
Westeros : Echoes of Warframe

In "Echoes of Warframe," Maximus Mormont awakens in the turbulent world of Westeros, discovering he wields the powers of Warframes, Tenno from his past life. Amidst the intrigue of the Game of Thrones, Maximus must unlock and master his Warframe abilities while navigating the perilous political landscape. Struggling with the loss of his former existence and the weight of newfound responsibilities, Maximus grapples with inner doubts and external threats. With allies and adversaries lurking in every shadow, he must harness his Warframe powers to survive. As Maximus delves deeper into Westeros' secrets, he unravels hidden agendas and confronts unexpected challenges. With the fate of the realm hanging in the balance, Maximus must confront his own desires and the true nature of his new world, forging a path that will shape the future of Westeros and beyond. ---------------------- Your feedback is invaluable as I embark on this writing journey. Please note that all elements mentioned are copyrighted by Warframe, and characters from Game of Thrones belong to George R.R. Martin; I am merely integrating them into my narrative. Any constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement are welcomed as we craft an engaging tale together.

Tychobrahe_1307 · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 11

Maximus and Xerna sat around the campfire, the flickering flames casting long shadows across their faces. The camp was bustling with activity, a stark contrast to the quiet tension that hung in the air.

Xerna leaned forward, relief softening his weathered face. "Maximus, my daughter is doing better. The medicine Ordis provided has worked wonders. I'll be heading out tomorrow to contact other tribes' hunters and bring them here. I need Ordis's help to take care of her while I'm gone."

Maximus nodded, glancing at the child sleeping peacefully under a makeshift shelter. "Of course, Xerna. Ordis will ensure she gets everything she needs."

Turning to Dacey, Maximus's expression grew serious. "Dacey, I need you to move into the camp with Lyanna and take care of Xerna's daughter while he's gone. With Ordis's facilities, she'll be in good hands."

Dacey nodded, understanding the weight of the responsibility. "Alright, Max. The camp has everything we need, and Ordis can assist. It won't be a problem."

Xerna visibly relaxed, bowing his head slightly. "Thank you both for taking care of her. She means everything to me."

"What is her name, Xerna?" Maximus asked gently.

Xerna's eyes softened. "She doesn't have one yet. In our tradition, she gets to pick it after she turns five. It's a significant moment for us."

Maximus nodded, respecting the cultural significance.

As the fire died down, Maximus and Dacey returned to the orbiter. The night air was crisp, and the stars twinkled overhead like distant, indifferent gods.

Dacey broke the silence, her voice a soft murmur. "How are the preparations for Braavos going?"

Maximus sighed, rubbing his temples. "Helios is in Braavos, scouting the Sealord's Gardens' security. It saw Daenerys crying in the garden while Viserys was hitting her. I don't know the entire scenario yet, but I'm confident I can bring her here. Just waiting for Ordis to finish making the nerve relaxant to make her sleep while I bring her here. It's a sea trip that might take more than a week to and fro."

Dacey looked at him, concern etched on her face. "And you're sure you can do this alone?"

Maximus nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "I have to. You meet with the hunters and take care. Have Ordis on standby when you meet them. I don't want to take any chances with your safety."

Dacey smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about me, Max. Just come back safely."

Maximus smiled back, the weight of leadership and responsibility heavy on his shoulders. "I will."

The next morning, Maximus boarded his small vessel, the Kaithe, ready to take him across the sea. The journey was long and uneventful, the monotony broken only by the occasional sighting of a distant ship or a pod of dolphins playing in the waves.

After three days of boring sea travel, Maximus finally arrived in Braavos. The city was a bustling hive of activity, with merchants shouting their wares and ships from all over the known world docking in the harbor. Maximus waited until nightfall, using the cover of darkness to sneak into the Sealord's Gardens.

Ordis guided him through the intricate pathways, his voice a calm presence in Maximus's ear. "Security is tight, Operator, but I have mapped out a safe route. Proceed with caution."

Maximus moved silently, his heart pounding as he approached the secluded garden where Daenerys was often seen. Through the bushes, he spotted her, a small figure sitting on a bench, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Viserys stood over her, his voice a harsh whisper.

"Look here, little lizard," Viserys hissed, his voice sharp as a viper's strike. "Remember what they call our house words? Don't come at me with that meek mummery of 'dragons don't wake.' A dragon wakes when it pleases, especially a true one."

He leaned closer, his eyes glinting like chips of obsidian. "Don't be a fool, Dany. Dragons are fire and fury, not scared little girls who whimper about waking dreams."

"Do not wake the sleeping dragon, Daenerys. Remember that," he spat before turning and storming off.

Maximus waited until Viserys was out of sight before approaching Daenerys.

She looked up, startled, her tear-streaked face filled with fear. "Who are you?"

"My name is Maximus. I'm here to help you," he said, kneeling before her. "But we need to leave now."

Maximus reached into his inventory and pulled out a small vial of nerve relaxant. "This will help you sleep. I promise you'll be safe."

Maximus administered the nerve relaxant, and Daenerys quickly fell into a deep sleep. He lifted her gently and made his way back to the Kaithe, using humor to keep his spirits up despite the danger.

"Well, Dany, this might be the strangest rescue ever," he muttered to himself, chuckling softly as he imagined her reaction when she woke up.

As they sailed back under the cover of night, Daenerys stirred, waking up to the sunrise. She found herself tied to a handsome boy with dark hair sleeping soundly. She was in a daze, mesmerized by the view of the rising sun casting golden hues over the sea. Suddenly, she looked down and saw the bone horse with wings beneath them soaring through the sky.

A scream escaped her lips, jolting Maximus awake. "Are you the Stranger? Am I dead? Did my brother really kill me?" she shouted, her voice filled with panic.

Maximus winced, rubbing his ears. "Easy there, Daenerys. You're not dead, and I'm not the Stranger. Just a handsome rescuer with a flying horse."

Daenerys stared at him, her fear slowly giving way to confusion. "A rescuer? Why would you rescue me?"

Maximus smiled, trying to keep the mood light. "Because you deserve better than that jerk Viserys. And because frankly, I needed an excuse to go on an adventure."

Daenerys's eyes narrowed, but a hint of a smile played on her lips. "An adventure, huh? And where exactly are we going?"

"To a place where you can be safe, free, and will not be sold to a horse man," Maximus replied with a smirk, guiding the Kaithe through the morning sky.

As they continued their journey, Maximus did his best to coax Daenerys into a better mood. He showed her the camp he had built for Lyanna, complete with a small park where she could play.

Daenerys snorted, trying to hide her excitement. "I'm not a child, you know. I'm almost your age."

Maximus chuckled. "I know, but everyone deserves a place to feel safe and have fun."

Daenerys remained skeptical, but Maximus could see the excitement in her eyes. As they made their way back to the camp, the journey took longer than expected. Daenerys's presence, while welcome, meant they had to move more cautiously and take longer routes to avoid detection.

Despite the delays, Maximus and Daenerys grew closer. They shared stories of their pasts, their hopes, and their fears. Maximus learned about Daenerys's longing for freedom and her dreams of a better future. In turn, he shared his vision for the camp and the community he hoped to build.

Back at the camp, Dacey watched as Maximus rode into the horizon. She whispered a silent prayer, "I will build a good start before you come back. Goddess Sthira, watch over him."

Turning to Lyanna, who looked up at her with wide eyes, Dacey said, "Come on, Lyanna. We have work to do."

Returning to the camp, Dacey took charge with a sense of determination. With Ordis's help, they monitored the cannibal tribe with extractor drones, ensuring they remained inactive.

The next day, Xerna returned with the tribal leader of his old tribe, along with a few hunters from other tribes. Xerna's tribe was small, only 180 people, but Dacey saw potential in their unity and strength.

Dacey stood beside Xerna as he translated for her. She addressed the tribal leader and his men, her voice firm and confident. "We have a vision for a stronger, united future. Join us, worship Sthira, and give up the old gods and old ways. Together we can build something great."

The tribal leader, a weathered man with a piercing gaze, regarded her skeptically. "Why should we trust you? What do you offer that is worth abandoning our traditions?"

Dacey nodded, acknowledging his concerns. "I understand your hesitation. Let me show you what we can achieve together."

With Xerna translating, Dacey led the tribal leader and his men through the camp. She showed them the advanced technology they had, including the training sessions where warriors can practice to increase efficiency and precision. She highlighted the peaceful lives of the Cetus and Duviri people who thrived under the guidance of Sthira's teachings through Ordis.

"These people," Dacey explained, "have learned to live harmoniously with advanced technology. They are stronger, healthier, and more united than ever before. This is what we offer you."

The tribal leader's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "And what do you expect from us in return?"

Dacey paused, ensuring Xerna translated her words accurately. "We ask for your trust, loyalty, and cooperation. Join us, and we will provide food, protection, and the opportunity to grow stronger together. We will help you defend your people against any threats and share the resources we have."

The leader exchanged glances with his men, then turned back to Dacey. "Very well. We will join you, but we expect to see these benefits. We will start moving our tribe in and help in expanding this camp. If we find you have lied to us, there will be consequences."

Dacey nodded, a smile of relief spreading across her face. "Thank you. We will not disappoint you."

The tribal leader, feeling a mix of skepticism and hope, watched as Dacey showed them videos of Cetus and Duviri. The men and women in the videos were differently shaped and moved with a grace that spoke of strength and peace. The hunters whispered among themselves, pondering the possibilities.

One hunter, a tall man with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward. "What about the protection of our families, even after we die? How do you plan to accommodate all our people?"

Dacey showed them the plans to build a city, pointing out areas designated for housing, training, and communal activities. "We have thought about the long term. This city will have the capacity to accommodate everyone. Your families will be protected and well cared for."

The hunter's eyes narrowed. "And this knowledge, these teachings—are they truly free?"

Dacey nodded. "Yes, they are. Our strength comes from unity and shared knowledge. We will teach you everything we know, and together we will grow stronger."

After bending together and discussing in hushed tones, another tribal hunter, a burly man with a deep voice, spoke up. "We agree to your terms. We will start moving our people in. However, our tribe is larger than Wolf's Fang, with around 300 adults and 100 children. It will take time to accommodate everyone."

Dacey nodded, understanding the logistical challenge. "We will start with Wolf's Fang and then make preparations for your tribe. We have the resources and the will to make this work."

With the new arrivals integrated into the camp, Dacey set up training sessions, utilizing Ordis's advanced technology to enhance their skills. The camp soon became a bustling hub of activity, with everyone working together towards a common goal.

The tribesmen quickly adapted to the new technology, impressed by the benefits it brought. They marveled at the efficiency of the training programs and the advanced tools that made their daily tasks easier. As they settled into their new roles, the camp's unity and strength grew.

Dacey took every opportunity to strengthen the bonds between the different groups, organizing communal meals and encouraging collaboration on various projects. She knew that fostering a sense of community was crucial for their long-term success.

The tribal leader, observing the changes, felt a mix of relief and cautious optimism. He watched as his people began to thrive, their lives improving with each passing day. The promise of a better future under Sthira's guidance seemed within reach.

As the days passed, the camp thrived. The newcomers contributed their unique skills and knowledge, enriching the community. Dacey watched with pride as the camp evolved into a well-oiled machine, ready to face any challenge that came their way.

In a week, the tribal leader returned with more of his people, fulfilling his promise. Dacey welcomed them, ensuring they were integrated smoothly into the growing community. With each new addition, the camp's strength and resilience grew, embodying the vision of a united future that Dacey and Maximus had dreamed of.
