
Westeros : Echoes of Warframe

In "Echoes of Warframe," Maximus Mormont awakens in the turbulent world of Westeros, discovering he wields the powers of Warframes, Tenno from his past life. Amidst the intrigue of the Game of Thrones, Maximus must unlock and master his Warframe abilities while navigating the perilous political landscape. Struggling with the loss of his former existence and the weight of newfound responsibilities, Maximus grapples with inner doubts and external threats. With allies and adversaries lurking in every shadow, he must harness his Warframe powers to survive. As Maximus delves deeper into Westeros' secrets, he unravels hidden agendas and confronts unexpected challenges. With the fate of the realm hanging in the balance, Maximus must confront his own desires and the true nature of his new world, forging a path that will shape the future of Westeros and beyond. ---------------------- Your feedback is invaluable as I embark on this writing journey. Please note that all elements mentioned are copyrighted by Warframe, and characters from Game of Thrones belong to George R.R. Martin; I am merely integrating them into my narrative. Any constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcomed as we craft an engaging tale together.

Tychobrahe_1307 · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 12

Maximus landed the Kaithe outside the camp, his heart racing as he took in the bustling scene before him. He had expected a modest increase in numbers, but the sight of more than a hundred people moving in and out of the camp left him stunned. The once quiet settlement was now a hive of activity.

Dacey appeared at his side, a welcoming smile on her face. "Max, welcome back," she said warmly. "We need to talk. Follow me to the meeting room."

Maximus nodded, still processing the sheer scale of the camp's transformation. He handed Daenerys over to Ordis, who led her to Lyanna, playing in the newly constructed park for children. "Take care of her," he instructed gently.

In the meeting room, Dacey wasted no time. "Ordis, inform the leaders that we will be meeting in one hour," she commanded. Turning to Maximus, she began to explain the situation. "We've had quite the influx of people since you left."

Maximus listened intently as Dacey detailed how she convinced Xerna's Wolf Fang tribe to move in first. "When more people started coming in, we used temporary tents to accommodate them," she explained. "I divided all able-bodied men based on their expertise. Ordis ran extensive tests on everyone, assessing their skills and mental psyche."

She paused, allowing the information to sink in. "We identified 20 suitable hunters, 10 warriors, 20 builders, and the rest are either too young or too old. The older ones, with Ordis's help, are in charge of the children. The builders are expanding the camp, bringing in wood from the forests, while extractor drones collect metal and other materials."

Maximus nodded, impressed by the organization and progress. "And the warriors?"

"They're using machinery to dig and build walls," Dacey continued. "The hunters have adopted advanced techniques to hunt, with Ordis using drones to bring in fish. We've made significant progress in a short amount of time."

Dacey's eyes met Maximus's, a hint of pride in her voice. "I promised the other tribe they could move in after we settled the current one. But making so many people swear oaths at once is challenging."

Maximus frowned, contemplating the logistics. "Swearing in only the warriors, hunters, and leaders of the building team might be more manageable," he suggested. "We can save the rest for future tribe leaders that join."

Dacey nodded, her eyes gleaming with approval. "That makes sense. We could also consider changing the tribe's name to their second name, so they don't feel they're abandoning their ancestors. And we should build a temple for Sthira."

Maximus smiled. "Let's start with a statue of her first. We can build the temple later. Now, let me meet the leaders of the teams."

Three men entered the room: Xerna, a man with wolf-like features, and another with an enormous body and thick arms.

Dacey introduced them. "Maximus, Xerna is in charge of the hunters. This is Horst, who picked up building the fastest and currently leads the rest of the builders. And this is Ulfur, leader of the warrior team. He beat your records in the Simulacrum with the bow and knife in a day."

Ulfur stepped forward, sizing Maximus up. "I thought you'd be bigger, seeing your records. But you're younger... and a monster with those weapons according to those records."

Horst laughed, clapping Ulfur on the back. "Manners, Ulfur. Forgive him, Maximus. He's a simpleton, all he thinks about is weapons and food."

Horst added, "I've seen your plans for the city. It's enormous according to the data. It can accommodate a staggering number of people. I'm shocked but honored to be able to follow you."

Maximus chuckled. "No offense taken. It's an honor to meet all of you. Let's make these plans a reality. We'll bring the change the world needs."

Ulfur's eyes gleamed with a competitive spirit. "Can I challenge you before the oath swearing?"

Maximus raised an eyebrow. "Challenge me?"

He pointed at Xerna and said, "He became stronger than me after some oath he took. I might need time to adjust after gaining more power, so better fight before that."

Maximus grinned. "Very well, Ulfur. Let's see what you've got."

The training grounds buzzed with anticipation as Maximus and Ulfur faced each other in the Simulacrum. Maximus chose Sun and Moon dual swords while Ulfur picked a Grineer knife. The air crackled with tension as they began.

Ulfur rushed forward, his movements swift and aggressive. Maximus dodged, countering with a series of precise strikes. Ulfur matched him blow for blow, his skill evident in every move.

Maximus felt the rush of adrenaline, his senses heightened. He began to use energy to enhance his speed and strength, attacking with greater ferocity. Ulfur dodged skillfully, feinting an opening. Maximus lunged, but Ulfur used the opportunity to put his knife to Maximus's throat.

Maximus conceded, a smile on his face. "You're good, Ulfur. Very good."

The room erupted into cheers. Ulfur, grinning, shouted in his native tongue, rallying the warriors. Xerna ordered the hunters to assemble. Thirty men—hunters, warriors, and Horst—knelt, swearing their swords and lives to Lord Maximus and Goddess Sthira.

Maximus felt the surge of oath magic, binding their words. He bestowed them with the capacity for magic, giving Ulfur and Horst 50 units each, and the rest of the team 30 units. They began absorbing energy from the surroundings, meditating as Maximus turned on Wellspring to aid them.

After the ceremony, Maximus returned to the meeting room with Dacey. "Ordis, pull up the citadel plans," he instructed.

The holographic display showed detailed blueprints of a sprawling fortress across oldtown. Maximus and Dacey studied the plans.

Ordis's voice broke in, "Operator, I have identified three key points within the citadel structure. Targeting these will bring the whole citadel down. However, transporting the bombs in will be challenging."

Maximus's eyes narrowed in thought. "How long until the explosives are ready?"

Ordis responded, "What kind of explosives do you intend to use, Operator?"

Dacey interjected, "Nothing that causes radiation or permanent damage. We need to reclaim that land in the future, and there are many innocent lives at stake."

Maximus nodded in agreement. "We'll use cold fusion bombs. Even a small one will collapse the structure and the cold will incapacitate most of the occupants within minutes."

Ordis calculated quickly, "It will take approximately three hours to construct the devices."

Maximus asked, "Can my Warframe access inventory?"

"Yes, Operator. Helios has scanned the coordinates of the citadel. You can remotely summon your Warframe there, though it will consume significant energy."

Maximus made his decision. "Ordis, start building. We'll act at sunset, before the maesters retire to their residences."
