
White v/s Black Naruto

Chūnin exam, ninja world came to comparison live room. The figure for comparison is none other than Konoha Village's Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Naruto. One white and one black! ==================================== Disclaimer:- This fanfiction is not mine. I am merely translating. Update - 2 chapters a day.

SidNaz · Anime et bandes dessinées
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75 Chs

69. Orochimaru: Naruto-Kun, Don't Worry, You Won't Be Fighting Alone

[Countdown for one month.]

[Uzumaki Naruto will definitely not let go of this period of practice.]

[Last time, he still remembered something about Chakra Nature Transformation.]

[After dinner, he plans to go to the relevant ninja shop to find test strips for testing Chakra attributes.]

[Bang bang]

[Uzumaki Naruto was about to clear the table when he heard knocking on his window.]

[As expected of a ninja, he never walks the right way.]

[Looking up, the person outside is Uchiha Sasuke.]


["What's up?"]

[Uzumaki Naruto opens the window and looks at Sasuke.]

[Generally, this guy never looks for him, so he must have something to do today.]

["Kakashi asked me to practice, do you want to go together?"]

[Uchiha Sasuke explained the purpose of coming straight to the point.]

[However, it was rejected by Uzumaki Naruto: "It's rare that Mr. Kakashi has done a personnel matter, you go, I have other things to be busy."]

[Sasuke nodded in understanding when he heard the words, and then fled away.]

Hatake Kakashi: "Am I really that unsightly?"

Haruno Sakura: "Almost."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Never taught me anything anyway."

Hatake Kakashi: "Didn't you learn my Thousand Years of Death? That's the mystery of Taijutsu."

Uzumaki Naruto: "Bah! Who doesn't know that kind of thing?"

[Stay until Sasuke has just left.]

[The voice of Nine Tails rang out from Naruto's mind.]

["Naruto, there is something I must explain to you."]

[For the sake of face, it's almost impossible to tell Uzumaki Naruto about Sharingan's other abilities even if it was killed.]

[But seeing that Naruto didn't take any precautions against Sasuke, Nine Tails was really worried.]

["I think you still need to pay attention to that kid from the Uchiha family."]

[Nine Tails' words caught Naruto in a daze, and he asked slightly incomprehensible: "What's wrong with Sasuke, isn't he just like me, and he pretends in his heart is to become stronger and take revenge?"]

[However, Nine Tails' huge head back and forth: "He does, but what I want to say is something about his Sharingan."]

["Sharingan, you can actually control the tail beast."]

[In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto fell silent.]

[The face becomes extremely ugly.]

[I rely on you, bastard, to say such an important thing now?]


Uzumaki Naruto's sudden sluggish appearance made everyone laugh.

It's always been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch him deflated when he scheme against others.

Onoki: "It's over, it's exposed."

Terumi Mei: "It's over, Uchiha is in danger."

Fourth Raikage: "Well..Take off your Sharingan and let me take a look."

Kankuro: "Me too...I'm looking at this Sharingan for fun, I want it."

Temari: "Kankuro, what are you doing here? Why are you joining in the fun? Did you forget that he was plotting against Gaara?"

Uchiha Sasuke: "..."

[Although the incident happened suddenly and the group was flustered, Naruto still looked calm and composed in front of Nine Tails.]

["Big fox...."]

["I finally understand the ins and outs of the matter."]

[Recalling what Sasuke said just now, Naruto felt strange.]

[The sun is coming out from the west, the lazy man Hatake Kakashi actually asked to take Sasuke to practice.]

[Also, when they were divided into classes, the first and second in the class, and the top student, Haruno Sakura, were grouped together.]

[As Inuzuka said, Iruka is biased.]

["No wonder I'm very surprised, we have a team of four, and all the Sharingans of the whole village are here."]

["I see the meaning above is to make Kakashi and Sasuke keep an eye at me."]

["They're afraid that you in my body will run amok, so both of them can use Sharingan to control you."]


No matter how big the crisis is, Uzumaki Naruto's calm attitude remains unchanged.

Even, he can analyze the whole story very quickly.

It's a pity that this kind of brain is not used for "Goodness".

Senju Tobirama: "Hey! Uzumaki Naruto, kid, I really don't know what to say. If Fourth Hokage is not dead, if he is not excluded, and Sarutobi doesn't train him as a future Hokage, I will not be so anxious about him."

Orochimaru: "Hehehe, Second Generation, it's too late to say these things now, you should still look forward to the Chūnin exam in a month's time."

Root organization.

Shimura Danzō looked scornful.

"Teacher's choice is always wrong."

"Uzumaki Naruto, the brat, shows off because he has a little analytical ability, and only thinks one-sidedly."

"All the Sharingans in the whole village are in the seventh class?"


["I think so."]

[Nine Tails also stood up, and seriously communicated with Naruto and analyzed: "The above meaning of Konoha Village is to let Kakashi train Sasuke."]

["Two people can make learning progress on the problem of using Sharingan."]

["The purpose is naturally to prevent you, or to control you when necessary."]

[Naruto waved his hand, planning to talk about Nine Tails.]

[After pondering for a few seconds, he asked: "I remember you said that the Sharingan can evolve, and can the Three Gouyu control the Tailed Beast?"]

[Combined with the bomb that Nine Tails dropped today, and what I said about Sharingan before.]

[Uzumaki Naruto saw through its mind at a glance. If it didn't say at the beginning, it seemed that it had been controlled before, and it couldn't hold back its face.]

[It's a pity that Naruto is so smart, this kind of old injury can't be used as a joke.]

["Three Gouyu naturally can't do it, let alone a mere Sasuke."]

["Kakashi, not to mention, was originally not from the Uchiha family."]

[Nine Tails flapped its nine tails arrogantly.]

[Thinking about it this way, there seems to be no danger at present.]

[Even a hammer.]

[Uzumaki Naruto gave Nine Tails a blank look: "We don't need to worry about this matter now, if I find out that he is really threatening to me, I will take action.]

["Don't worry."]

[Uzumaki Naruto smiled, suddenly, he seemed to think about Sasuke's bloodline again.]

["By the way, big fox, guess why that Orochimaru is so obsessed with Sasuke, is it for the other party's Sharingan?"]

["The only thing I don't understand now is, if Orochimaru did it for Sharingan, why didn't he just snap Sasuke's eyes in the Forest of Death?"]

["If it's because of the bloodline problem, then he can't have the bloodline of the Uchiha family or Chakra, unless he has the ability to make himself own all of these."]

[Facing Uzumaki Naruto's doubts, Nine Tails was dumbfounded.]

[Things you can't even think about, you let me think for you?]

["Understood! It looks like Orochimaru wants to lure Sasuke to Otonin Village, and let him help Otonin Village breed Uchiha."]

["Thinking about it this way, Sasuke is really pitiful."]

[However, I looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a look of regret.]

[Nine Tails suddenly asked: "Naruto, are you against Sharingan..."]

[But Uzumaki Naruto squinted and smiled: "Of course, if I can, why don't I? Since I can become powerful, I have no reason to refuse."]

At this moment, everyone understood what Uzumaki Naruto was thinking.

As for the Sharingan of the Uchiha family, it's not that he doesn't want it, but because of blood problems, he can't play the Sharingan's true ability and burden on himself.

This makes Uzumaki Naruto not consider Sasuke's Sharingan for now.

Jiraiya: "This feeling, why do I feel that Naruto over there has the same thoughts as Orochimaru."

Orochimaru: "No, Naruto-kun is farther ahead than I thought. In fact, I now understand that even if I occupy Sasuke's body, I can't get the corresponding emotional stimulation, and I can't evolve the power of Sharingan."

Tsunade: "So, you mean Uzumaki Naruto waited for Sasuke to evolve the Sharingan before he did it?"

Uchiha Fugaku: "Fourth Hokage, the world over there, your son has gone completely astray, you..."

Namikaze Minato: "Fugaku, I'm sorry I can't do anything."

Orochimaru: "But Naruto-kun said something wrong, I do have the ability to solve the blood problem.

Uzumaki Kushina: "Living Corpse Reincarnation, I never imagined that the Lord Orochimaru, you to be so depraved."

[Come to the commercial street.]

[Uzumaki Naruto didn't think about whether Sasuke would control Nine Tails through Sharingan.]

[At least the current Sasuke can't do it.]

[Hatake Kakashi is a foreigner who happened to got a Sharingan, so it must be impossible to do it.]

[There is absolutely no need to worry about this kind of thing.]

["Boss, do you have any test strips here that can detect Chakra attributes."]

[Uzumaki Naruto who used the Transformation Technique was not driven by others as they don't recognise him.]

[He quickly got what he wanted.]

["Hey, have you heard?"]

["That kid killed the ninja in Otonin Village with one punch during the Chūnin exam."]

["I heard that, and it was because he wanted to duel with the other party's opponent. If he refused, he beat him to half death directly."]

["It's scary, that guy made a wrong decision to become a ninja."]

["I really don't know what the Third Generation project is thinking, just in case..."]

["Shh, don't mention violence..."]


[The whispers in the ninja shop did not escape Naruto's ears.]

[He walked straight out of the ninja shop without saying a word, didn't argue with anyone, and didn't seek any information.]

[Because he is very clear that the so-called "that person" they are talking about is himself.]

["These guys really haven't changed at all."]

["Naruto, don't talk to them."]

[ Nine Tails was angry, but still chose to comfort the silent Uzumaki Naruto.]

[Unfortunately, when I lowered my head, Nine Tails saw that Uzumaki Naruto was studying the Chakra test strip in his hand....]

[The moment Chakra emerged, the test paper was sliced in half as if by a blade.]

["This is..."]

["Wind Chakra?"]

["Naruto, I think your Chakra attribute is wind."]

[Nine Tails hurriedly explained with a smile, and wanted to divert the topic just now.]


[Naruto has no emotional fluctuations at all, he smiled: "We will start to study Chakra Nature Transformation later."]

["And apply this change to ninjutsu."]


[ Uzumaki Naruto looked up and looked around for a while...]

[The scene of Industry Street.]

["They're right, Third Hokage making me a ninja doesn't seem like a good thing for them."]

["At least, our current plan is a disaster for them."]


[Uzumaki Naruto's tone became quite firm, and his eyes also showed no confusion.]

["If you want to completely change some ideas, you have to pay a certain price."]

["Do you know why I chose Gaara?"]

[Nine Tails felt strange upon hearing this.]

[Isn't Gaara chosen because the tail beast in his body can bring more destructiveness?]

["Big fox."]

["Gaara is Jinchūriki."]

["When the people of Konoha Village see the Jinchūriki from other villages doing damage here, how will they feel?"]

["I'll be afraid of Jinchūriki." Nine Tails replied in a timely manner. ]

["Of course, when people are not afraid of you, they won't take you seriously."]

["But fear is not enough, you must let them know that they have to rely on you."]

["Gaara, as a Jinchūriki, wreaks havoc in Konoha Village, which is tantamount to war."]

["Other people's villages use Jinchūriki to reach their doorsteps, and they know how important Jinchūriki is to a village."]

["This group of pedantic guys really need to change their own concepts."]

["Of course, I will also cause some trouble for the reinforcements of Konoha Village at that time, and I must ensure that Gaara leaves Konoha Village alive."]

["These streets can just be used as experimental places to try the Great Spiralling Ring."]


Is this something a twelve or thirteen-year-old child should think about?

The audience turned pale with surprise at Uzumaki Naruto's plan.

Not only Konoha Village, but even the whole ninja world trembled with fear from what Naruto was thinking.

Threat of force?

They, as the senior executives of Ninja Village, I know exactly what Uzumaki Naruto is talking about.

In particular, it was necessary to ensure that Gaara escaped from Konoha Village alive.

This sentence typically wants to tell the ninjas in Konoha Village that the Jinchūriki from other people's homes are still alive, and they may come again someday.

As long as you are not stupid, worship and bless your own Jinchūriki every day to be able to perfectly control your own power as soon as possible.

Also, Jinchūriki's emotional stability must be guaranteed.

If it is like now, it can be said that it will be beaten if it is backward.

Senju Tobirama: "Do you think he will use other people's Jinchūriki to tell the villagers the importance of Jinchūriki in the war?"

Senju Hashirama: "I don't know what to say about Uzumaki Naruto, whether he's taking revenge or helping the village."

Uchiha Madara: "Didn't you listen to his previous thoughts? People don't have empathy. Only when they are severely beaten, they will they understand the truth."

Rasa: "He is taking revenge to vent his inner dissatisfaction, and then laying the groundwork for controlling Konoha in the future."

Terumi Mei: "The younger generation doesn't understand very well. With the strength of Konoha Village, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with One Tail, so.."

Fourth Raikage: "So Uzumaki Naruto is going to cause trouble for Konoha Village's reinforcements, so they can't deal with One Tail in the first place."

Onoki: "It's a very vicious plan, relying on the old monkey alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult, and this seems to be just the first warning, even if it doesn't work for Uzumaki Naruto, you can still continue to try in the future."

Orochimaru: "Is this the so-called wisdom of the people of Konoha Village? Thanks to him, he thought of it, but he thought too much, and he will not be the only one who will involve the support of Konoha Village..."

Orochimaru: "Army, hehehe...."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Orochimaru..."

Jiraiya: "Hey! Naruto in the world over there, I really don't know how to evaluate it. I just hope that he will stop playing big and take over the village."

Orochimaru: "Do you know? I'm looking forward to him, as I said before, taking advantage of the chaos to search for some esoteric materials, etc. If he finds out, my successful Wood Style experiment..

Incase, do you think he will come to me and ask me to help him research Sharingan?"

Shimura Danzō: "..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen: "..."

Utatane Koharu: "Shut your stinky mouth, Orochimaru! This is all your responsibility."

Orochimaru: "Tsk tsk tsk, I'm so angry, I defected even before Naruto-kun was born, and I never bullied Naruto-kun."