
Whispers of steel

Mayank_sensei · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Top 1 of Vertex is the boss of all the other 8 vertexians, that's all you need to know about them.( Eira picked up a sword and throw it towards Ares and says) pick it up and attack me with all you have got, dont worry I will not get hurt from someone who is a rookie at sword art like u (Ares picked up the sword and put his sword pin point towards Eira and start sprinting,Eira dodge and with her foot she knocked down Ares.

Ares train with her day and night ,for 3 years and Ares gradually gets good with sword, Eira trainings: put weight on Ares and ask him to run 30 round of the house from 5km apart from the house and weighted push ups,squats , swords training, beauty of sword fight and techniques).

One day near a village ,Magma , Aeolus, Mariscale and Vulcanox appeared which was not so far away from Eira house ,Eira says Ares to pick up his blades and follow her(during training for 3 years he master the style of weilding dual blades) they rushed to the village and Eira asked Ares to take care of Aeolus, Ares starts to rushed towards Aeolus but Aeolus used his wind currents and throw Ares far apart from itself , and create a wind barrier so Ares attack won't work on it, so Ares uses his sprinting power and climb on the hill near the Aeolus and jump from the peak of the mountain to attack his head( wind barrier only protects the body of Aeolus front front ,back ,left ,right) and he defeated the Aeolus (Ares was injured) Eira returns and said to Ares(who is fallen on the snow and about to lose his consciousness) I defeated the rest of the beasts so you don't have to worry.

Eira picks him up and returned to house (Ares woke up after some time) And went to ask Eira how she was able to defeat the beasts so fast.

So , it's time for 2nd lecture boy says Eira, Ares sits in front of her and Eira speaks, due to extremely high Aethenic resonance present in our world some of the humans are also able to control different kind of powers but to gain that power they had to go through a unique and harsh training that no ordinary human can manage to survive that is why I train you for 3 years like a bull ,so you will be able to survive , we are going on a journey tomorrow morning...


At 5:00 AM Eira woke up and see Ares was not in his bed ,then she go out and see Ares training with his blades on his own (Eira says to Ares).

Early training huh ,let's get going it's gonna be a long journey says Eira(They got ready and starts to head to their destination).

After moving for 1 week in cold weather by foot and in chariot.

Eira: here we are ,this lands owned by no one and this is the place you gonna obtain your power to protect others ,this place is called "Meadow Peak" .

Ares:There is no one here and this place is covered with mountains ,trees and grass.( In a calm voice)

Eira: Shut your damn mouth and pick up the shovel and start digging and find out an underground dungeon.

I never heard about any underground dungeon ever says Ares

There are plenty of things you don't know about this world so start the work.

Ares suddenly sense that some one is watching them from peak of the mountain near them.The time Ares turned to see who was watching them ,he was already gone.

It seems we are not alone here Master some one is watching us says Ares

Huh? Watching us? There is n-no one here, stop getting distracted and do your work.

Ares picked up the shovel and starts to diggs.

25 days later Ares digged around 50 holes and didn't get to find the underground dungeon.

One day while Ares digging he heard a sudden noise coming from the ground and out of no where a big black circle is appeared behind Ares.

Ares told Eira about the gate then they headed towards the gate after reaching the gate.

This gate....hmm...says Eira.

What did you said right now Master, I didn't heard it says Ares.

None of your concern , Pick up your blades and enter the dungeon and listen in this dungeon you gonna face some monsters you still didn't encountered.

Don't come out till you got the crystal which you obtain after you defeat the Boss says Eira..

Ares: Got it.

Ares entered the gate and suddenly the gate closed and Ares starts to panic about how he gonna get back to Eira and then Ares try to remain calm and starts moving forward and says , I think about that after I cleared this dungeon.

He sees a Human stands in the corner of the dungeon ,Ares starts to approach the Human and said , Hey old man ,you need some help? What are doing here?

Where is he? Where is he? Where the fuck is he??? WHERE THE F*CK IS "A-----H"?

Ares: who? I didn't heard what you said.

Old man: Shut up you lowly human and tell me where is he?

Ares: I don't know what and who are you asking me about , I am just here to take the crystal ,would you mind If I go?

Old man: Crystals? Lowly human like you want a crystal of Athena??

Ares: Put his blades out of it's sheaths and take his stand and says I don't think you gonna let me through peacefully.

Old man suddenly gets calm and silent , he starts to float in the air and his appearance changes to a young green eyes, yellow haired guy , he put his left hand behind his back with his fist close and right hand straight with elbow turned towards upside of the dungeon and said "HAKAI".

Ground starts shaking and Ares looks confused and then a blade comes directly towards Ares in high speed and wounds left side of Ares.

Ares: shit (the wound deep and the abnormal speed of blades it was near impossible to dodge that blade back then ,if I didn't dodge that blade, that blade could have pierced through my heart).

Old man who turned in young man now: hoo? You managed to dodge my blade ,I am "Gandalf" The owner of this dungeon , state your name you lowly human.

I am Ares and I am here to take the crystal after defeating the boss.

So let's see if you can beat me or not because I am the boss of this dungeon says Gandalf.

What? The first enemy is the boss? So it's going to be fast huh? Says Ares.(Thinking)

Gandalf slightly raised his head and three blades swiftly goes towards Ares for attack, Ares moves quickly and deflected the 2 blades but 1 blade cuts through his cheeks.

Ares starts to run sideways towards Gandalf and thinks (it is too fast to dodge every blade of his and I need to think of some thing fast), Gandalf points his Index finger where every Ares goes to attack with his blade and Ares tries everything he has to dodge and deflects the blades ,Gandalf thought( it seems my skills have fainted after spending 20 years without eating, practice and standing still , doesn't matter I am not that weak I will let this lowly human win).

Ares notice that Gandalf looks tired and figured that his stamina is depleting after using his technique but didn't able to know why.

Ares decided to mock him, and says what happen Gandalf it seems you are struggling against a lowly human.

Gandalf said , don't think I will lose my composure only by that.

Gandalf raised his both hands side wise and says "Dominance"

Ares suddenly felt a lot of pressure and feels like he will get burried in the ground if he losen up for even a second and the Area around the Ares slowly turns black and he can only able to see a large 50 foot long Gandalf appearance in which he was looking down on him.

Ares got scared and he suddenly remember what is he doing there and why he is training, he faced his fear and broke out of spell of Gandalf and successfully manage to give a minor cut to Gandalf in his chest.

Gandalf lose his composure and said now I am gonna end this in one go, be prepared you "lowly filthy human"( in loud voice).

Gandalf raised his right towards sky and with high speed he move his hand to ground towards Ares.

A lot of swords in top of dungeon appeared and each one of the sword was covered with fire.

Ares runs and hide behind a large rock and all the swords smash the rocks.

Dungeon became silent as Anechoic chamber and Gandalf said that is what you face after u cuts meh--uh-uh( two blades pierced through Gandalf Chest).

Gandalf: U filthy rat cough- cough ,you coward attacking from behind cough-cough.

Ares:(with blood in his head and blood running down his mouth) everything is fare in love and war( loses consciousness).