


When I and Richard got home,we were greeted by my mom,she then told us to go to our room to change that she has a surprise for us, hearing this I and Richard hurriedly left for our room feeling excited. immediately we were done changing our clothes,we came downstairs waiting for the surprise my mom had for us,my mom seeing that we were in the sitting room smiled at us and told us to sit down,then she left for the kitchen, seeing her leaving for the kitchen I and Richard looked at each other wondering if the surprise was in the kitchen,we decided to wait to see the surprise,after waiting for a few minutes,we saw her holy a big black nylon, seeing her I and Richard were staring at the nylon wondering what was in it,my mom seeing our curious gaze chuckled, seeing the nylon,I felt like dragging it from her hand but I had to restrain from doing it if I didn't want a scolding from my mom,we watched my mom till she got in front of us and dropped the nylon bag on the table opposite us,she then brought out a white nylon bag that was filled with something like a plate, looking at the nylon bag I recognized it immediately and could not help but to smile, seeing my smile my mom also smiled at me and told me she k ew I would like it after all she bought it from my favourite restaurant, looking at it I squealed in joy and went to hug her while thanking her for what she bought,she bought burgers and ice cream for me which was one of my favourite,she then also gave Richard the same thing she gave me,she apologized to Richard telling him he didn't Know what he like,Richard smiled at her and told her he loved the gift,my mom was very happy hearing this that she let out a smile,we didn't wait any second before we started devouring what she brought in her presence, seeing us she started laughing that the both of us started feeling embarrassed, when she noticed that we were feeling embarrassed she left the sitting room so that we could have our privacy,we were very happy that she left so we were able to devour the food anyhow we like.


I was very happy when I noticed flourish mom also bought the same thing for me,I didn't mind if it was not my favorite or not,I was happy because she showed motherly love and care to me, something that it has been long anyone has shown it to me since my mom died,I was very happy about what she brought and it was very delicious that I could not resist eating everything,i was even looking at flourish own if she had not eaten her own finish but that girl didn't eat like a girl,she ate like a monster,I couldn't believe she had already finished her food and was also looking at my side to see if she can take from mine,the two of us seeing what we were doing started laughing.

Later in the evening,I went to my room to rest, while lying on the bed,I started thinking of the exam and all the things that had been happening in my life,so I decided to give the leader of the shifters a surprise by connecting with her to give her my phone number,that way they would be able to find me and I would be able to get back to my granny but if I should go back that means I would leave flourish behind and her loving family behind and I would really miss them, thinking about this I felt sad but had to do it,so I followed the same procedure and sat down on my bed, crossing my legs while closing my eyes as if I wanted to do yoga,while doing this,my head was cleared, nothing was disturbing me and I slowly drifted away. in my subconscious mind,I met myself in the same beautiful garden, then I summoned the same phone but as I was about to behave as if I was calling her I thought of another idea,I decided to visualize that she was in front of me,after visualizing her,I started talking to her.


The leader of the shifters was in the garden of her mansion reading a magazine while drinking tea,she was enjoying her alone time when she heard a voice,at first it was not clear so she thought her mind was playing prank with her so she ignored it and continued drinking her tea and reading her magazine when suddenly she heard the voice again so she decided to pay attention to it and waited for the voice to talk again for the third time,a second later she heard the voice again, hearing the voice she recognized that it was Richard so she called out to him. Richard seeing that the leader of the shifters answered him was very happy that his little experiment worked. he then replied to the leader of the shifters by greeting her,the leader of the shifters confirming that it was Richard voice was so happy and asked how he was doing and also asked him about his exam,he then replied by telling her that he was good and the exam went well and he has even finish the exam and that was one of the reasons why he called so that he could give her his number and they would be able to talk and even do video calls since he has a phone,the leader of the shifters hearing it was very happy and agree to take his number so he immediately told her the number while she typed it into her phone and saved it. They talked for a while and Richard disconnected from her.

Thank you all for reading my novel,I really appreciate and I would also love it if you all can comment and give a review on it so as to know your thoughts on it and I would really appreciate it if you do so,love you all and please stay safe.

adebogunflourishcreators' thoughts