
The Christmas party

Why did you space out was the question my neighbor asked me,I looked at her then looked down imediately because I was so embarrassed,I couldn't tell them what I imagined,it was just hilarious. while I was thinking of what to say,I felt a hand on my shoulder, raising my head to see the person that touched me I saw Mr Seth staring at me with a smile plastered on his face then he told me not to worry that they were just joking, then they all gave me a big hug,I hugged them back but I was also confused on why they hugged me.

After hugging them I asked them if it was true that the leader of the shifters was one of the richest woman then they replied me with a nod while smiling, then the leader came forward and sat down on a chair while facing me then she took my hands and held it with both of her hands then looked at me straight in the face but in her eyes you could see that she was trying to apologize,then she 🌟 talking.

"I just want to say we are sorry you had to go through this,you understand that it is for your own good that you have to hide your power from your granny and everyone in other to protect those who you love as you can see the blobbies tried to kill you all because of your power so in order to protect your self and your loved ones you have to do what we planned earlier"

looking at everybody who were staring back at me with eager eyes I sighed and decided to follow up with the plan,then I stood up and looked at them and replied yes, imediately I answered they started cheering and they didn't stop until a nurse came in to tell them to keep the noice down when the nurse left they looked at each other and 🌟 laughing out loud,I looked at them and sighed.

The next day was Christmas so as decided by all of us and what I meant by all of us is the shape shifters,we decided to celebrate it at the shape shifters leader's house,I went there with my friend and some of my classmates that I was a little bit close with and of cause with my granny. I was dressed in a white suite in which the inner was also white with a white trouser to go with the suit, at my suit pocket was a tucked in red kerchief and I was also putting on a well knotted red tie. I walked into the Hall with my granny hold my hands when I entered I noticed that people were staring at me and I was a little bit nervous, avoiding their stairs I looked around to see were I could sit then I noticed a corner which was vacant, walking towards the place,my granny tugged at my arm then I looked at her then she motioned me to bend a little when I did she whispered into my ear saying, "Did you Know how handsome you are this night, people can't just take their eyes off you even I your granny is starting to notice some change in you,you look a lot more handsome that if I were not your granny I would have hitted on you"after she finished talking,I had to hide my face because I knew with all what she said I would have already started blushing.noticing that I was looking away my granny tried to turn my face towards her while asking if I was blushing,I was seriously embarrassed that I wished I could disappear,I didn't answer her and continued to hide when I heard someone calling me,I mouthed all the curse I knew quietly because I was sure my face was still red, hiding my embarassment I used all the will I had to face the person talking to me,lo and behold it was non other than the husband of my neighbor, looking at him with a questioning look I asked of what he wanted from me,instead of replying me back with the answer of what I asked from him he replied me back with a question that the only thing I wished for was to disappear and never come back and the question was "why are you red in the face?" what made the situation I was in worst was when everyone turned to look at me and imediately they saw my red face they started laughing followed by my granny who was the cause for everything that happened. I did not know how long they kept laughing but I knew it was a really bad experience for me.When everything settled down,my neighbor's husband dragged me to a room when we reached the room,I met other shape shifters there and the expression they had on their face was not nice at all. I turned to look at the person that brought me in to ask him what was happening but the answer I received was I would soon find out. After some minutes of waiting,the leader of the shifter came to the room and sat down on the chair placed for her she then pointed at me and motioned me to sit down at her front,I did as I was told and sat down,she then looked at me in the eye and started talking,

"let me go straight to the point, Richard you have to be careful. On the day you awaken your power something would happen that could change your life forever but I can't tell you what would happen in order not to scare you,the only advice I can give you is that you should be careful and don't be afraid"

this was what she said before I asked her how she knew this would happen, then she replied by saying,

"I saw a vision about it, actually that is one of my powers as I am the leader,I saw what happened to you but I can't tell you but we would all be of help whenever you need one."

I nodded my head and told her I understood what she meant, then we were all dismissed.

I went back to the party and asked my granny for a dance,after dancing with my granny,I decided to sit at a corner to have some drinks while my granny was talking to people of her age, when a lady came to sit beside me. She had fair skin with hair that reached her shoulder, she had this sexy eyes that any man would get lost into it just by looking at it,her crossed leg were slender and beautiful,her lips were plump and saying the words kissable everything about her was damn sexy,the most attractive part was her red dress which displayed her curve and brought out the colour of her skin. While I was admiring her beauty,I didn't know when she suddenly stood up and was at my front, when I got back to my senses she had already leaned towards me then told me to have a dance with her while whispering into my ear,it was as if I was dreaming because I couldn't expect that a beauty like her would ask me to have a dance with her.

Thanks for reading,there would be more mystery in the future chapters.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts