
Chapter 37

"Well about time you three joined us." Nat gave us a wicked grin.

"No need to ask how your night went. We could all hear it until Tony had F.R.I.D.A.Y soundproof the room so we could all get some sleep." Sam smirked at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, and he laughed.

Wanda turned from talking to Vision and took a sip of juice. She glanced over at the three of us. Her face looked shocked, and her eyes were wide. She started to choke on her juice. 

"Wanda are you alright?" I looked at her worriedly.

"TWO!?" She shouted the word. All conversations stopped and everyone was looking between the three of us and Wanda. "Two..." she whispered in awe. 

"Two what Wanda?" Tony hated not knowing what was going on. 

She looked over at everyone. "Two soulmates..."

There was shocked silence around the table. I looked back, very confused. I heard Loki's voice in my head, and I knew he was speaking to Bucky as well. 'Don't mention our personal communication. I have a feeling that knowledge could be dangerous. For all three of us.' 

I looked over and gave a slight nod of agreement and heard Bucky's assent in my head.

"What do you mean, Wanda? What are you talking about?" Steve looked like he was watching a tennis match as he kept looking back and forth from us to her. 

"She has two soulmates. Loki AND Bucky. And you were all together last night." Her eyes widened. "That explains the two waves of power we felt last night. The first wave we had felt before was when Loki and Ariane made vows, binding them together. Last night must have been a wave for Bucky's bond with her and the third when all three of them bonded together, which is why the last was so strong."

I felt stunned. I looked and saw the same expression on Bucky's face but contemplation on Loki's. I looked back at Wanda.

"I have two soulmates? And Bucky is one of them?" 

"I had wondered, my pet. I told you I did research into soulmates. It is extremely, extremely rare, but it is possible for one to have two soulmates. One bond and love will always be stronger as it is the first. But both will be just as important as the other." 

I looked at Loki. "You guessed? But how?"

"I could feel how strong Barnes felt for you. As I had said before, his love was only a little less than my own. I never once doubted your love of me, but I felt your growing care for Barnes into something beyond a close friend. So, while we were on the plane, I did some reading and it made sense."

Bucky still looked stunned. "Is that why you invited me last night?"

"Yes. I will be honest I had not expected the abundance of power that was released, but then I was a little... preoccupied." He smiled.

Everyone around the table chuckled. "Yeah, we heard." Nat grinned but rolled her eyes.

"So, are those power things going to happen every time you guys get up to shenanigans? Cause you almost blew out the windows." Tony pointed at me. "If you do, I'm sending you the repair bill Ariane."

I laughed. "And I will hand it right back to you to pay. You already have me give you all my bills anyway and refuse to let me pay for anything."

"Yeah, well, you're family and I take care of family."

I looked at Wanda. "So, with the two soulmates thing... that means Bucky is mine to keep right?"

She laughed. "Yes, it means he is yours as well as Loki. Greedy girl. Not surprising you bonding with the bad boys."

I spun and threw myself at Bucky. He caught me. "Did you hear that Bionic Man? I get to keep you! You are mine and now there are no goodbyes." 

He laughed and twirled me around. "I heard, Doll." 

I whispered in his ear as I drew him in for a hug. "And that means last night is not just a memory but a beginning."

Bucky hugged me tightly. He set me down and looked at Loki. "I won't do this if Loki doesn't want it. He is your first love, and I won't come between that. Doll, I love you too much to hurt you by damaging that."

Loki smiled his sexy smile. "I have no objections to this relationship. Last night, as well as this morning, was quite stimulating."

"Ok Brother, I don't want any more details. What I've heard is already stuck in my brain now and I don't want to lose my appetite because of the mental picture of you or Bucky naked."

I giggled. "Thor, I don't think anything could ruin your appetite. Besides, that picture can't be all bad. I'm naked in it too." 

Thor stopped eating and gave a speculative look. "Now there is an idea I could see all day."

"Forget it, Brother. Your imagery does not do her justice and you will not be seeing the true version in this lifetime or any other lifetime." 

"Can't blame a guy for dreaming."

Sam looked at me. "Damn girl, you must be energetic to need a God AND a Super Soldier to satisfy you."

I laughed at him as we sat down and helped ourselves to breakfast. "Yep. As Wanda said, I am a greedy girl. Right now though I'm greedy for food. I gotta keep my strength up." I blinked innocently at him as he winked. "I have training later." I paused and frowned. "Shit."

"What's wrong Doll?' 

I looked at Bucky, a little putout. "I have to find a new trainer now damn it. I'm going through them quickly."

Steve looked up and grinned. "Wait, Loki was your first trainer and Bucky your second. And both became your soulmates. If this is a pattern I volunteer as tribute!"

"I think not Rogers."


Both denials came from my boys at the same time. I laughed. "Thanks, America's Ass but you are too goody-goody to train with me. Besides, Super Soldier or not, I would whoop your ass. But great job as the movie reference! The old man is finally catching up with the times."

"Strangely, I think I like Capsicle better as a nickname."

"Perfect. America's Ass it is!" Tony banged the table as if to make it official. 

"Yeah, no."

"Too late. F.R.I.D.A.Y, change Steve's name to America's Ass.

"Yes Mr. Stark."

I ate my breakfast and just listened to the conversations of my new family. I caught Bruce studying me and my boys. 

"What's up, Bruce?"

He cleared his throat and the conversations died down. 

"Um, well, remember when we did that testing that Loki asked for?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you said I was healthy."

"Yes, physically you are the picture of good health. But we did some blood work and..." He trailed off. 

"And what, Banner. What is wrong with her?" I heard the undercurrent of fear in Loki's voice.

"Well, her DNA has changed."

I blinked. "Changed how?"

"Well, the only sample we have on record that resembles it... is the one we have for Loki."

I was majorly confused. "What does that mean?"

"This is just a theory. The aging difference between you being human and Loki being a God is drastically different. Soul bonds usually want to last as long as possible so it looks as if it is changing your DNA to more match his, meaning you will live as long a life as he does."

I felt my mouth drop open and I felt Loki's startlement. I was going to live for thousands of years? Holy shit Batman!

"Wait, does that mean mine will change too? And why is Loki the only sample? Why doesn't it match Thor too?"

"Because Loki is not a true-born Asgardian remember? He is adopted, although to me is just my brother. Loki was born on Jotunheim. And is a Frost Giant. His father was Laufey, king of the Frost Giants. That's why the Laufeyson instead of Odinson. Loki by right is the king and rightful ruler of Jotunheim seeing how Laufey is dead." Thor looked amused. He looked over at me and winked. "Welcome to the family, dear sister. We are going to need to take you on a trip to Asgard sometime."

"Thank you for the genealogy lesson, Brother. But yes, we should take her there at some point." He looked at me. "You will enjoy it. It's a beautiful land."

"I would love that. To see where you grew up. Although, from what I heard about Odin, I may just have to do some face-breaking there if he even thinks of being rude or speaking badly about you. Fair warning."

Thor grinned. "I would pay to see that."

"You don't have to pay. I'll do it for free. Just remember the popcorn and to save me some. I like extra butter on mine."

We kept up with the easy banter and it helped ease the shock of my changing DNA. But I was never one to leave something uncertain. I talked in a low tone to Bruce.

"You never answered if the same would happen to Bucky now."

"I am only speculating on this Ariane. But my guess is yes. The bonds will want you all to stay together as long as possible." He raised his voice. "Loki, Bucky, Ariane, I will need you to monitor each other. More on Ariane and Bucky than Loki. I knew Ariane gained Loki's mind-reading. With the second bond and how strong all of them are, more than just that power may manifest in either of them."