
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Films
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228 Chs

The-Hazard-Unseen (IV)

"Whoa! This is sooo cool!" Someone exclaimed from the entrance and Harry and his group turned around to see the newest arrival. Harry's mood soured when he noticed the bunch of redheads walk into the top box, with a look of awe etched on their faces. He didn't hate the Weasleys or anything but didn't want to be anywhere close to them, but he simply decided to suck it up and bear with it.

"Hmm… Did they lower the prices of the tickets?" Lucius Malfoy wondered loudly from his spot, his voice being loud enough to be clearly heard by everyone inside the top box. "Weasley, did you sell your hovel to buy tickets?" Lucius asked Arthur with a sneer on his face, making the red-haired man look away in shame… It was pretty clear that the man was simply being cruel just for the sake of being cruel.

All the Weasleys who were looking awed and excited only a few moments ago started to display different reactions… The younger ones were looking down at their own feet in shame while the twins were hatefully glaring at the blonde-haired peacock. Arthur and his wife were simply fiddling uncomfortably, leaving their eldest sons, who were also glaring at the Malfoys hatefully.

"Shut up your trap, Malfoy! Nobody wants to listen to the shite you are spouting!" Sirius exclaimed as he rolled his eyes in exasperation, making some of the foreign delegates openly snicker at Malfoy while the rest simply decided to smirk at him in amusement. The elder Malfoy glared at Sirius and opened his mouth to say something, but Narcissa placed her hand on his arm, stopping him from saying anything.

The man glared at his own wife and huffed in annoyance before staring at the Quidditch field hatefully, leaving only the youngest Malfoy to hatefully glare between Sirius and the Weasleys… It was clear that the boy wasn't sure who he should hate more, the Weasleys, or Sirius… Meanwhile, Narcissa simply sneered at the Weasleys before pointing her nose in the air haughtily.

"Damn! They are still the Malfoys I know and here I was thinking that they woke up today and decided to have a change of heart…" Ted muttered while shaking his head in disappointment.

"The Malfoys change? Don't kid yourself dad" Tonks huffed as she flicked her purple hair over her shoulders.

"Uh… Sirius, thanks for that" Arthur said gratefully as he slowly slipped into his seat. The rest of the Weasleys also started to slip into their seats and their seats were right behind theirs. "I wasn't expecting him to pull something like that" Arthur added, looking a bit embarrassed.

Sirius simply waved his hands dismissively before he finally started to speak… "No need to thank me, Arthur. He shouldn't have done that in the first place" Sirius huffed unhappily. "I hate him and his guts" Sirius added with a scowl.

"Ah… Well" The man slowly nodded his head while rubbing the back of his head. "Sirius, let me introduce you to my family" The man said and started to introduce his family, starting with his wife. When he was finally done, Sirius decided to return the favor and started to introduce his own Family to the Weasleys… Harry noticed that for whatever reason, Molly Weasley seemed to hate Andi and the rest of her family.

"You are Harry Potter, for real?" The youngest son asked Harry, looking extremely excited and Harry started to have a deja vu for the second time today… For the second time, someone was reminding him of Owen Curtis and it wasn't a good thing.

"Yes, nice to meet you too Ronald Weasley" Even though Harry didn't want to, he extended his hand toward the boy as he simply couldn't blow off the boy… That would be just wrong.

"Really?" The boy asked skeptically. "You look nothing like the pictures from the books. You don't even wear spectacles and you don't have a scar" The boy pointed out doubtfully as he narrowed his eyes at Harry. Harry noticed that the boy didn't accept his hand…

"Ronald! How can you be so rude to the poor boy? Albus had to send him away from his homeland… Don't treat him like that!" Molly Weasley snapped at her youngest son while giving him disapproving looks. "He already had such a hard line… He must be looking for real friends. Apologize now!" The woman added disapprovingly.

Harry, Jacklyn, and Brittany bristled at her words, while Brittany's parents, Ted, Andi, and Sirius looked at the woman weirdly… Only a few moments ago, Sirius introduced Jacklyn and Brittany as his best friends and only moments later, the obnoxious woman was saying that Harry needed real friends… If this wasn't fucked up, then none of them knew what was.

"Sorry" The boy mumbled with a red face.

Harry simply waved it off, even though he was more than a bit annoyed right now. "It is alright" Harry shrugged before noticing the youngest Weasley making doe eyes at him. He started to wonder if the girl had a crush on him.

|She better not!! If that weaselette dares to make a move on you then I will skin her alive| Lily snapped in anger. |Molly better control her daughter, or they would need to have a closed-casket funeral for that little twerp| She added with a growl, making Harry grimace internally…

This is exactly what he was worried about for some time… His mom was already extremely graphic with her murderous plans and he didn't want to imagine what she might do if some girl dared to make a move on him. Thankfully, his mom never reacted violently whenever he was with Jacklyn or Brittany… |Calm down, mom. No need to get violent| Harry tried to placate his mom, which seemed to work as she didn't say anything else after that.

"The moment all of you were waiting for has finally arrived! I am Ludovic Bagman, your beloved commentator!!" The man exclaimed loudly with a Sonorus Charm applied over himself and fireworks erupted from the sides of the commentary box… The stadium was almost packed with hundreds of thousands of Witches and Wizards started to cheer loudly. Harry had to admit, a lot of people loved the silly game.

"Looks like we aren't late!" Cornelius Fudge finally arrived at the top box, along with the Irish and the Bulgarian Ministry. There were few people along with them, but thankfully, Cornelius didn't bring his pet toad with him… Harry was already tense, especially with the Malfoys, the man hiding under the invisibility cloak, and the Weasleys; he didn't want to deal with the pink toad over that.

"That's Barty Crouch. He is the one who tossed Sirius into prison without a trial" Tonks whispered while glaring at a man accompanying Cornelius Fudge.

"Really? He still has his job?" Jacklyn asked weirdly as she stared at the man from the corner of her eyes.

"Well, he will be retiring next year from what I have heard… Apparently, he has something in the works and that is why he still has his job" Tonks answered with a shrug. She knew exactly why the man was still working for the Ministry… After all, he was the one arranging the Triwizard Tournament along with Ludo Bagman, so the Ministry simply couldn't toss him out at this stage.

"Your Ministry needs to get their shit together" Jacklyn huffed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"Couldn't have agreed more" Tonks said while nodding her head.

Ludo Bagman finally announced the arrival of the Ireland team… The Ireland team was dressed in green robes and much to the dismay of the Nimbus broom company who were sponsoring the Quidditch World Cup, the whole team was using Firebolt brooms. Leprechauns were the Ireland team's mascots and they started to rain leprechaun gold over the crowd. A lot of people jumped to grab as much gold as they could, but Harry already knew that the gold was fake, so he didn't even bother in the first place.

A cheapskate like Harry would easily recognize fake gold from real gold… Ronald Weasley jumped around to grab all the gold he could with a greedy look on his face until one of the twins pointed out that the gold was fake… When the crowd finally started to calm down after Ludo Bagman finally announced the arrival of the Bulgarian team. The Bulgarian team was dressed in red robes and once again much to the dismay of the Nimbus broom company, they were also using Firebolt brooms.

Then the Bulgarian mascots, the Veelas finally arrived and the crowd erupted in cheers… The Wizards were the ones creating most of the noise, but who cared, and Harry had to admit, the Veelas knew how to get a reaction from the crowd… All of them were scantily dressed and their performance combined with their allure was simply entrancing even though Harry wasn't affected in the slightest.

Though he couldn't say the same about the others… The youngest Malfoy would have probably jumped into the pitch if it wasn't for his mother and it was the same with Ronald, who was being held down by his brothers. Harry looked around the top box to see how everyone was reacting and he was disappointed to find that a lot of people were barely holding themselves back from jumping down.

"Ah… At least, someone isn't salivating" Andi pointed out as she gave him a smile before she started to glare at Sirius, who was staring at the Veelas with clear lust in his eyes. Thankfully, Ted was handling the allure much better than Sirius was, or Andi would have been very cross with him…

The Veelas finally stopped performing and Ludo Bagman finally announced the start of the game…


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