
Where Gray Lines Blur

Lena finds herself taken as prisoner to a foreign land in which she has no connections. She then becomes her captor's nanny? On top of that she begins to have feelings for him? Is this really love or a bad case of stockholm syndrome?

babs_coleman · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

No name. How do you have a baby without a name? Maybe he was keeping it a secret? I mean I am a stranger after all. But he left me to care for said child while being a complete stranger. That seems more dangerous then telling me her name. I began searching through out the house to figure out where everything was. There were two bedrooms in the house. One that was set up for me and one for the baby. Mine was pretty simple a bed and a closet full of clothes. The clothes in particular were pretty much impractical for nanny care. A lot of dresses and heels to match. No jeans or sweatpants or even shirts for that matter. There were no tennis shoes or socks. All of the pajamas were pretty skimpy, along with the undergarments. I rubbed the side of my face and scoffed. The baby in my arm now had her eyes barely open.

"I don't think your dad has a clue about comfort. Let's go look in your room." I said as I closed the closet door. Her room was all pink and white between furniture and decor. I opened the drawers of the dresser. "But hey, look! Not all bad! Least one of us will be comfy." I said as I held up a fleece pj outfit. After putting the outfit back in the drawer, I stared at the crib. "Well you're definitely his first kid. That's OK. We'll just have to move it into my room won't we! That is unless he plans to take you to the main house at night...meh We'll move it anyway even if it's just for naps."

We made our way back into the hall. There was one more doorway at the end of it so I moved towards it and grabbed the handle. The door didn't open. "OK, apparently we're not aloud in. Hopefully nothing we need is in there." The rest of the day went pretty smooth. Lots of butt changes, bottle feedings, and a couple naps in between. Taking the advice my mom had always given me, I napped every time the baby napped. Wasn't like there was a lot to do anyway. There was no television or even books in the house. The place was immaculate so I couldn't really clean anything besides her bottles. The baby was asleep again and i could no longer force myself to sleep. My stomach began to growl. When was the last time I ate? I could barely remember. As I moved to the kitchen there was a knock at the back door. A sigh escaped my lips. "I guess not." I whispered to myself as I moved to the glass sliding door. There was a woman in maids clothes waiting with her head bowed. I slid the door open but before I could say a word she spoke.

"The young master will be dining here tonight with you." She spoke in a monotone voice. The young master?? Father of the no name baby? Horseman? Then she curtsied and began to walk away.

"Wait! You speak English! I was told no one here really..." I began but she cut me off.

"I was originally brought on to help the young lady of the house learn your language. However I am no longer needed for that duty, but have been kept on by the young master's grace to serve as interpreter between the main house and the side house." she answered quickly. Then she bowed and curtsied again, as she turned to walk away she ran into horseman. A million apologies came flying out of her mouth along with a million bows to match it. He barely looked at her and set his gaze on me.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't hold the staff up and cause them such a fright." He said with a smirk. I went to object but was cut off, "It's ok. You can return to the main house now." He added. The girl bowed her head and headed back the way she came.

"I wasn't the one who gave her..." I began as he moved past me into the house. A sigh escaped my lips. "After you." I mumbled. I then followed him into the dining area. "I haven't got the chance to make anything yet."

"They'll be bringing our dinner in shortly." He answered and as by some magic, people began to haul in a dinner that looked to be enough for ten people let alone two.

"Will more people be joining us?" I asked as I sat down. Whenever I went to reach for food there was someone already scooping it onto my plate. Well this is annoying and obnoxious. I looked over at him to see him staring at me as they made his plate as well. A chuckle escaped him. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, its just amusing." He answered as he placed his napkin on his lap. I snorted a bit.

"I'm surprised they allow you to do that." I said as I went to grab my own napkin. There was a quick glance between him and the staff and the napkin was swiped from me. Then it was placed on my lap. I bit my lip and let out a sigh. "Touche." I said. The staff cleared the room as we began to eat. There was an awkward silence between us. I was starting to lose myself in thought as I moved food around on my plate. How were the children? How far away was I? Who would trust a war hostage with their child? Who was this man? This man with daring brown eyes, that smelled of old man's aftershave yet could only be no older then his early thirties at most...

"The food not to your liking?" He asked. I jumped a bit at his words. My eyes shot up to his. His facial expression was hard to read.

"No... I mean the food is fine... I just don't know what kind of conversation we're supposed to have. I mean in essence I'm a slave. Yet, you come and dine with me? While your actual staff, who I'm sure you trust much more, are made to serve me? There's just a lot of questions and I don't know what I'm aloud to ask." I explained. His gaze went back to his plate as he began eating again.

"You may ask whatever you like and I will choose whether or not to answer. And the only reason I'm eating out here is because it's too stuffy between my mother and grandmother who came to visit me while I'm home. They originally came to help with the child but I now have that covered with you." His words were precise and cold. Now that I thought about it, out of the few times he's talked, the only interaction that seemed more down to earth was the conversation with the maid.

"OK seems fair enough. First, when we left the children and..." I began but he waved his hand.

"They are all fine. Well I can at least account for that until I left." He answered quickly. I nodded. Some weight fell off my shoulders.

"And the other prisoner...that was on the plane with me, is he OK? And he mentioned something about a deal.." I asked as I study his face for emotion but found none.

"I can't confirm what his condition is or where he was sent. As for the deal...that's also classified." He answered curtly. My eyes went back to my plate. I tried to muster up the courage to ask the big question on my mind. Finally I just decided to ask.

"The young lady of the house. Who's no longer here..." I began but he cut me off.

"Yes. She was the mother of the child and my wife. She died giving birth. Her body was already worn down from the disease and she didn't pull through." he said as he stared quietly at his plate. I didn't know how much I should push on the topic.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I began, "Does the baby really not have a name?" Abruptly, he stood up from the table. I had no clue what to do besides stand as well. He threw his napkin down on the table.

"No there is no name! That will be enough questions for the night." He said as he moved to the door. Then he stopped. "Name her yourself. " he said as he left the house. The slam from the door woke the baby up from her sleep. I sighed as I went to go grab her.

The rest of the night went pretty decent and uneventful. She went back to sleep about midnight. I stared at her in the crib. How lonely and confusing it must be? To not have either parent around. I'm an adult and I barely cope sometimes. He said I could name her...who let's...you know what nevermind. It's clear this man puts too much trust in a stranger. Or is it he just doesn't care? I stared a little longer at her as I tried coming up with some names. None of them seemed right though. A sigh escaped my lips. I guess I'll just have to sleep on it. I walked over to my bed and collapsed on it. Now that I thought about it...I don't even know his name. Nor his last name for that matter. How would I know if the name I chose was a good fit without their last name? At some point, while wandering in my thoughts, I succumbed to sleep.

Around six a.m. I stired to the sound of baby cries. Least she seemed to be a decent sleeper. Again I found myself at a loss for what to name her. Before I knew it, she fell back asleep after eating and being changed. My stomach growled. I walked back through the living room. Where that woman's picture was still sitting as big as ever. I pursed my lips. That's going to get annoying to walk around. I pondered on what to do for a moment.

It seemed rude, to take it down, with the circumstances being what they were. I looked over the living room. There was a big enough spot over the fireplace for it. I was then on a hunt for nails and a hammer. Which turned out to be a much more simpler task then I had thought. Question now how to get up there? I looked at the chairs in the dining room but they were too short. Then I remembered there was some taller ones that sat in front of the kitchen counter. Before long I had the nails in the wall and stared at the big frame. Awkwardly, I picked it up and hobbled my way to the chair. I sat it down beside it. This could very well be the death of me, I thought. Meh. Could be worse ways to die. I stepped on to the chair and made sure it wouldn't move. I grabbed the frame as best I could when I heard a voice from the back door.

"Young master will now be entering." said a familiar female voice. I recognized it to be the girl from last night. Did he seriously need to be announced like some prince every time?

"Ok." I puffed out as I was still moving the frame. This thing was way heavier when balancing on a chair. I finally placed it on the nails and was about to let go to check its positioning when a voice boomed out.

"What the hell are you d....!" yelled the voice but it was too late. I lost my balance and could feel myself falling off the chair. I squeezed my eyes shut bracing for impact, but to my surprise, I could feel strong arms grasped around my body. Slowly I peered one eye open to see the horseman's face. It was clear he was angry. I could feel his heart beat pounding in his chest. Quickly, I placed my feet on the ground and pushed myself off of him. Feeling ashamed I couldn't look at him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." I began but he quickly cut me off.

"Who told you to touch that portrait!?" He screamed. I began to panick. As I quickly tried to plead my case.

"No one! I'm sorry, I just..." l again tried but was stopped again.

"Had I not come in when I did and you had fallen, seriously injuring yourself, who would have known???! Then my helpless child would be left unattended to for who knows how long!!" His voice was deep and booming throughout the little house. I couldn't keep down the anger that instantly took over.

"Had you not came in the house screaming at me from the top of your lungs, I never would have fell! I was just about to see if it was straight!" I yelled as I gestured to the wall where the portrait hung perfectly. His eyes quickly flashed to the wall and then back to me.

"That does not make up for your thoughtless actions!" He yelled as he moved closer to my face. "And how, tell me, would you have explained to my begrudging mother in law had the only potrait of her only child who died was destroyed from your ignorance?!" His brown eyes seemed to peer into my soul. They were so fierce looking and yet I could see the saddness in them. "Let me make this clear, you are a prisoner of war. You are here by my accord. No one, not even yourself, may put you in any life threatening positions unless I say so!" He finished with his nose barely hovering over my own. I could now hear the baby crying. Thankful for my route for escape I clicked my tongue and stepped back from him. As I began to walk past him, his hand grabbed my arm. "Where are you going?!" Quickly I yanked my arm from him. I passed servants as I headed towards my bedroom.

"You woke up Yuri!" I answered.

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