
Where Gray Lines Blur

Lena finds herself taken as prisoner to a foreign land in which she has no connections. She then becomes her captor's nanny? On top of that she begins to have feelings for him? Is this really love or a bad case of stockholm syndrome?

babs_coleman · Urbain
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

When we made our way back across the tree line, a bag was instantly placed over my head and my hands were yanked behind my back. Then they were bound together.

"I'm sorry. I will tell them to treat you with care. Since you kept your word and told no lies." The man from the horse said as I felt his hand on my shoulder. Suddenly I felt a jerk around my neck. "We will see each other again soon, Lena." He whispered. At first him saying my name confused me but then I realized what the jerk was from. He took my work badge which had my name on it. All the sudden I could feel myself in the air and flung over something that i assumed was a shoulder. I was carried like this for quite awhile. There were two stops where the bag was lifted just high enough to receive water. For the most part it was quiet. No talking or anything. The next thing I remembered

was being flung on the ground. I was guessing it was some sort of vehicle since it felt too hard to be ground and I could hear what sounded like seat belts being fastened. Suddenly the long silence was broken by a man's voice.

"Hey! Who is it???" Yelled the man. I felt something kick my foot."You took another hostage???!!! The whole part of our deal was..." he began. Whack! Suddenly something fell in my lap as I could hear a man yelling in that native language again. My arms were behind my back so I couldn't feel what it was. It felt heavy. At first I began to freak out and squirm thinking it was only the man's head dismembered from his body. But I could feel the rest of the weight, of what i could only guess was his body, so it must've been attached. The man who spoke a different language began to yell so I quit squirming. The weight was then lifted off of me and I heard a thunk beside me. Then I felt a hand on my leg and something move close to my head. The man whispered something then took the hand from my leg and gave the side of my face a gentle tap. A shiver went down my spine. Then I heard a door close in front of us and footsteps move away from me. The sound of a loud engine filled my ears then I could feel us moving. From the way the vehicle moved I could quickly tell it was a plane we were in. My head began to feel heavy and I could feel myself nodding off. I tried staying awake but in the end gave into sleep.

I felt something slammed into my side. And again that same language coming from a man. This must be our stop I thought. Damn and I always thought economy flights were bad, turns out cargo is worse. I tried to stand up but my legs were throbbing in pain and were still asleep. The man must've grown impatient because I was quickly brought to my feet. My legs wobbled at first but then I gained my stability. The man had now moved on to the guy beside me. Yelling at him now. However the guy didn't answer. Quickly, I slid my foot over till I hit something that I assume was his body and gave him a little nudge. This brought a groan from the man. Then there were rustling noises but no words from either man. It sounded like the man had rose to his feet. The foreign man said something as I was grabbed by the shoulder and pulled forward. Then there was something pressed into my back a couple times. I took it as a sign to move forward so I did. There was now a conversation going on between a couple guys around us. There was laughter. Then a man said something that I believe was directed at me because a hand now pushed down on my head as my legs were stopped partially. I lift my foot as I ducked my head. When my foot landed I could tell they were putting me in another vehicle. We drove for sometime until we finally stopped. The sound of the car door opening beside me was my cue to get out. I positioned myself the best I could and stumbled a bit out of the car. Then I was directed again as we moved forward. Suddenly, there was the sound of knocking and a door opening. This time a woman answered in the native tongue. At first the conversation seemed pleasant until the woman's tone of voice changed like she did not like what she was hearing. Her loud footsteps away from us proved that, however the door was never slammed. I felt that nudge in my back again so I moved forward. I could now hear the woman arguing with someone else. My feet kept going forward until there was a yank on my arm. The man she was arguing with changed to a calm tone. He said something in their language followed by Lena. Me...they were arguing about me? Suddenly the bag came off my head.

It was so bright in the room that I could barely keep my eyes open. My eyes focused in now to see the man from the tree line! Damn I knew he said soon but I thought he meant after years of torture or something. There was a sudden weight lifted off my arms as I felt my bonds fall off. I brought my wrists in front of me and began to message them. The two had continued going back and forth fighting for awhile as I just stood there rubbing my wrist. It was now that I noticed they were completely dressed in black. Were they in mourning??? I glanced over to see a big picture of a beautiful woman with a brilliant smile. There were incense around it burning. This must be who they're mourning, a sister or a wife? Suddenly the woman stormed out of the room.

"Lena, sorry you had to see that." He said almost nonchalantly as if he were speaking to someone he knew. I stared at the floor not knowing what this man would want from me? Maybe I was to be a play thing until he was able to move on from this wife? That didn't seem right. His demeanor from the last time didn't give off that vibe. There were what looked like a towel and a pile of clothes laid on the counter. "Please, take these and follow me." He said as he motioned at the pile. Then he began to walk away. I quickly grabbed it and caught up behind him.

"Why am I here??? Who was that woman you were..." I began to ask out of curiosity. He shot me a stern look as to say stop talking or else so I stopped talking. His hand landed on the doorknob now beside him. When he opened the door a luxurious bathroom was there.

"Get clean here and then meet me out there." He said as he gestured back down the hall we came. I gave a curt nod and moved myself in the bathroom quickly shutting the door behind me. I placed my ear on the door till I heard his footsteps moving away. My eyes skimmed the entire bathroom, no window! Damn. I'll have to figure out another way. As for right now, I did smell something fierce. So I hopped into the enormous bathtub. It felt amazing. I really didn't want to leave it. None of it felt real. After awhile I decided to get out and get dressed. I looked at myself in the huge mirror. There were bags under my eyes and the look of pure exhaustion on my face. Perhaps looking like this would deter him. The outfit he had for me to put on said a bit otherwise. It was a pink and white knee length dress. With lace on the bodice. It wasn't screaming I'm a prisoner of war to me. Though it did fit like a glove. I'm not quite sure how he worked that magic. After pacing back and forth for awhile in the bathroom, I decided to head out the door. As I walked down the hall this time, I noticed what looked to be Sakura trees outside through the big glass windows. I stopped, trying to figure out if the windows opened. It was clear they did not. "Lena!" I heard from the end of the hall. I turned to see the man again. My hand instinctively went up and pointed a finger toward the window.

"Are those Sakura trees??" I asked as I turned towards him. His fist clenched and he seemed to be hesitant to answer.

"Yes they are. Now if you'll follow me back." He answered. When we made it back to the room from before, there was a woman standing with her back to us. "This is who you'll be taking care of while you're here." He said as he motioned toward the woman. The woman didn't seem to be in declining health or...the woman turned around holding a baby that couldn't have been a few weeks old. I glanced toward the man who could clearly read my reaction. "My daughter. She's only a couple of weeks old..." he began. This made no sense. I'm a prisoner of war and he brought me into his home to take care of his daughter?? "I watched how you risked your life for a bunch of children that were not yours. And you were a teacher. Thus this seemed like the best option." I shook my head.

"You brought a complete stranger...a prisoner of war at that, to come what? Be your nanny??? Are you insane??" I asked. He began to laugh.

"And it's that reaction that makes me believe I made the right choice. Yes this is good." He said as he motioned the woman forward. The little baby was placed in my arms.

"What if I have no experience with infants??? Or what's to stop me from running away or?" I began but was cut off. He seemed to be growing tired of my questions.

"Lena Marie Davis, age 26, white, female, both parents now deceased. Three younger siblings ages 20, 14, and 10. I'm going to guess infant care is one of your strong suits. I've done a complete background check on you. I know you've worked at that school right after graduating from college. I've seen all reports from parents saying how great you are with children even those with special needs. I believe she's in great hands. And escape?" He moved in super close to me. "Try it. You are in a foreign land where everyone has learned your language but little to none actually speak it. On top of that we are at war with your people. Right now mine do not take kindly to yours so imagine the terrible things they will do to you. You want to escape go. But I assure you no one will treat you with the decency I have shown you. Not to mention you would be in a labor camp if not for me, so i would tread lightly." He answered as he began to walk away. I bit the inside of my cheek. The baby made a sound in my arms. Oh shit.

"Wait!!! Wait!! What's her name??? Where are all of her things???" I yelled after him. He stopped in his tracks.

"She doesn't have one. And look around everything you need is in this house. I will now return to the main house. If you need anything, figure it out!" He said as he left slamming the door behind him. Figure it out? Main house?? I looked down at the baby girl. No name... a sigh escaped my lips.