
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Chapter 1

In an unending expanse of darkness, filled with an unsettling stillness, a minuscule, glowing dot catches the eye. Surrounded by infinite emptiness sits a modern house made of pristine white concrete, adorned with stained glass windows and LED lights in every nook. The house is protected by a towering black gate and sturdy black brick walls.

The house appeared mysterious, situated amidst the hauntingly dark space. Despite no supply of electricity, the house still emitted a remarkably bright and enchantingly mysterious glow from the lights.

Around the decent modern house was a small plot of land with plantation full of vegetables, fruits and a mini farm, a small cages for hens that lay eggs every morning, and more.

Strangely the house was still affected by the changing of day's and weather even though the sun and sky doesn't exist in this endless dark void.

Inside the plot of land, you can see an old man smiling foolishly, wearing trendy summer clothing and a straw hat, while singing along to the loud music inside his house and using a mechanical grass cutter to trim the grass in his yard, despite it already looking neat and tidy.

The old man, seemingly in his eighties, possessed a lengthy white beard and bore a distinctive scar in the shape of an 'x' on his forehead.

Despite the old appearance, the old man exuded a vibrant and youthful aura, both in his physique and the energy he radiated.

The old man let out a sudden sigh and began to speak...

"Sigh, it's been five yea-? No, it's actually six years, since I transmigrated in this isolated world, well it doesn't matter anymore."

Unknown to him, he was living in this empty space for more than countless of years.

Indeed, the old man was a fellow Isekai'd, just like many others but strangely for him he transmigrated in an isolated world.

He was just an average man from Earth, enjoying a leisurely vacation and passing the time watching, and playing games on his phone, lounging comfortably on a soft couch in a lavishly adorned accommodation.

Suddenly, the pleasant sunny weather transformed into darkness. Intrigued by this sudden change, he glanced out of his window and was astonished to witness a massive rock emitting a vibrant green and blue intense glow.

Mesmerized by the glowing meteorite resembling kryptonite, he quickly paused his game and tapped the camera button on his phone to capture the breathtaking view of the meteorite.

Looking out of his window again, he was shocked. He couldn't feel, see or moved his body anymore, everything around him was a never-ending darkness, similar to his sleep paralysis where he was awake but unable to move.

Believing that the current situation was merely a terrible dream, where his sleep paralysis kick-in again, he composed and reassured himself waiting that he would wake up just like the usual.

Feeling that a long time had gone by, even though he couldn't count the time. He was terrified to realize he was still in the endless darkness, unable to budge. Feeling trapped, he tried with all his might to snap out of it, but to no avail.

After a long period of struggling, he finally managed to open his eyes and woke up miraculously. He found himself on a comfortable couch, feeling strange as his body felt heavy and sluggish.

Believing it was already morning, he proceeded to wash his face like the usual. However, upon entering the bathroom, he was taken aback by the sight of a stranger who seemed oddly familiar. The stranger was a bald old man with a long beard, an 'x' mark on his forehead, was naked, and had defined muscles full of scars. Startled, he couldn't help but let out a loud curse in fear.

After a brief outburst of cursing, he successfully regained his composure. He reflexively raised his hand to touch his face and was taken aback to witness the old man in the reflection mimicking his actions. As he lowered his head and examined his physique, he was astounded to discover his body adorned with scars and well-defined muscles, resembling the bald old man in the mirror.

He was shocked and snapped back to reality and comprehended the authenticity of the previous events; he had died from the meteorite and transmigrated as an old man he had been playing in the game.

Believing that he has possessed a power similar to the old man like in the game. Without thinking, he imitated his actions and exclaimed, "Burn everything to ashes! Ryujin Jakka!" To his surprise, nothing happened.

But what baffled him the most was that when he went outside, all he could see was a solitary plot of land suspended in an isolated, eerily quiet, endless darkness.

Back to the current situation.

After cleaning his lawn, the old man quickly fed his hens that were laying eggs every morning. He checked on the eight chickens one by one to make sure they were healthy.

The old man set the chickens free from their cage and talk to them.

"Go find you're meal"

The old man freed the chickens to search for their own food and nourishment, like insects and worms. Occasionally, he provides them with vegetable and fruit seeds. This aids in their mental stability and ensures they receive more nourishing food, to lay more eggs.

The eight lively chickens quickly scurry around, searching for their food in every nook and cranny.

"Every time I lay eyes on those lively chickens, I experience a sense of relief. But, it looks like some of them are gradually changing, as if becoming more intelligent and clever. Well, it doesn't matter, as long as their eggs are healthy and edible it's all good."

He casually dismissed the chickens' transformation, after all, being transported to a endless dark space with, a plot of land, a house, and turning into a video game character was far more absurd.

"Hmm? Chrisbrown! Come over here!"

Suddenly, a silly-looking brown shiba inu dog came running.

The old man spoke, after flinging the vegetables onto the ground, saying.

"Here's your meal, It's a pumpkin as usual, It's a bit tough like a hard gum but full of nutrients. Eat it all and don't be choosey, or I'll kick you out."

"Woof, woof"

The dog barked as if understood.

The dog actually belongs to his little brother named Chris, who left his precious dog behind while he went to buy some drinks to fully enjoy their vacation before the meteorite fell from their vacational house.

Unfortunately it was the last moment he will see them.

After forgotten the name of the dog, he decided to name it after his younger brother and the dog's brown fur color. The outcome was the creative name Chrisbrown.

Thanks to the mysterious power of the plot of land, and the house, that providing him endless amount of water, gas, and electricity, he was able to survive  in a not so completely empty space.

He also didn't experienced hunger because of the mysterious fast growth of the fruits and vegetables in his land. Though he was fed up, because he was becoming more of a vegetarian.