


Immediately flourish dad was done with eating,he came to the sitting room where I and Flourish were still watching a movie and laughing because of the funny scene that was shown on the TV because we were so engrossed in watching the movie,we didn't know when flourish dad came to the parlour,he had to clear his throat so as to get our attention before we noticed his presence,we immediately stood up and greeted him,he returned our greeting and advices us to go and read for the next subject of the exam, hearing what he said, although we were sad because we still wanted to watch more movie,we still obliged and went to our room to read. FLOURISH POV

Few days later and I had already started getting closer to the two boys and Linda, although I was not that close with the boys but I was a lot more close to Linda,it when we were in the hall and was about to write an exam that I knew the two boys name to show how we were not close. Sheena was a commercial student so it was hard for us to meet with each other so we were not able to talk as before but thank God Benjamin and Victor with Linda were able to keep me company, although I have started feeling strange around Benjamin,the reason why I started feeling strange was because for some unknown reason he started teasing me the victor use to tease Linda which was a little bit annoying but funny a times but I started feeling uncomfortable with the way he was staring at me,there was a time I was in one of the labs with him and some other students when he started staring at me,he continued staring to the extend that he slept on the table in the lab just to stare at me but all thanks to God,the teacher shouted at him telling him to get away from the table,I was so happy when that happened because at that moment he stopped staring and I was able to breathe again,I decided not to think much on the way he was staring at me and continued talking to him in a normal way. One day I and Richard with Sheena were going home when he stopped us telling me he wanted to Know where I live,I looked at him actually shocked by his courage to ask that he wants to know my house not that he can't ask it's just that there would be a good problem if he knows,even Richard and Sheena were surprised but decided to stay out of it,I replied to him by telling him that I can't let him Know my house,he looked at me not really happy but didn't have a choice but to turn back after all he can't force me to tell him the whereabout of my house.after that day we still kept on talking,he even gave me an horrible nickname, calling me saint,I always feel irritated any time I hear him calling me saint,in which I always complain that I don't like the name but with that he still did not stop and due to us being close,some of my classmates were asking me if I and Benjamin were dating,I had to tell them nothing was going on between us even with explanation but not all believed. On a fateful day I borrowed I asked a girl in my class of her phone that I wanted to watch a movie,due to me writing an exam,I started getting close with some people in my class,asking the girl for the phone,the girl told me she can't borrow me because the phone was not that good and I wouldn't be able to Opera it,since there was nothing to do and It was the end of the exam meaning I don't have any papers again,me,Linda, Benjamin and Victor decided to watch a football match happening on the field of our school,while we were watching the match,I noticed victor pressing the phone that I wanted to collect from the girl the other time,with anger I grabbed the phone from victor hand and started pressing the phone, seeing the phone been hijacked by me,he was angry and started talking,I just faced him and told him that it was my right to take it since I asked first,he could not say anything again so I left the place to another area to watch the film I wanted to watch,while I was moving to the area,I could hear victor telling Benjamin that it was because him that he did not talk because he knows Benjamin likes me,hearing their conversation,it sounded meaningless so I decided to watch the film in peace,while I was watching the film,I felt someone presence beside me looking at my side,I noticed it was Benjamin, seeing that he was the one,I continued watching my film,he sat down telling me he wanted to watch the film with me, i adjusted the phone so the two of us could watch the movie together, while we were watching the film,I noticed how close we were but for some odd reason I didn't feel strange or anything like the way I feel around other boys apart from Richard,I felt comfortable,which made me curious about him,while watching the movie,we kept on making fun of ourselves, suddenly when I was distracted by the movie,he snatched the phone away from me and ran away,seeing him taking the phone away from me,I ran after him,this led to us running for a while, when I was tired of running after him I gave up and told him to give me the phone,with a mischievous smile on his face he sat down on a block and told me to sit down beside him but before we could continue watching the movie, Benjamin friend came to him to tell him it was time to go home. since there was nothing to do again and the driver would soon come so I decided to look for Richard so that we would go home together.

Thank you all for reading my novel,I really appreciate but I would also like it if you can comment on it and also review so as to know your thoughts on it.

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