You must hurry back and inform the teacher, and send someone to arrest him.]

Jiraiya: "..."

Sure enough, the encounter between himself and Uzumaki Naruto in that world is completely different from here.

The other party never thought of taking the initiative to approach him.

Jiraiya thought of the encounter with Uzumaki Naruto, who was so crazy that he chased him to ask for practice.

But the world over there...

Jiraiya became curious about what it would be like if the two met.

["Hey, who are you?"]

[Yamanaka Ino and Haruno Sakura look at Jiraiya warily.]

[Said Uzumaki Naruto was watching the young lady take a bath, the ghost would believe the words of the strange uncle.]

[Even if you want to take a peek, no one stands in front of the waterfall to watch it blatantly.]

[Besides, a big man standing there is so obvious, who would take a bath underneath.]

["Hush! I'm here for Uzumaki Naruto."]

["I saw the two of you sneaking a peek at his situation. It seems that he is very popular in the eyes of your contemporaries."]

[Jiraiya pointed to Naruto in the distance, and murmured in his heart: The boy is amazing, he can actually let two little girls observe secretly.]

["Hmph! Of course..."]

["Our Naruto is handsome and gentle..."]

["Strongness also reveals hard work, humility, and politeness..."]

["It's definitely not comparable to the uncle."]


[Did I let you two judge me?]

[I don't know the so-called little girl, if she know my name, I'm afraid I'll scare you all on the spot.]

[Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino glanced blankly at Jiraiya, and Jiraiya looked at Uzumaki Naruto not far away.]

["This kid..."]

["Doing what?"]

[Jiraiya also became curious at the same time.]

[According to Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino, it seems that Uzumaki Naruto has grown beyond his imagination.]

[That kid is clearly like the second Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato.]

[If this is the case, then other people are indeed much inferior in front of him.]


[However, at this moment, there was a bang from the waterfall.]

[Three people can look at it, only to find that the originally endless waterfall was cut off from the middle by Uzumaki Naruto.]


["This... what happened." Haruno Sakura was so frightened that her pink hair exploded.]

[Yamanaka Ino was even more panic-stricken, completely unaware of what happened.]

[Jiraiya frowned.]

[That kid, could it be that the waterfall was cut off with Chakra?]

[Experienced Jiraiya saw the truth at a glance. While surprised, she couldn't help but feel relieved.]

[This is Minato's son, who is as good as he is.]

[No! Maybe combined with Kushina's talent, he will be even better than his father in the future.]

[It was too late to think, before Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino could react, a huge smoke screen instantly enveloped the two of them.]

[When the smoke screen disappeared, Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino were dumbfounded.]

[The strange uncle in front of him actually stood on the head of a toad the size of a hill.]

["Hahaha, it's time to go over and say hello to him."]

["Of course, you have to be cool on the stage, otherwise you won't be able to frighten that kid. Come on, Bunta!"]

Orochimaru: "..."

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya, no matter where you are, you will always be so stupid."

Tsunade: "Is it because I am worried that I will lose face in front of genius, so I want to use the Summoning technique to arouse the curiosity of the other party? It is really a child's idea."

Jiraiya: "Hey! What do you know? Naturally, there are different ways to treat people of different age groups. After all these years, you are still so boring."

Onoki: "I remember Nine Tails said that the key to unlock the 8 trigrams seal is in Jiraiya's hands. If you want to seduce Naruto, just take the key."

Terumi Mei: "I don't feel good. With Uzumaki Naruto's character, he will give you what you want, but if you don't give it to him, he will definitely find a way to grab it."

Fourth Raikage: "That kid, because of his ambition."