
What do you Desire?

This is my book and English is my third language so expect some sentence, grammar and spelling error. A headstart for everyone, the MC may have absorbed Aizen and Dr. Gero's soul but that doesn't mean he will become like them. I am creating a character that is different to them so please excuse me is I offended some people. [Synopsis] A man was transported in a dark place where ball of light lights appear and disappear from time to time. He approached one and devour one ball accidentally. He discovered that it is also a soul and he obtain all of its knowledge. He is in glee and starts devouring everything in his vission. Who would have though that a devil was watching him with interest. Disclaimers: The Picture I used in the cover is not mine. I found in google and all of the credits for the cover is all to him/her. I also don't own the anime characters in this book. They belong to their respected creators, only the originals I created was mine. Thank you for reading this before opening my book. Have a nice day guys!

TheDiplomat · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 29

--- A/N ---

Hello guys! How are your days?

This is the chapter for the week hehehe. I really do apologize for this kind of slow schedule release. I will try increasing my writing speed if I can hehehe.

Anyway, How were your week? Are all of you Fine? Never loose hope guys! Let us strive even if it is hard!

By the way, I thank you all guys for reaching 900k+ views. Just a little more and we will achieve 1M views! I am flattered thinking that I created this for fun and didn't expect some yet people still read it at their free time and shows how they support this novel. I thank you all guy!

For some of you guys who still vote for this novel even if I told them don't, I am grateful of you guys! By the way, Spend those power stones of yours to more deserving novels. I am doing this for fun and to improve my writing skills, Nothing more guys!

Thank you for everyone's support! I will finish the other chapter today and post it tomorrow as a way of thanking you all guys! Have a nice day guys!


The 11 screen combined again before merging into a big Screen. The screen showed 13 different Terrains, that can only be seen in the imagination of people in my past life, one by one. On this terrains, Different chakra beast that varies from height and weight can be seen walking, swimming or flying on it. Some beasts are fighting with each other for supremacy while some are cooperating with each other, creating their own group, just to live on in these cruel terrains.

Jarvis said <The Terrains of the succeeding floors that were artificially made are complete. The new generation beasts were going smoothly together with the creation of the Super Beasts. The Different Mythological creatures you described in the data base were successfully created. Some turned into failures and gone berserk while some beasts became what we was planned to be.

The Plan: Next Gen Ninjas was also ongoing. The kids were being trained to their max potential. Yesterday, We found two Samples that have the potential of opening the Rinnegan of the legends with the use of the special chakra you created. We already contained the first one since he is quite a rude one and creates trouble when he have a time while letting the other stay in this training ground. I never limit the freedom of the last one since she was taken as an apprentice by Android 2. Should I warn him about this?>

I replied "Good, everything are falling how it should be." I caress my chin and continued "No, just let Android 2 do what ever he wants. We already have the first one to experiment on so no problem about not getting the second one. I can always look for another sample if the experiment is unsuccessful."

Jarvis said <Noted Master. By the way master, what should I do with the tailed beast you created? The 5 beast were almost done and will need more chakra samples from the missing three beast android zero still have not eaten.>

I said "Just let them be for a while. I will need to find 5 containers for these beast as they will need to grow. This is my limit of recreating chakra tailed beast. I can't just forcingly create them since they will most likely go berserk and destroy villages at its wake or become unstable and become a walking nuclear bomb that can wipe out almost a quarter of this world. I don't want that since I enjoy my life here and I only have one sample of each tailed beast for this experiment."

I walked to the teleportation room as Jarvis nodded to my words. The screen came back to the original hologram of the world and spins in motion. I smiled coldly while looking at the big red shining dot in the outskirt of the land of Fire. I thought 'I am almost done with my plan old man. I hope you are ready to meet me.'

I teleported in the middle of an ice terrain that is experiencing a strong blizzard. I observed the whole place as I covered by body with Ki. I did this because In this Ice terrain, The temperature here is around -40°c (-40°F) that is accompanied by strong winds all year round and can kill any normal human and average Ninjas here in just a second without any kind of protection. Even if they can survive this Terrain, the ferocious Modified beast living here can kill them in seconds.

I walk forward and can only see Harsh blizzard hitting my body, ice that protruded on the ground and the dark sky. I am thinking the next stage of my plan when I heared growls behind the haze. I blended my Ki in the surroundings to prevent monsters from attacking me.

Every monsters in this ship was created by me and android 6. I tried experimenting about genes and created them to prove my theories about genes. They were all created from normal Animals that is commonly lingering across the world and was mixed with mutated genes of strong Chakra beasts. I started mass cloning them and modifying them before unlocked their Nen nodes.

Every animals that I modified turned into gigantic and powerful beast that can contend to any high Chunnin to elite Jounin Ninjas at their peak. I placed them to different environments and taught them to create and manifest their Hatsus. You can say that each and everyone here were my children. Every Sane beast in this ship created a tribe of their own while some gone senile and berserk as they kept on attacking anyone in their range as their route to evolution is still ongoing.

From my creation, I created around 10 monsters that can contend to Mereum in strength (Around Kage or more level of strength). Those 10 Monsters were called beast kings in their own terrain and where mandated by my android 5. She is so much of a control freak that wants everything in order. I still remember how she single handled those monsters with the use of her Hatsu and the Weapon I created for her.

Every beast kings were separated from each other to prevent conflict and fight from each other. Well due to their gained strength, every kings became arrogant and unreasonable. They always starts conflicts and fights with each other especially when I am not here to mandate or observe them. I am thankful that Android 5 was always there for me.

Every kings created their own tribe in this ship. They also created their own cities that is under Jarvis's supervision and open to any beast and humans in this ship. Even if Jarvis supervises these cities, The beast kings were still giver complete jurisdiction on their city as the ruler of that said city. But there is no free lunch for everyone, everything have a cost and that cost is using their service.

Every androids I created uses beast kings as their own summon together with their children. I arranged that to let my androids tame every kings. I don't want any loose ends no matter what. I can also brainwash every kings here but I am always occupied so I always let my androids do the work for me. I also want to test my androids by taming this Beast kings. I never want any weak androids under my wings.

As I am walking across this place, I heard a growl. That growl starts to become louder as I am seeing a big silhouette of a ferral monster. I moved forward without minding it but the monster waited until my back is facing it. That monster pounced to me but I glanced at it with my Sharingans activated. The Monster have a ferocious face yet it changed into a docile one after a glance. It landed beside me as I caress its chin.

This monster is a big white wolf that spans around 10 meters in length and 5 meters in height. It is a newly created monster that haven't unlocked it's intelligence. Every monsters here were created with the ability to grow intelligent but they always let their instinct overwhelm them. That is the reason why there are monsters that goes rogue and letting their primal instincts overwhelm them.

I mounted the monster and told it to go to my destination. I also placed a mark in this monster because it is full of potential. Even if I am not that trying hard to hide my presence, I can still evade High average Jounin's senses. For this monster to feel and sense me is actually quite astonishing. I will keep this and train it to make it as my other pet other than Kong. Kong becomes irritating now a days but his accompaniment really help me smile every day. I will just bring this monster to help me tame that Gorilla. I estimate that this monster, Even if weaker than beast kings, were still around high chunnin in strength. I will train it to make it around Kong's level.

(A/N: Kong's level is Around mid level Jounin without using Nen and still growing. He have a small change in strength due to his lazy attitude.)

The wolf monster's speed is also astonishing because even if I can feel its average level of strength, it's speed can still outrun almost any ninjas and Kong. I will name it Ferry, short for Fenrir. Using Fenrir as a name is overrated so maybe this will suffice.

I placed a sealing mark in its soul as I purified it with the use of my Reiryoku. Its soul is still evolving but I hope that it became intelligent more than being rabid.

We reached our destination after minutes of running across this barren and cold place. We walked to a mountain side and followed the road. We reached a cave that have a metal gates with it. I jumped down fenny and touched the gate. The two of us were teleported inside and was greeted by a small green humanoid creatures.

The Green Humanoid creature have Long pointed ear, crooked teeth, a square nose and four fingers at each limbs. This creature looks like a goblin from the RPG games that I played on my past life. They were created by Android six as his assistants in his laboratory here. The goblin is jumping in excitement and said "Boss, Boss! You are back! You are back! What do you have for us?"

I smiled and pulled up two scrolls in my pouch. I undid it and 5 dozens of crate popped up to existence. The goblin open them up and saw crates of Candies and meat on it. The Goblin shouted "Everyone! Bring up your lazy buns here! We are going to have a party today! Be grateful to our boss!"

Goblins popped out in different places and shouted """Thank you boss!"""

Everyone shouted in glee and Happily moved their crates to their headquarters. I smiled and moved to the elevator while letting fenny go to the goblin's barracks.

I walked to a metallic corridor before stopping beside a big metallic door. The door opened up and showed a room filled with equipments that produce beep sounds from time to time. The room is dim and quiet. The only source of light would be the flashing lights from the equipments and the screens attached on the wall.

Wires and tubes were neatly arrange to prevent accident from happening inside this room. The tubes were connected to glass container which is placed in the middle of the room. The container is 5 meter tall and 2 meters in diameter. It is packed with green fluids and bubbles are coming up from the bottom of the container.

Inside the glass container is a boy with a long white hair and a muscular body. His muscle is that of a body builder despite his young age and bulged in rhythm with his heart beat. His hair pure white and is 1.5 times longer that his height. Different black markings were protruding from his head to toe. The markings envelopes his body which strangely stops his body from exploding. Whenever the boy's body buldge, the markings glows and constricts his body to stop his body from exploding.

On his face, An oxygen mask was attached to his face as he is solemnly sleeping. The mask emits air and chakra at a fixed time and helps the boy to breath and heal himself slowly.

I walked beside the tube and touched it. Suddenly, The boy inside the container opened his one eye to look at me. I felt uncertain euphoria and fear as I looked dazed at his eyes. I just look at his eyes and started loosing my mind when he closed his eyes and brought me back to reality.

Android 6, that is beside me, asked "Master, I have completed the Formula. Should we inject it now?"

I looked at the boy again and replied "Not yet android 6, it is not yet the time. It is not yet ready. I am still missing one more ingredient so that the transformation will be complete and more powerful. I have my own plans and I am going to visit him later on to get it."

Android 6 Grinned and said maniacally "Copy that, Master.... kekekekeke."

I smiled to him and asked "By the way, How are my tailed beasts?"

Android 6 stopped laughing disgustingly and put on an innocent smile. He replied "They are just next door master. They are almost complete. I am still waiting for the three samples before I activate them. Would you like to see them master?"

I Nodded and followed him to the next room. Android 6 guided me as we entered yet an another big room full full of equipments and machines. The room spans around 20 meters at all side and 30 meters in height. At the center of the room, a big metallic device that have 9 cylindrical glass containers on its side. Monsters with different shape, colors and masses where inside this glass containers. Some were sleeping and Some were still incomplete.

The first container contains an eight fiery dragons. This dragons was made out of fire and their tails are connected to each other. The head of of the dragons vary from each other together with their ability. One looks like a hawk, one looks like the standard dragon head, one looks like a lion and many more.

The second container contains a big minatour that have a metallic horn and a super muscular body. His hoofs shines in metallic luster and his muscles is packed with strength. A gem is attached at his forehead which made it looks like it's third eye.

The third container contain a beautiful mermaid girl that have fins on the side of he face instead of ears. She have a busty figure that was covered by big purple clams and an angelic face that can lure any male humans. She have a shining blue tail, that looks like a fish, instead of legs and a light blue skin instead of a normal light/brown skin of a human.

The fourth shows a girl that have a big similarity to that of an angel. The girl may be flat but her body figure shows it all. She have 6 pairs of white wings on her back a long black glossy hair that drops over her exposed figure. Her wings were so soft to look at and produces a relaxing aura whenever it moves.

And Lastly, The last container contains a devil boy. He have a red skin with cracks all over his body and a bat wing attached to his arms. The cracks were outlined with black light that can seduce any thing to its direction. He have an angular handsome face and a lean yet muscular figure that can attract any woman at his wake.

I looked at each sample and their data in great details. This 5 monsters were the experimental tailed beast that I created. I created them out of curiosity and it is a complex procedure. I almost exhausted two samples of chakra just to shape one beast and that is due to my negligence. I can harvest more chakra but I need to wait for 10 years just to let the tailed beast to recover. That 10 years is just a waste of time for me, That is the reason why I cherish all of my samples.

The other 4 containers contains nothing since the four monsters contained here dissipated due to some misclicked calibrations and wrong analysis. You can say that they are Failures. Too bad since the four containers contains a Leviathan, A Megalodon, a Kraken and a Centaur. I am feeling too bad for those four creations of mine.

I asked Android 6 "Three more samples and they'll be created huh? Are the containers completed?"

Android 6 grinned and said "Yes master! They ready to use but the seal is not yet placed due to 4 and 5's absence."

I nodded and said "That is good. By the way, how are the Androids treat each other."

Androids became solemn and said "Just getting worse, Master. Everyone starts to increase their ego due to their gained strength and weapons from you master, Especially android 7, android 8, android 9 and android 10! Should I kill them now while they are still growing master?"

I smiled and said "There is no need to worry about them android 6, Everything is under control. They are still babies remember? I just created them a month ago. You are the oldest of all androids since you are the first one to come out of your capsule. It is also your responsibility to look out for them. If I were you, I will become more patient about them. Let them explore the world, let them fight and let them laugh. They have their own world and You too do have your own world! As an elder, It is your responsibility to guide them not kill them. Is that clear android 6?"

Android 6 started sulking and rebutted "Ain't this the same with giving your responsibility to others master? You are their parents!"

I grinned and mend with the shadow of the room. A tick of veins appeared on Android 6's forehead as I escaped as fast as possible. I am still young and I hated responsibilities like that! I would prefer playing at my own games than being responsible for others.

(A/N: I am going to edit this if I have a time. This chapter looks so forced for me. If you all think so, just comment on how should I edit it. Thank you guys!)