
White-Robed Chief

Chu Li was a particle physicist until a freak accident took his life and transmigrated him to a parallel universe — one where he wakes up with inexplicable abilities and finds himself in the running for a job in the imperial palace. This is a story of heroic adventures, cunning strategies and romantic tales. How will our MC thrive in a world completely strange to him? Where will his ambitions and abilities take him in the palace?

Xiao Shu · Action
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1215 Chs

Chu Li laughed, and closed fist saluted. "Many thanks, Brother Liu. I will definitely repay you for today's words!"

Liu Chuan waved his hand. "We are colleagues, no matter how messy the Secret Guardians Hall becomes, it has to do with us. We walk a different path from the people of the martial arts world, and we will never be able to truly become friends with them. It's just like cat and mouse."

Chu Li smiled and nodded his head.

Liu Chuan was unbelievable. Friendship was nothing to him and was only interested in the benefits.

He would not be able to open his heart or befriend this person, but he could cooperate and use him for mutual benefits.

Liu Chuan said, "If I did not have this friendship with Zhuge Feng, I would not have said this to Brother Chu either. Just go and knock some sense into that little runt!"

"Looks like he is also an amazing person," Chu Li said.