
When The PlayBoy Meets The PlayGirl

'She looks like a pure flower who is blooming beautifully.' thought Dylan as he saw the girl in front of him.  'Hmm….this guy he looks good but at the same time looks like the guy who would get a girl at the very last moment.…that too somehow..' Diana thought as she saw Dylan in front of her.  Their thoughts about each other are contradictory to their personalities. What will happen when they find out each other's true personality? 

Pakohoshino29 · Urbain
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20 Chs

Evil Plan

While Suzan & Djana were gone Daniel was having a pretty good conversation with Kate. 

"Um Sebastian...aren't you drinking a bit too much?" Dylan asked as he looked as the 9 empty glasses that were drunk by Sebastian. 

"Am I?" Sebastian asked with a straight face. 

"Yes, you are and I believe if you drink this...you'll be wasted." Dylan said as he took away the last glass. 

Sebastian was feeling anger and jealousy inside him but how could he tell about to a girl who is barely a classmate to him right now? He had no right basically. So drinking away his jealousy was the only option for him. 

Just when Sebastian saw Disna coming out of the ladies washroom he signalled her to come at their table. 

"I guess Sebastian is calling me, you go I will come a bit later." Diana said to Suzan after looking at Sebastian's signal. 

Diana walked passed her own table and sat with the guys. One looked too drunk and the other two were just confused. 

"Aren't you drinking too much Sebastian?" Diana asked seeing the glasses.

"NO! I AM NOT!" Sebastian said in slightly raised angry voice. 

"Jee, you could've answered that normally but leave that. Why'd you call me?" Diana asked.

"Your boyfriend…." Sebastian said

"My boyfriend..? Oh! You mean Daniel? He is not my boyfriend! He is just a friend." Diana said as she laughed a little.

"Now that's even worse." Sebastian said as he banged his head on the table but he got up in a second too.

"Aren't you jealous that he is the one talking to Kate happily and not you?" Diana said with a smirk. 

Hearing this David and Dylan looked at Diana with amazed looks.They definitely had never talked about Sebastian's crush ever but even so she knew to just press the correct buttons. 

"No..wait, how do you know?" Sebastian asked with a curious look. 

"Sources. But that isn't the point. Since you got no feelings for her I can actually set her up with him. After all a girl has her needs too you know." Diana said as she shrugged her shoulders and turned to her right to get up. 

And as good friends as David & Dylan were they too hyped this up by saying "I agree, Kate & Daniel will make a great couple! You should definitely set them up!" 

"I know right!" Diana said with excitement. 

Hearing all this was just making it hard for Sebastian to keep his feelings inside anymore. 

"So, I should not delay things anymore. See ya!" Diana said as she had almost gotten up but…

"Nope. You are not setting anyone. Or at least not them together." Sebastian said as he looked at Diana with a deadly stare. 

"And why is that?" Diana asked innocently. 

"Because…" Sebastian had already started feeling awkward.

"Because....??" Diana asked.

"Because I am the one who loves her! There!" Sebastian said a little out loud that..everyone heard it in the bar. 

"I wanted to hear that..but I wasn't planning for the whole bar to hear it as well.." Diana said as she looked around at the people staring at the table weirdly. 

"WHO HE LOVES? SUZAN! WHO II IT? IS IT DIANA? OR SOMF OTHER GIRL??" Kate whispered to Suzan with anxiety. 

"I don't know…..it's quite a clueless evening…" Suzan said with a clueless look. 

After the weird gazes shifted Diana and the trio got back to their conversation. Dylan & David were quite impressed from Diana as Sebastian the quiet guy says his feelings rarely. 

"So Sebastian, now that I know you feelings...I will not set them up. But are you ever going to tell her?" Diana said with concerned looks.

"No." Sebastian said as he shook his head lightly. 

"Why not?" Djana asked with a questioning look.

"Because…we are quiet different...I don't think she'll accept my feeling so.." Sebastian said with a long face. 

"What if that does not happen?" Diana said as she put emphasis on the word 'not'. 

"Hmmm….I will be the happiest person? But since it won't, I'm fine with one sided love too." Sebastian said as his expressions shifted from happy to sad in a second.

Seeing Sebastian opening up so much even Dylan & David were shocked. They both were just witnessing the whole conversation with shocked looks on their faces. 

"Hmm. Well well he is too drunk to tell anymore plus I got what I needed so I will go boys!" Diana said as she took a quick leave from the trio's table. 

Diana had not even taken a seat that Kate asked about Sebastian's love. Diana wanted to give a simple answer but she smiled evilly in her head and then said. 

"Oh…um some girl who came back.. to City I. His..high school sweet heart?" Diana said as she acted that Sebastian had told her a long story.

"High school sweet heart?? Which girl? I was in the same high school! Though..only in the last year…" Kate said as she went through all the memory of the classmates she had in high school. 

"Why does Kate look even more anxious than Sebastian right now?" Dylan asked as he looked towards the table where Diana, Kate, Suzan and Daniel were sitting. 

"I don't know..but I really think we will have to take Sebastian home...he is kinda too drunk to drive on his own." David said as looked at Diana's table and then took a quick glance at almost wasted Sebastian. 

"Yeah. Let's go. Check please." Dylan said as he called the waiter and then left the bar.

After a little while Suzan & Kate left together but Diana and Daniel stayed in the bar. As soon as she saw Kate & Suzan have left. Diana smiled evilly and then looked at Daniel.

"I know that smile...what evil plan are you cooking now?" Daniel said as he looked at Diana with slight fear. 

"When is your next buisness trip Dan?" Diana asked innocently. 

"Next month. Why?" Daniel asked with confused look.

"Perfect. So here's what you are gonna do." Diana said with her devil smile. 

Hello dear readers! Finally, posting a chapter on time!

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