
Whispers of steel

Mayank_sensei · Fantasy
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2 Chs


(A view of a large castle, sounds of whisperings coming from shadows (without showing the faces)

Me? You want to know my story who is nothing but an assassin

Cyra: off course you gonna be my husband after all .Ares come on you cant hide it now its been 5 years

Ares: (Grab the necklace on his neck ,with a faint smile and tired eyes he says)ok I will tell u my origin


(Narration)My father was the chief of the village , everyone respect him and he was a great warrior and with our mother we lived in a village called "Atlas" as the name suggest it's a place of grand ,imposing mountain range with so much hidden or cover myths and ancient ruins and the place that covered with snow for almost 11 months, at day there -34degrees and in night -50 degrees C but we got adapt to the environment ,(from here on the acting ,animation ,or we can say narration is over and scene starts)the day we born(sound of thunderstorm,freezing cold and a gloomy environment )is the day we lose our father due to fatal hunting accident ,everyone who gone to hunting that day were all dead ,because my father died .With our mother ,me and mine twin sister "Sylvia" we grew together learned hunting small animals( people in the village who does hunting says there are beast out there deep in the forest who can controls natural aspects of nature) and learn harshes of the world together and our mother become the chief of the village ,we never sense the absence of our father because our mom does everything for us like any other man in village and other villagers also supported us, when we turned 12 ,A day with a heavy snowstorm I become obstinate and I continuously say I want to go hunting even all the villagers and mother are saying no(Narration) but I forcefully ran out of house because I want to become a warrior who faced many ups and downs and even after 1 hour later I cant find anything (narration over) my hands and face became soo cold that I am bearly feel consious but then I suddenly visualize a large mountain like thing ,due to fear I lose my consciousness ,but when I woke up I am surrounded by a bunch of polar bears I got scared and started screaming like crazy ,then a old Polar bear comes towards me and said u don't have to fear child we are not gonna hurt u, we just surrounded you so u will not die because of cold ,Ares become more scared because in first time of his life he heard a Polar bear talking then he started to rush out of the cave ,when he got out he sees the snowstorm is already passed out then he rushed in hurry towards the village while running the Polar bear said you will come back to me ,your fate is decided the moment you were born child ,you will not find any one you can trust on ,you gonna be alone your all life.

Ares thinking) What does that old Polar bear means by that, any way my first priority is my family and my village. (When Ares reach the village) huh!? Where is all the villagers (shouting) Hey! Uncle aunty? , Is anybody here (In shaking voice and panic) wait a minute why not anybody responding where are...? Don't tell me are they all... (Ares rushed back to his home and starts shouting) Mom ,Sylvia where are u ,it's not funny you know (Panic continuously rising) I should go the room from where I rushed out during snowstorm (In that room) Ares sees a hand of women lying there ( he started shaking out of panic, he slowly approaches the hand ,he suddenly heared a growl of the beast who controls the earth element ) Ares is so scared that he cannot even breath properly, Magma(the earth element controlling beast) slowly approaches Towards Ares ( a Women sitting on top of the beast said) hey where are u going Magma we are done here ,we did the work they told us to do let's get out of here, rest of the work will be completed by Windigo(Ares who crying silenty filled with sadness and anger) then the women raised her right hand and perform a geustur that seems like she was calling someone with her 2 finger,The hand of the women starts to uplift and goes straight to the the Magma mouth (The women and Magma leave) Ares stand up and start looking for her mother and sister once again(durning finding her mother and sister he saw her aunty lying on a house stairs with half of her face eaten by a monster and he saw many villagers lying there ,they did not show any mercy even if they are against childrens,they broked their arms,legs and tear them apart from their stomach, Ares pukes continuously) then he saw a women body lying on the wrench,without left arm and head (Ares approaches the women body) Ares saw a necklace on the neck of women's body ,he panics and approaches the body while running after he sees the necklace clearly he got that the body of the women is none other then her mother's,he cried so much that his voice starting to fade out and then suddenly he reminds of her sister (Ares picked up the necklace of her mother and starts to find her sister) but he cannot able to find her body (Ares thought the hand of the women that is eaten by Magma is her sisters and her sister is already dead) Ares who is traumatized by the things he saw he was moving thoughtlessly and blaming himself for everything happened that day then suddenly he saw a windigo who was eating a villager of his village and suddenly behind him all the villagers started behaving abnormally they started to eat each other and when they saw Ares they started to chase him and the windigo also approaches Towards Ares( Ares traped between the villagers and windigo)but suddenly a women with white hairs appears in front of Ares, she skillfully sliced the windigo into two halves and take Ares and flew away(villagers were all dead by eating each other's)

EXTRA- (Windigo- A mythical creature Who turn humans into cannibals)

Ares was full of fear that he didn't understand what happened there while the white haired women carried him he got unconscious (After 5 days ) Ares woke up and all the memories of the incident that happen in Atlas flashes in his eyes( he was in small house in the woods , he was sleeping for 5 days in an old piece of wood) Suddenly the door of the house and Eira (White haired,red eyes women who have a cold nature and muscular body)approaches Towards Ares ,Ares said ,who are you , what do you want from me ,women replies my name is "Eira snowclock"(Ares got the feeling that he heard that name before but unable to remember) and I picked you up for your benefit ,Ares says, my benefit? what's my benfit if you picked me up ( Eira says) you have two choices , you can either ignore what happened to your family and move on or learn the skills you needed to protect yourself and others, if you train under my guidance you can take revenge on that blond haired women(Ares says) blond haired women? (Eira replies) I don't know if you saw it or not but on the Magma a blond haired women was sitted , her name "Athena Sync"she is No.9 of "Vertex" ( organisation from which Athena is from) Ares: Vertex? , you will know the details but first decide will you follow me or ignore the incidence that happened 5 days ago (Ares says) there is nothing I can do as I am now ,so yes I will follow your guidance "Master" (With a faint smile Eira stands up and starts to leave , at the door Eira says) Eat your fill your training will be began today (Eira leaves) After eating a meal Ares starts to warm up then Eira arrives and said first you have to gain general knowledge about this world you live in ,normal people like you know nothing about this world how things worked, what is Vertex ,how they are able to crush the people so easily and how this world gonna end in near future if their plans succeeded, Ares: Ok so when we gonna start? "Vertex" they have their 9 supreme comanders and they can control The elemental beast and posses the great power like Telekinesis and Chronokinesis,The incident occur in ATLAS is caused by the 9th commander "Athena Sync" (Ares starts sweating) she always cover her eyes with a blind fold no one knows why except Vertex members , Some of the people says the Top 4 Supprem commanders of Vertex are fallen angles. This world is controlled by those 9 commanders of Vertex , those 2 powers are the only powers we know of those commanders ,other powers are still unknown. The beast are able to controls elements like fire, water , earth are due to "Athenic Resonance", It is a mystical and magical source of power related to Goddess "Athena", Due to this some of the humans also obtain powers but are far more powerful then that possesed by beasts, we call the beast that control earth element "Magma" , the one who controls fire element "Vulcanox" and the one control water "Mariscale"and the one that control wind 'Aeolus'

Hope u Like it ,this is my first ever work , it's maybe boring now but it will became intresting in near future

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