
Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic]

This is a Fanfic... I don't own anything!!! All the characters belong to their respective owners!! --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II, III)~-- Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected... How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Find out about the young Wizard with a different take on destiny and the changes it brings... --~Synopsis (SEASON- IV)~-- Harry is no longer the weak little child that he was a few years ago. Now, he is no longer alone without any allies, but his enemies have also started to make their moves with new enemies starting to rear their heads... What will Harry do? Will he crumble under the pressure or will he thrive in the face of his enemies? ~~This is not a Canon Rewrite or anything similar~~ --~Support the Author~-- If you appreciate and love my work, then you are welcome to donate to support me and keep me motivated. Upto 25 Chapters advanced Chapters of this Fanfic are available on my P.a.t.r.e.o.n. P.A.T.R.E.O.N Link- p.a.t.r.e.o.n.com/IngloriousMe --~Discord~-- If you want to discuss something or check the artwork or the character sheets then join my Discord Server. My Discord Server Link:- https://discord.gg/zdUqAGKrkm

InGlorious · Films
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220 Chs

The-Boy-Who-Met-Crazy (II)

Harry placed the letter on his desk and slumped down in the chair seat… For the next few seconds, Harry simply kept staring at the letter. With a scowl on his face, Harry finally grabbed the letter and tore it open. Harry was really displeased for not noticing the man placing the letter in his pocket. He felt like somehow he failed.

Hedwig who was sitting on her perch squawked in indignation. Apparently, she was pretty unhappy with the fact that some other owl was probably bringing letters to her human… Either Harry didn't notice her indignant squawk or he decided to ignore it for the time being. So, Hedwig simply decided to keep glaring at her silly human.

Harry unfurled the letter and started to read…

/Mr. Potter,

To be honest, I wanted nothing to do with you. When my daughter told me that she wants to become your guardian, I refused, but I finally gave in to her demands. I realized that she really wants to help you, but don't get me wrong, I am still unhappy with the whole thing.

Since you are here and not in that backward country, I guess that you are already aware of your enemies. I also know why you decided to choose my daughter as your guardian. You simply want to use her and our Family name to protect yourself… Maybe, I am wrong and I am reading the whole situation incorrectly, but the fact that you have a lot of enemies still remains.

If something happens to my daughter then Death Eaters would be the least of your concerns and don't think of this as a threat, it's a promise…

Well, anyway, welcome to the Family, I suppose… Regardless of what I said before, I wish you well. I heard that you will be still living on your own, but you are welcome to visit our manor anytime your want.

I love my daughter as you might have already realized, so I will do almost anything to make her happy, but I better not catch you making moves on my daughter, or both of us will be having a very uncomfortable conversation. Though I am still hoping to have another chat with you in the future.

Anyway, good luck… You will probably need it and it goes beyond saying, but keep this letter to yourself.

An extremely displeased father,

Daniel Harper/

Harry placed the letter on the table and leaned back in his chair with a tired look on his face. He closed his eyes and released a huge sigh… His mind was going through various emotions after reading the letter and he needed some time to process everything.

|How dare he? How dare he threaten you? He will…| Lily started to growl in anger, but Harry cut her off.

|No, mom. We will do nothing. He is simply looking out for his daughter and he is right, I am only using Jacklyn and her Family to protect myself| Harry said tiredly. He didn't want to argue with his mom, but wasn't going to budge on this issue… If Daniel decided to backstab him, then it would be a completely different story.

|So, what if you are using them? You are more important than any of them| Lily pointed out heatedly and Harry nodded his head in agreement.

|Yes, I know. I consider myself the second most important thing in this world, but I don't want to treat everyone as a stepping stone| Harry argued back, but there was no heat in his voice.

|Second most important? Who is the first?| Lily asked with a growl, but Harry was still able to sense a bit of hesitation in her voice.

|You are…| Harry muttered in a low tone after a few moments of silence. Even though Lily was already expecting that answer, she couldn't stop herself from blushing like a schoolgirl as her heart started to flutter in joy. |Mom, there is nothing I won't do to protect you and it is the same for Daniel too. He will do anything to protect his daughter| Harry explained, trying to make his mom understand.

For the next couple of minutes, Lily remained silent and Harry simply decided to wait for his mom to speak up… |Fine…| Lily relented with a sigh.

|Thanks for understanding, mom| Harry said as a smile bloomed on his face. |Though I think I will need to ramp up my training. I didn't even feel anything when he placed the letter inside my pocket| Harry grumbled unhappily.

|Yes, you will need more training| Lily agreed. She was also feeling bad for not sensing anything until it was too late, but there was not much she could do… After all, she didn't even have a body and it was making her feel even worse. That is why Lily was feeling so angry. She wanted to make Daniel pay for the transgression… Anyway, she decided to give up her vendetta for the time being.

"Norton!" Harry called out and the said creature appeared beside Harry with a soft pop.

"What can Norton be doing for Master Hadrian?" Norton asked eagerly.

"Prepare the bath… I think I will need to relax a bit and what's for dinner?" Harry asked as he slowly stood up and stretched himself.

"Of course, Master Hadrian. Norton will be drawing the bath for you and Norton hasn't made any plans for dinner. Is there anything Master Hadrian would prefer?" Norton gushed out excitedly and after thinking for a bit, Harry nodded his head.

"Can you make a lasagna?" Harry asked and Norton eagerly nodded his head before popping away. Harry shook his head in amusement and glanced back at the letter.

He clenched his fists in anger and frustration… If his nails were slightly bigger then Harry would be already bleeding from his hands as his nails would have dug into his palms. While he could understand where Daniel was coming from, it didn't mean he was happy with the man. After a few seconds of silence, Harry released a huge sigh…

Harry realized that Daniel could only look down at him because he was weak… Harry hated when anyone looked down at him. It made him remember the time at the Dursleys. Harry closed his eyes and vowed to become stronger… He decided to become so strong that the next time when Daniel meets him, the man wouldn't even dare to breathe loudly in his presence, much less threaten him.

|Yes, we will meet again for another chat, but the next time we meet, you won't be looking down at me| Harry mused internally and Lily simply cheered after hearing his words, but she decided against making any comments…

~~With Lily~~

While Lily was somewhat unhappy with the fact that Hadrian decided not to enact vengeance upon Daniel, she was extremely pleased with his new resolution… She decided to thank Daniel in the future if possible for giving her son the necessary push. While Hadrian was determined enough to pursue his dream of becoming the strongest, he had lost some of his drive after killing the Dursleys.

Thanks to Daniel's actions, the drive her son has lost has been reignited…

Hadrian was already progressing quite quickly and with his newfound drive, he was bound to make his progress even faster. Her talent in Charms has been passed onto her son along with James' talent in Transfiguration, both of their talents paled in comparison when it came to Hadrian's talent in Curses. Her son was simply phenomenal when it came to Curses.

Lily was blown away when Hadrian tried to cast his first Curse… He succeeded in his first attempt and he did it without Wand movements. After that, Lily urged him to try out the rest of the Curses and by the end of it, she was left gaping like a fish out of water. She was shocked to her core when Hadrian successfully cast all the Curses in the 1st year Defense book of Hogwarts in his first attempt.

So, Lily didn't even feel bothered to be surprised when Hadrian learned the rest of the Curses upto 4th year of Hogwarts curriculum in the next couple of months and Hadrian did that with an unmatched Wand… She was so proud of her baby boy that she simply couldn't explain it in words. Yes, the Wand worked for Harry, but it wasn't a perfect match as Hadrian could feel some obstruction in the flow of his Magic.

With all of that in mind, Lily started to prepare a schedule for her son… She has already explained to her son how a person's Magical Core developed and what it meant for their Magic. So, now she simply needed to wait for Harry's Magical Core to mature… After that, she could urge him to learn more advanced Magic. Curses will come first as Hadrian will probably learn them in an instant followed by Charms and Transfiguration.

Unfortunately for both of them, before anything else, Hadrian would need to complete the set of three Rituals, so that Lily could examine his power boost to see if she needed to modify the schedule or not…


A/N: Can you guys guess what Harry's Wand is going to be?