
White Online

[WPC #246 - Silver Place Winner!] Since he was a child, Isaac was unable to improve his strength no matter how much he tried, like he was cursed by the Gods. One day, a massive snowstorm struck the peaceful city of Snowstar, wreaking havoc in a peaceful community. Young Isaac was wandering alone in the forest when the snowstorm struck, seeking adventures and excitement, but instead, he found something else that completely changed him and his future. Several years later, Isaac suffered an incident caused by his jealous classmates, which bedridden him for several months, but after the traumatizing experience, doctors thought that it would take him years before he could overcome his trauma, but against all odds... He overcame it in 2 weeks! Being heavily sheltered and protected by his family after the incident, Isaac's life seemed dull and kind of boring, but then... The highly anticipated VRMMORPG White Online was released. Without thinking twice, Isaac bought the cheapest VR Helmet available and entered the new world with almost zero expectations, but excited nonetheless. This is the story of Isaac Whitelock, who will rise from being a protected and weak individual to being one of the sole hopes of the entire Human race. [Connecting...] [Welcome to White Online!] [Legacies awaits you!] [Do you want to be a Legacy Carrier or Casual Player who history won't remember?] __________________ Disclaimer: Cover owned by me, made by Dini Marlina __________________ https://www.patreon.com/aesirproductions Me, alongside my friends, decided to create a novel. Please, check it out, and support if you enjoy it. I can promise, it's going to be a wild ride. ___________________ Tags: Action - Romance - Adventure - Video Games - Slice of Life - No Harem - R-18 - Yandere - VRMMORPG - Martial Arts - Comedy - Genius Protagonist - Beautiful Male Lead - Worshipped MC - Mysterious Past - Heartwarming - Cute Female Lead - Clingy Lover - Weak to Strong - Gods - Loved MC - Calm Protagonist - Rich Protagonist - Legacies - Historical - Famous Protagonist

Alekzi · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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706 Chs


[You have been unharmed for 10 minutes!]

[Your wounds have been healed!]

[27/50 -> 50/50]

[Name: Wraith]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 50/50]

[XP: 100/400]

[SP: 10]

[White Coins: 0]

[Title: None]

[Class: Marksman]

[Legacy: None]

[Legacy Rank: No Legacy]

[STR: 13]

[AGI: 25]

[VIT: 25]

[STA: 22]

[PRE: 35]

[CHA: 10]




[Log Out]

''Staying unharmed for 10 minutes will restore your HP? That's good to know,'' Isaac muttered. Though he'd gone through a lot of trouble to learn it, he was pleased with this information.

'There must be some type of potions for healing during battle,' Isaac mused. 'I bet they are costly.'

He glanced at his stats but decided to save his free points for later. Putting one foot in front of the other, he made his way to the Merchant Store.

He was used to attracting attention, but he felt that he had more eyes on him than usual.

Unbeknownst to him, his name had changed from the typical green color. It was now a light orange.

The people he passed were wary, as most of them knew that this man had killed enough players to warrant this change.

Even the Guards eyed him as he walked down the street. A light orange wasn't enough for them to bother arresting him, but it was enough for them to start watching his movements.

Isaac wasn't aware of any of this, and it didn't take him long to enter the familiar store.

Kudos was once again twiddling his thumbs from boredom. He perked up a bit when he saw the door opening, and a familiar face greeted him.

''Sell,'' Isaac said instantly, not waiting for the man to ask his question.

Kudos narrowed his eyes, looking at the orange-ish name that was floating over the boy's head. Still, he decided to ignore it.

Isaac placed the 6 Adult Boar Meats on the desk.

Kudos was slightly surprised, ''6... Not bad, young man. I'll give you 300 White Coins.''

Isaac nodded and took the White Coins with a smile.

He also placed 2 Iron Swords and 2 wooden shields on the desk.

These were the weapons he'd stolen from KnightOfHoliness and KnightOfProtection.

Apparently, the Knight class would give wooden swords and wooden shields as beginner weapons.

They hadn't had enough White Coins to buy an Iron shield yet— If they did, Isaac probably wouldn't have taken KnightOfHoliness so lightly.

Kudos looked at the items and said, ''210 White Coins, 200 for the Iron swords, and 10 for wooden shields.''

Isaac nodded in agreement, ''Sounds fair.

Kudos handed over the White Coins. He looked at the 510 Coins sitting in his inventory and couldn't help but grin!

"Thanks," Isaac waved and turned to leave the store, but surprisingly, Kudos stopped him.

"Young fella, you interested in a Quest?" He asked.

Isaac turned toward Kudos, raising an eyebrow, "That depends on the quest."

His mind flashed a picture of the strange man on the bridge. He wouldn't accept the Quest if it was suspicious.

Kudos nodded, appreciative of the boy's cautious attitude. He pulled a sheet of paper from under the desk and slid it toward Isaac.

When Isaac read the paper, a bunch of notifications popped up.

[New Quest Acquired!]

[Hunt The Adult Wolf!]

[Difficulty: Level 7-10]

[Reward: 100 White Coins - Relationship with Kudos will improve]

[Time Limit: 1 Week]

[Do You Accept This Quest?]


After looking over the Quest, he decided to accept.

Kudos gave him a bit of history, ''That Adult Wolf has been terrorizing these lands far too long. I've even lost a few of my carriages because of that monster. I'll also happily buy the meat from that Adult Wolf for 100 White Coins. 200 White Coins for its Fang if you manage to get it.''

Isaac nodded, ''You've got a deal.''

Kudos thanked him and closed his eyes once again, kicking back in his chair and twiddling his thumbs.

Isaac left the Merchant Store and found a spot on the street that looked quiet.

''Interface...'' Isaac muttered.

He took one more look at the buildings around him, a smile playing on his lips.

''This is actually fun...'' Isaac mumbled quietly. He reached forward and pressed [Log Out]

Isaac's body turned into pixels and disappeared from the world of White Online.


Isaac opened his eyes, and a blank visor occupied his vision. It was a far cry from the vibrance of the world he'd just left.

He took the helmet off and set it gently on the bed.

Looking toward the window, he was shocked to see that the sky was darkening. It had been a while since he'd checked the in-game clock.

''Aahh shit...'' Isaac stretched and rolled off of his bed.

After walking to his desk, he pulled the silver key from its hiding spot and opened a drawer. He grabbed his notebook and began to write about his experience.

He'd only been writing for 10 minutes when there was a gentle knock at the door.


Isaac closed the notebook and slid it back into the drawer. He locked the drawer and stowed away the key before responding.

"Come in."

The door was opened by a beautiful young woman.

''Alice, what is it?'' Isaac asked.

She cheerfully walked towards him and asked, ''How was the game?

Isaac broke into a broad grin, ''It was exciting!''

Alice smiled, seeing that he was so happy. It has been some time since Isaac had shown so much emotion.

They sat down on Isaac's bed, and he told her about everything he'd done in the game.

Alice smiled while listening to his story, but then she frowned and asked, ''Did... anyone disturb you in any way?''

Isaac pondered, ''There were three guys, but it was nothing.''

Alice paled and grabbed his hand, ''W-What did they do? D-Did they touch you?''

Isaac chuckled and rolled his eyes, ''No... They did try to rob me, but I escaped.''

Alice sighed in relief, ''That's good... Did anything else happen? Like did someone talk with you, a girl perhaps?''

She narrowed her eyes after asking.

Isaac shrugged, ''I did talk with a girl...''

He felt Alice's grip tightening, ''She was NPC. I had to buy my weapon somehow, after all.''

Alice loosened her grip and smiled, ''Dinner will be ready soon!''

She smiled brightly and slipped out of the room.

''That game was more exciting than I thought...'' He mumbled quietly.

Isaac grabbed his VR helmet and placed it carefully back in the box.

He hid the helmet inside his wardrobe and smoothed the wrinkles from his clothes.

After he felt that he was presentable, he left his room and made his way down the stairs.