
What if vision survived

Chloe_Stanbridge · Films
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11 Chs

Chapter 9


As Vision starts to wake up, he can't see Wanda anywhere. He looks around and notices he's locked in some sort of cell.

"Wanda!" he called out again and again, but he couldn't see or hear her.

Vision stood up, but suddenly he was hit by a strong headache. He could barely walk; he just about made it to the metal bars, which he held onto to keep himself grounded and upright.

He tried to see if there was anyone outside the cell who could tell him where Wanda was.

Vision thought about what had happened and how he had ended up here, but he couldn't remember how or why he had been locked in a cell.

Finally, someone walked past his cell. "Why am I here, and where is Wanda? You haven't hurt her, have you?" vision asked.

"We haven't hurt her; she is fine; however, she's not here; she's on the maximum security level as she's too dangerous to be here with you and the others," the person told him.

This made Vision laugh. "Dangerous, she's not dangerous; she's probably just scared; her powers lash out when she's scared; she can't always control them; she just needs help; she's not dangerous," Vision told the person.

"I think the people that were enslaved would say different," the person told Vision.

"She didn't enslave people; what are you talking about?" vision asked the person.

"You really don't know, do you?" The person asked. Vision could see the shock on their face.

"No, I don't," the vision told the person.

"She enslaved an entire town and made a fake reality and made it look like she had a happy, perfect family with her version of you and the twins and even a fake version of her brother, and at the same time, she stopped everyone from seeing their friends, work colleagues, or family's. I know it was only a little over a day, but to them, it felt like years," the person told Vision.

"Wanda wouldn't do that," Vision told the person, and he decided that the person must be making all of this up as some sort of weird joke, as the Wanda he knew would never do what the person was suggesting.

"I don't know how else to tell you, but she did, and that's why she's on the maximum-security level, and tomorrow she'll be moved to the raft, and that's where she will stay for the rest of her days unless Director Fury says otherwise or someone higher up cancels." The person told vision.

Vision tried to remember anything that had happened, but he couldn't remember anything apart from waking up and then going to look for Wanda.

"And what of me?" Vision asked.

"You're just in for questioning to make sure you're not in on her plan, and you also got a bullet wound; we just had to see if you survived it; we know you're a robot, but you could still die," the person told Vision.

"So I can leave soon," the vision said.

"Yes, 48 hours max," the person told me.

"Fine, I will go to director fury myself once I am released, and I will speak to him about Wanda." Vision told the person.

"I doubt he'll talk to you; it's very hard to get in contact with Director Fury himself, but anything is possible, I guess," the person told Vision.

The person then left Vision alone in his cell to think about everything and try to decide what he could say to Fury that might work and save Wanda from a life of being locked up. When Vision and Wanda make it to the meeting rooms, they see Pepper and Tony already waiting with fury. They can hear what Fury is saying as they approach.

"As you probably remember, I am Agent Fury. I am the one that has called you here; this is agent Hill," agent Fury said, pointing to his left.


"I called to schedule a meeting. You will be directed to your seats by Agent Hill. We are having this meeting to make sure you're either on our side in the event that another Thanos-like situation comes, or you will be civil and not cause any problems. We're just going to talk about what happened, how it happened, and how you came back. You will need to sign some paperwork merely to show that you are on our side, and then you are free to leave, but we need to be sure you don't mean us any harm first before releasing you." Agent Fury told them.

Vision Wanda Pepper And Tony make their way inside the meeting room as Agent Hill escorts them to their seats.


Although there are people waiting in the room, vision only recognises half of them.

Agent Hill stepped forward.


"Agent Fury will be with us shortly." Agent Hill said, "We just want to know how you survived, how you are back, how you are hurt, and that you will be on our side and that you won't betray us or cause any trouble for us, specifically more than one of you." Agent Hill added, vision sees her looking at four people one by one, including Wanda. "We just want to know how you survived, how you are back, and how you are injured." Agent Hill added. 


"Some familiar faces and some new ones Here at Shield, all new faces will be given a fresh start. Don't waste it. You won't get another opportunity. You're extremely lucky to get any chances since Agent Fury is incredibly picky about his clean slates. You will be watched and supervised to make sure you are keeping your promises. We won't talk to you much unless we need your assistance," said agent Hill.

Agent Fury then entered the room. "Thank you, Agent Hill, for your help. You may sit down now," he told her.

Vision saw Agent Hill go and take a seat next to Natasha and Clint.


 "Okay, so the first thing I'd like to do is question how everyone is still alive. I want you to tell me how you managed to survive as we go through each of you individually. I'll ask each of you individually to see if you all have the same story and if there are any holes in it, so that way we'll know if you're lying and making something up." Agent Fury said, "We know that at least one of you has a past with it," Agent Fury says. "Gamora will be our first stop, I see. I apologise if I have your name wrong; you're a new face here. I'll remember your name and face as time goes on," Agent Fury said. 

"That's how you say it; it's fine." When I opened my eyes, a man stood in front of me. He approached me and said that I might return to life for a second chance at life, but I had to have a consequence of what happened to me: an injury, a permanent reminder of what happened. He gave me two options to choose from: I could choose to return or I could cross over to the afterlife. "I picked an option, and he then put some spell on me, and then I awoke, and I was with the guardians," Gamora told Agent Fury. 

"All right up. The next is Natasha Romanoff, also known as Agent Romanoff, who has been a top Shield agent for the past 15 years. Is your story the same?" Agent Fury questioned. "Yes, they are similar. I had a choice between the two possibilities, or I could enter the afterlife. After making a choice, I woke up on Clint's Farm." Natasha told Agent Fury. 

"Thank you.  Next is Loki of Asgard; I would say it's great to see you again, but it's not so; is your story the same or is it different?" Agent Fury asked. 

"Yes it is the same, when I woke up I was given options; I picked one, and I woke up in New Asgard." Agent Fury was informed by Loki.  

"The next is stark. Does your story match everyone else's?" Agent Fury asked. 

"Pretty much exactly, but I woke up in the hospital; otherwise, there's pretty much no difference; I was presented with two options, chose one, and awoke. Also, they all returned because of Steve, which is the only thing they failed to mention. When Steve put the stones back, he unintentionally reversed all of the deaths caused by the use of the stones, including a sacrifice made for a stone like Natasha. As a result, we all had a chance to come back." Tony told Agent Fury.  

"Okay, that makes sense. The next person is  vision. Do you wish to go by a different name, or is it just vision?" Agent Fury asked.  

"Vision is fine, and everything is exactly the same except the person who approached me was a woman." Vision explained to agent Fury, "I was approached by a young woman, and she said the same thing to me as everyone else was told," Vision told agent Fury.    

"All right, so all of you were spoken to by a male or, in the case of Vision, a woman, and you were given the options of injury or afterlife; I'm not interested in personal details about your injuries or anything like that; that's private; I don't need to know that," Agent Fury said. "But what I do need to know is your abilities and your powers, if they may be affected by your new injury, just so I know how strong and powerful you are in case you do go against us; we need to know so we can be prepared just in case." Agent Fury informed everyone.

Vision saw Agent Fury look at Gamora, who took that as permission to speak.

 "I don't have any powers, as you call them, but I do have abilities. And they are unaffected by my recent injuries. I will learn how to fight and adapt, using them to my advantage." Gamora told Agent Fury.  

"I've heard great things about you and your combat abilities; after a trial, of course, you could be extremely helpful to Shield. I've also heard about you and your team and how they make a good team, so sheild would consider giving all of you a trial if you wanted to." Agent Fury told gamora

Vision then sees Agent Fury look towards Natasha.

Agent Fury says, "I know I don't need to ask, but it's protocol."  

"I know, but my abilities aren't at all affected by my injuries; I'll just recover and adapt." Natasha informed Agent Fury.  

The next person is Loki of Asgard," Agent Fury said.  

"You know you don't have to call me that," Loki said.

Vision noticed Loki starting to get annoyed with Agent Fury.  

"All right, then, what, Loki Lafefuyson?" "Isn't that what it really is?" Agent Fury added. 

"It's just Loki, nothing else," Loki told Agent Fury.  

"All right, just loki. Will your injuries affect your skills and abilities in any way?" Agent Fury asked.  

"No, same as everyone else, I will recover, and I will still have the same abilities, and my other powers will not be affected or taken away," Loki told Agent Fury.  

"Okay, I've heard enough from you. then comes stark." Agent Fury says  

"Nothing could affect this billionaire philanthropist," Tony told Agent Fury.  

Vision saw  Agent Fury roll  his eyes at what Tony said.  

Agent Fury then asked, "All right, Vision, how about you?"  

"I don't have powers, as you put it, but no, my injury won't stop me from fighting; I'll be able to do it pretty much the same as before. And as long as you don't threaten or try to harm Wanda, I'll be on your side. My top priority is her. I'll lend a hand and help you save people. But if you go against her and harm her in any way, I won't help you. If you don't harm or hurt her, we have an agreement that I will continue to stand by your side." vision told Agent Fury. 

"Good.   We need to have as many people on our side as possible, and we need to know who to trust and who not to trust," agent Fury says.

"We will be watching and monitoring all of you for roughly 5 to 6 weeks as a trial to simply make sure you don't break the contract you're about to sign, as agent Hill has informed you. Even the ones we can trust here have to do it; it's protocol, after the trial the ones that have been with us before, you'll be as you were before all of this happened; it's just to make sure you haven't changed when you came back to life." Agent Fury told everyone.  "Agent Coulson will arrive with the documents in a moment." Agent Fury told everyone, "If you can't sign it for any reason, somebody else can sign it for you; as long as that's agreed upon by you, then that's fine." Agent Fury told everyone.  

A short while later, Agent Coulson entered the room with a bundle of paperwork.