
What do you Desire?

This is my book and English is my third language so expect some sentence, grammar and spelling error. A headstart for everyone, the MC may have absorbed Aizen and Dr. Gero's soul but that doesn't mean he will become like them. I am creating a character that is different to them so please excuse me is I offended some people. [Synopsis] A man was transported in a dark place where ball of light lights appear and disappear from time to time. He approached one and devour one ball accidentally. He discovered that it is also a soul and he obtain all of its knowledge. He is in glee and starts devouring everything in his vission. Who would have though that a devil was watching him with interest. Disclaimers: The Picture I used in the cover is not mine. I found in google and all of the credits for the cover is all to him/her. I also don't own the anime characters in this book. They belong to their respected creators, only the originals I created was mine. Thank you for reading this before opening my book. Have a nice day guys!

TheDiplomat · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Chapter 28

--- A/N ---

Hello guys,

Its been a while! How were your days? I hope everyone were doing great. Let us not forget to start our day with a smile. I know it is taxing to some but it can also save our life. A positive mindset is what everyone needed in their daily life.

Be a positive thinker and your life will be saved. Stop being depressed cause you're not the only one fighting everyday. There are millions of people that chooses to fight that complain, complaining will only make our life miserable.

Anyway, stay healthy and safe guys! Have a very nice day guys!


The robots have different appearance and functions that will be useful in this world. A robot that can weld, a robot that can dig, a robot that looks like a dog, a robot that can imitate someone's expression, a robot that dance, a robot that looks like a chef, a robot that looks like a beggar and anything that you can ever imagine!

As for the humanoid beings here, They are adults in different tribes, clans, appearance and colors. They are wearing fancy dresses of different sizes, shapes and colors. Some humans looks normal but some were humanoid version of some beasts. Some looks like a mermaid while some looks like a werebeast from legends in my past life. These humanoid creatures were part of my cloning experiments. I created them to man this city and to help me in my researches in genes while the robots where created to assist me in fixing and taking care of the citizens in my city.

I smiled as I took a deep breath. This city was created by me in the wilderness of Land of Fire. I used every resource I can muster with the help of my shadow clones. I am thankful that my chakra was big and can support hundreds and hundreds of clones just to make this as fast as I can. With my chakra and body stamina, I finished this floating City, that is 100 km in diameter, in 4 years. I exhausted every resources and even stole some e just to make this dream of mine to come true.

The design of this city is that of the Aincard in Sword art online, just that it just have 15 floors, due to some limited resources in my hands, instead of 100 floors and it can't float yet. The resources I used here must be digged up and it is quite hard to find one especially when you have competition (Different Hidden Villages). As for how to float this city, I am still finding some alternative energy source that I can infinitely create with my current technology. I already installed the floating devices but I am short of energy source. The floating devices need lots of energy so I am recreating a miniature star as the core of this city. I am done with it but I am experimenting with it if I can mix the star with chakra and make it more long lastinh.

As for this city, it was built underground so it will be undetectable to every villages and hide every black technologies it contains. I am afraid that someone might take interest of my city and attack me just for the black techs here. I can kill a battalion of ninjas but I can't defeat every Villages all at once in this world, especially the great villages, they have much more resources and man than me alone.

I floated on the road to go to the tallest building in the center of city. The floating blocks beside me is like the upgraded version of a hover board, that uses magnetism to float. The floor of the street were magnetized with the use of constant electricity. The blocks were also magnetized by electricity and uses the same pole with the magnetic floor to float. The increase in altitude of this device is controlled by a variable resistor. This variable resistors are types of resistors that can adjust the flow of electricity with the use of a dial. This limits the flowing electricity inside the floating blocks depends on the desired rate and adjust the altitude of the device

(A/N: Well need to look back again for my Physic subject just for this hahaha. By the way, Did I write this wrong?)

The buildings and infrastructures of this city have the design of an igloo. They are semi spherical shaped houses and mansions except for some buildings. Some building took the rectangular shape from my past life just that every building, houses and mansions were colored with white.

Every flyovers here where covered with a glass tube. That was created to protect every walking bystanders or pedestrians from flying cars passing above and below them. Trees and plants were also planted in an arranged way along the way to add some natural feeling inside this city. Gardening robots can be seen watering the plants and trees along the way.

The source of light of this place is artificially made. Gems were placed on top of this floor that has the ability to convert chakra or any type of energy into sunlight. I created it to lessen my use of LED lights as a substitute for the source of light in my ships. Long exposure to LED light can cause damage to everyone of this place and make their skin irritated if exposed to sunlight after long exposure to artificial light.

Along the way, I was greeted by hundreds of robots and Humanoid creatures. I greeted back with a nod as they resumes to what they are doing. As I floated on the road, I stopped by a very big training ground. This training ground can fit 15 or even more football stadium in it.

Inside this training ground were playing humanoid kids, ranging from 5-12 years old. They wear hightech track suits that have a fitting shirt and shorts and a wooden weapons on their back. The weapons have red outlines and markings in it that makes every attacks they make more human friendly. The suit is adjusted to the size of the child and has a dark red gem embedded in the chest area.

The gems glows in rhythm and creates a strong force shields while they kept on throwing fire, water, earth and different kind of Jutsus and weapons at each other. The kids were taught how to fight early on and shows so much potential to become a strong Ninja/Warrior in the future. They show off their talents in different fields and are observed by training robots in the training field. Some kids strength in this place vary from an Academic student to a high Chunnin level.

The kids were grouped to each other while showing off their skills. One group attacks other groups by sprouting woods on the ground while the other group attacks with the use of big external chakra bone armors in their body. One group attacks with their different control of elements while some attacks with different illusion and tricks. Some even attack with their inhumane strength while some attacks with their inhumane speed.

They are just your normal Ninja Kids training normally but in a more organized way. In the middle of the ground, a special group of people can be seen unique from the crowd. This group of kids were hybrids between humans and beast. Some have furry tails on their back and ears on top of their head, some have wings on their back with some feathers on some parts of their body, Some have almost pure animal traits while some have little to no traits of an animal. But over all, they still play and train normally and happily with all of the kids in this place.

Above these group of kids, a blind old man can be seen sitting on a floating big box. He have a guitar on his hands and plays a joyful tune that makes every childs below vigorous. The tune mysteriously heals the wounds from some kids and make them calm at all times. A female kid, around 6 years old and have a pale white eyes, was watching and imitating the old man. She kept on repeating the same actions what the old man was doing which makes the old man smile.

The old man stopped playing for a while as he sensed me. The girl saw me too and hid behind the old man. The old man nodded to me and pat the girl that is hiding behind him. I also nod to him as I signalled him to do what he is previously doing. The joyful sound rang across the training grounds again and made every kid train and play in happiness.

I entered the biggest building and was greeted by a big hologram of this world. It has the detailed outline of the world I am in. Every places of the globe have different markings in the world and shows different data for me to analyze. Every seconds, those markings update. Some move while some where changes. The said markings are colored Dots, Words, borders and black areas.

The dots are differentiated in three colors which are Red, Yellow and Green. Red Dots in the hologram indicates the position of a Strong monsters and human in this world. They are moving from places to places while some stayed on one area. The glow of red indicates the strength of the individual. The more intense its glow, the more stronger that individual it.

The Yellow Dots indicates different resources. It may be rare metals, fruits, high end materials and more. They shows different glow to, indicating the number of resources in it. The Green Dots indicates different Energy Veins in this world. I marked them to salvage different undiscovered energy vein for my resources. Right now, I have different Energy veins artificially created in this city for my researches.

The Words and Borderlines shows the territory of different Hidden Villages and Daimyous. It also shows the Political and Military power within the said territory. I make it as much detail as it can to see how threathening that place is. Right now I marked the five great nation due to the big chakra signature I scanned to it. Those chakra signature are Kage level ninjas and Jinchurikis of that place.

As for the Blacken area, Those were still unexplored area. Those were areas that my robots and even my subordinate can't reach to. They either die or destroyed before they explored that area.

Every data in this Hologram were the Data taken by my Nano Robots and subordinates. I spread my Nano robot in the whole world to see the whole sketch of this world and gives me more clue for future references. Some parts of the whole world were missing and blacken since an unknown type of energy or forces kept on destroying my bots. I really don't know what it is so I am researching them again and again for a back up plan in the future.

<It's been a while, Master.>

As I am looking at the world map, Jarvis greeted me. I replied "Yes it is, Jarvis. What are the reports for the past few days?"

Jarvis replied <Coming up Master!>

The hologram of the world distorted before it separated into 11 screens. The screen shows 11 individuals all around the world. The first screen shows a man brooding on top of a mountain. He have a long silver hair with a slit pupils on his eyes. He wears a black coat that have two floating crystals behind him. He is holding a three meter long katana as he is solemnly looking at the horizon with his serious yet bored eyes of his.

The second screen shows the previous old man enjoying the accompaniment of the little girl. He is enjoying himself as he plays a joyful tune. He wears a standard black Yukata outfit in Animes and have a wooden banjo like guitar on his hands. He have a bald head and a long white beard on his face.

The third and fourth screen shows two identical kids playing on a beach, Throwing what seems to be a rock. The tall kid is a male while the other is a female. They have dark red hair and two floating robot on their back. They wear beach outfits while they are running away from what seems to be a bunch of natives that wants to kill them.

The fifth screen shows a woman with a busty figure that is running across the wilderness while throwing something in the air. She have a short black hair and an innocent smile on her face while her eyes were closed. She is wearing a white kimono with a small black crystal embedded on her forehead and the middle of her chest. Even if her eyes were close, She is running so fast like she can see the whole world beside her.

The sixth screen shows a man in ecstacy as he looks at the data shown on a screen. he have a blue hair with blond strips on his bangs. He is wearing a laboratory coat and a blue polo shirt inside it. A snake robot was coiled on his neck as it looks at the world so cluelessly. He is shouting and having an orgasm as he looks at the different samples being processed in his different equipments.

The Seventh, Eight, Ninth and Tenth screen shows Two man and woman battling at each other. The two man were a lean and a macho one. The lean man controls fire to attack while the macho man controls the earth. The two woman shows a tall yet flat chest while the other is a short yet a busty girl. The tall woman controls air while the other controls water. They are attack at each other as four crystals, That have the same color as the element they control, was floating behind them.

And Lastly, A young boy can be seen eating a tail made out of chakra as corpse of Ninjas was lying on the ground beside him. He have six different type of tails that varies in colors and in shape. A silver metallic armor can be seen covering his whole body. He have a metal helmet on his head that have a design of a lady bug and have a big mouth on it. That mouth was opened up to half of his face as he munch the whole blue chakra tail he salvaged from an unconscious man beside him.

I nodded to after seeing this as I waited for Jarvis to continue. Every person shown in the screen are my most precious androids I created with the use of every knowledge and bloodline samples I have. The androids in the screen were programmed to obey every commands I say to them without any second thought. I programmed random emotions and temperament on them to make them more free and make them less of a robot. I don't want any emotionless subordinate because they are just too plain. I know this will have a down side in the future but I programmed my superiority to their core so no problem about it I guess?

Jarvis continued <The androids are doing their main mission smoothly. Android 1 is with Android 7, 8, 9 and 10. They are researching the blackened area and see what they can see with it. They also encountered different villages and destroyed it due to the temperament of android 7, 8, 9 and 10. Right now, they are fighting with each other and see who have the best element in this world. Android 1 is too lazy to fix their tempartment so he is letting them do what ever they please as long as they do their job properly. The four androids obtained the nickname "The 4 Heralds of death" due to their records.

Android 2 is in the training grounds and looking out for the Next Generation Ninjas in floor 1. He is making sure that they don't injure themselves and is happily practicing his own symphony. He also started taking an apprentice and hopes that you don't prohibit him for it.

Android 3 and 4 were happily goofing around the world while searching for any artifacts and ancient relics. Currently, they found an unknown device full of seal marks that is not made by the Uzumakis. They are taking it home while enjoying the accompaniment of their pursuers.

Android 5 was busy protecting this ship, She is currently running around the wilderness. She is spreading Her strings in the wilderness while looking for intruders. She is also expanding her clutch by controlling every beast and humans in the vicinity.

Android 6 is busy continuing your experiments. He is currently holding the very first project you created. He have just finished it and wants to give the result for you.

And lastly, Android 0 is still busy collecting the Bijuu's Chakra. He have already the one, two, three, six, seven, eight and nine tails chakra. Two more chakras and his evolution will be completed.

Every androids gained a fame in this world as a myth since I am using your connections to prevent any more news about them spreading about them. I am doing what protocol you issued to me about them.>

I nodded as I look at the progress of my most favorite android. They really live up to my expectations. My androids are my childrens that were created through my own blood and mixed with some random bloodlines. I never thought that my own knowledge about genes increased so much that my Perfect Soldiers can fight Kages at their birth. I know it is so much for the future but my this is just a tip of my plan. My childrens were just another step for my whole plan. A plan that can rewrite or even destroy this world!