
Chapter 92

He hugged me closely and just held me. I knew the other two were giving us this moment. Partly because we needed I,t but partly because they knew he was my first love, my strongest love. And we needed repairing. I heard the sounds of Loki's heartbeat mixing with the sounds of the ocean. I closed my eyes and felt the cracked parts of me heal. 

I pulled back and cupped Loki's face in my hand. "I love you Mischief Man. From the moment I saw you when I oh so gracefully landed in your world practically at your feet." I stood on tiptoe and kissed the end of his nose. "Shall we go grab the other two and find somewhere to stay for the night?"

He scrunched his nose and me and laughed. "That does tickle when you do that. But yes. Let's go and find my pet a place to snuggle her loves."

As we came back over to Thor and Bucky, I looked at all of them and laughed. "You know, Wanda choked when Bucky became a soulmate. Just imagine how she's going to be when she catches site of Thor."

All three roared with laughter and it was such a carefree sound. I was so happy that they were able to relax and feel that way. Arm in arm, we went towards the hotel that was right on the beach and found a room with a king-sized bed. It was tight but we managed to all get on there and snuggle down for sleep. It had been a long day, but I was excited for swimming and being with my loves tomorrow. I was ready for some fun and sun.


A few months later we arrived back at the tower, tanned and laughing. We appeared in the front yard, not far from where my magic was born. There was only a slight stumble this time from Bucky and Thor. I was interested in learning how to do teleportation, but I was a little scared too. I didn't want to do any damage to anyone or land somewhere dangerous, like underwater.

I heard the front door slam open and looked to see everyone running out. My eyes filled with tears, seemed to be a common thing now, as I saw everyone I had missed. Steve, Clint, Wanda, Nat, Vision, Tony, Bruce, even Sam. They all rushed up and I was passed around as everyone hugged me.

"I missed you, Kiddo. Are you better now? Bruce told us things were a little rough after you woke up."

I nodded. "Yep, all better and back to my old self, Tin Man."

He shook his head and moved as Steve rushed to grab me. He swung me in a circle as I laughed. "Easy there Capsicle."

"I never thought I would miss hearing that. I'm glad you're back."

Nat elbowed Steve out of the way. "Hey girl! I'm so glad you're back. I missed that attitude of yours."

"Thanks Nat. I missed you too."

Nat moved so Wanda could give me a hug. She came up to me and froze. She looked over my shoulder at Loki, Bucky, and Thor. Her eyes got really big. "HOLY SHIT!! REALLY?! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENDED WHILE YOU WERE GONE?!" 

Wanda was screaming at the top of her lungs. Everyone got really quiet, and I looked back over my shoulder at the guys. They all had those shit-eating grins that were oh so sexy. 

"Wanda?" Vision came close to her. "Are you alright?"

She kept staring at me. "How?" she whispered. 

"Wanda, what's going on? What are you screaming about?" Tony looked confused.

I grinned and skipped back to my guys. I kissed Bucky hard. He smacked my ass as I turned to Loki. I stuck my tongue out at him then turned to face Loki. I felt Loki's laughter against my lips. But what shocked everyone was when I turned and gave Thor a deep hungry kiss as his arms came around me. 

Now everyone froze, waiting to see Loki explode at his brother. Loki just slung his arm over Thor's shoulders as Thor let me go and grinned.

"Stark, we do request that you merge a couple of rooms together and custom make a bed. Not even my bed will comfortably hold all four of us." 

Tony choked. "Four of you?"

I nodded and grinned at Wanda. "So apparently, I'm this super super rare person that has like three soulmates. And we found out that Thor is the third. Keeping it in the family I guess."

Everyone just stared at me shocked. No one said anything. I was starting to feel that something was wrong. I looked at Loki and he caught what I was feeling. He turned to me and held me close.

"Nothing is wrong, pet. They are all just surprised. You left here in a coma and come back with a new third soulmate. And they have not had anyone with three soulmates in over 500 years."

"Oh…" I looked back at everyone. "Are they gonna treat me different do you think?" I thought I kept my voice low enough, but Tony still heard me.

"Absolutely not, Kid. Just because you're an anomaly doesn't mean we don't still care about you. And I think I can arrange the room and bed. I can combine your room and Bucky's since they're next to each other. I'll order the bed later today. It means you're going to have to make do in Reindeer Game's room until it's all done."

I laughed. "I think we can manage. One can just sleep on top of me then. Or I can sleep on top of one of them."

"God Kid, ew. More than I need to know."

Nat squealed, taking me by surprise as she rushed back over to me. "Wait that means you… and Thor… really?! Oh god, girls night. You need to dish."

"Only once I ask if it's ok. Then we'll plan one. I haven't asked Sparky about that yet."

I felt Thor's amusement as Loki mentally filled him in on what Nat was wanting to find out. 

'I have no objections to you bragging about me.'

I kept a straight face but just barely. Mentally I was rolling laughing. 'Yeah, she was already jealous. She is really gonna hate me when she finds out what you're packing, Sparky.'

I heard his rumble of laughter as he couldn't hold it in. "So, can we go in?"

"Oh, sure. Sorry. I bet you all want to change or something. I've never seen Loki or Thor in anything like that." Nat gazed at the muscles the t-shirts defined. "I never realized how muscular Loki was under all that leather."

I laughed and sent a quick thought to the guys. Their eyes sparkled as they agreed. "Yeah, I'm sure they would be more comfortable in their usual leathers." 

With a thought, Loki and Thor were suddenly in their usual outfits. I even changed Bucky's for good measure. I looked down at myself. I was in shorts and a crop top. I changed back into my well-worn jeans and an oversized shirt that slid off one shoulder.

"Wait wait what just happened?" Sam looked hella confused.

"It seems that Ariane has even more magic than myself. She has some similar aspects but can do them on others not just herself. I am limited to myself." Loki gazed at me proudly. He had seen how little thought it had taken to change our clothes.

Nat looked pleadingly at the guys. "You guys had for days. Can we steal her for a girl's night? Please?" She even batted her eyes at them. "Besides, if you say no, me and Wanda will just kick your asses and steal her anyway."

Bucky laughed. "Yeah, I don't see why not. Let's get our stuff in. Can we eat before we let her go? We missed lunch and I think Thor is getting impatient." 

I giggled. "I don't wanna see him hangry. That wouldn't be a pretty picture. To the kitchen!"