
The Shifters Leader Is One Of The Richest

WTF,what is going on,why is your eyes not changing back to normal,the leader was already going berserk,she was confused but later as of coming to realization of something I eyes was wide opened and she started talking

hmm, although this is a little bit strange because nothing like this had ever happened but there is no need for alarm, the only thing I could tell you now is that I think you are going to awaken your power much more earlier meaning you might awaken it before you become eighteen but what we should worry about is how you are going to keep your sudden growth and eye colour from your granny, although you've found solution for the colour of your eyes but what are you going to do about your muscles that are getting bigger,if anyone have a suggestion for that you can kindly bring it because this is a serious problem that we have to solve imediately"

when she finished talking, everyone started looking serious trying to rummage through their brain for solution suddenly Mr Seth's wife raised her hands up while smiling,then the leader of the shifters asked her to speak

"I have two suggestion,the first one is he should start putting on big clothe or he should put on a muscle jackets in order to cover his muscles,the second one is that he could start going to the gym so that in case his granny see his body while he is not putting on a shirt,his granny would understand that it's because of the gym he is going to that is causing all the muscles to grow"

imediately she finished talking everyone started clapping because that was the only idea that was still reasonable but there was a problem which one would they choose, then another round of rummaging brains started they all looked serious as if they wanted to answer a question that would either kill them or save them depending on the answers to they give.after waiting for some minutes that felt like hours the leader of the shifters started talking,

"I think we should try the two,he could as well put on the muscle jacket and go to the gym at the same time,if he puts on the muscle jacket,the muscle jacket would prevent his granny from knowing the changes on his body and the day his granny sees his body the gym would cover up for the enlargement of his body"

imediately she finished talking everybody agreed but I still had one particular problem,I was thinking of where to get money for the gym, while I was thinking the leader of the shifters noticed the way my mood changed and asked me what happened,I explained to her that I didn't have enough money to go to a gym.imediately I said it everybody started laughing when they saw my confused face,the leader of the shifters then told Daisy husband to explain to me

"clears throat",sorry for laughing at you because we didn't tell you what we should have told you from the beginning,well as you can see our leader here is one of the richest woman in our country and because of that she has different company,hotel and gym so she is actually going to allow you to use one of her gyms so there is no need to worry about the money you are going to pay."

when he finished talking,I couldn't believe my ears because I could not believe that a woman like the leader was one of the richest woman in the country, although her house is big I could not still believe it,then I spaced out.

I heard the word richard like someone calling my name before I regained consciousness.i looked at the woman smiling at me and asked her if it was true,she nodded her head in affirmation and I fell unconscious again.

I woke up to the smell of medicine around me, trying to open my eyes a bright light greeted me,I had to close it due to the fear of my eyes getting blind,I decided to open my eyes slowly so as to adjust to the light,once my eyes were open,I noticed that I was in the hospital, looking around,I saw a woman putting her head on my bed while sleeping, looking closer I noticed that it was my neighbor, while I was looking at her,she suddenly moved slightly and I froze on the spot, when she looked at me and noticed the way I was staring at her she was afraid that something must have happened to me, with a panicked expression on her face she ran out of the ward even before I could tell her I was okay. I sighed and decided to rest on the bed but before I could even close my eyes I heard a lot of foot running towards my ward just like a soldier matching towards war, within a second a lot of nurses doctors including the shape shifters and the leader. Suddenly a doctor came to my side and put a stethoscope on my chest checking my heartbeat after checking my heartbeat he then opened my eyes for what I don't even understand the reason after checking on me,he then turned around to tell everyone that I was okay, Imediately they heard that I was okay they heaved a sigh of relief. Imediately the doctors and nurses left they stood beside my bed and started staring at me just like an hunter staring at it's pretty caught in the trap he set, just imagining the scene of an hunter looking at it's prey with a smirk made me started having goosebumps all over my body. I sat up with clear fear showing in my eyes and my imagination took over,I was imagining that human heads were flying about and some bodies we're holding their head while walking while some that had complete body, their eyes were budging out of their socket and they were all staring at me and suddenly the one with the head on his hand inched towards while smiling, seeing it inch towards me I started screaming,while I was screaming I didn't notice that I was just imagining and it was not real, when I came back to reality I saw the shape shifters and the leader looking at me with different type of expression then they started laughing when they saw me looking embarrassed

Happy new year everyone. Am sorry for not updating on time I didn't have time but I would try to update four times in a week.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts